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Is Skyward Sword the Best Zelda Game Ever Made?



Hey guys and gals Triforce123 here and thinking my mind id going to explode. I cannot wait for Skyward Sword! We have a month and one or two weeks till it is released. God! I'm really looking forward to this game! But, I want to see what all of you think about Skyward Sword? Will it be the best zelda game ever created? Or will it fall a little behind and go as just a "great game"? I think it will be better than OoT, but I don't really want to say that because I know people will disargree with me. So? What do you think it will be the best zelda game ever created? Or will it still fall behind to OoT? Please reply!
See ya peoples!
Sep 25, 2011
I hope it will. I read that if SS isnt the best, there will not be any more zelda games ever again.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Not yet it isn't, the game hasn't even been released! But, I have a hunch it will beat OoT. Not in my mind, me being the OoT fanboy I am, but across the general populace.

In my mind, no game can beat OoT. There's just something that makes a game's flaws really stand out to me. SS no doubt will have some flaws...though I can't say what they are, given that the game hasn't come out yet. So, to me, whatever flaws this game has will somehow make it worst than OoT no matter how ridiculously small they are. :xd:

SS has a great chance of sharing a seat with OoT/MM as best game ever in my opinion though!


Airbending Slice!
Dec 6, 2008
New Albany, Indiana
It's kind of early to talk about this since the game still isn't out...but anyway...

I don't think it will be the best, but it will be good. Zelda has never had a bad game really (I'm not counting the CD-i since those weren't even made by Nintendo.)

And the day they stop making Zelda games is the day I stop living. :(


Jan 19, 2011
I have tried out the game at PAX in seatle, controls are top notch! What we know about the story is amazing, especialy the intro (now in english) I actually cried while watching it! They didn't rush this one, and I think that's really gonna show.

Ocarina fan boys, let this game be your new master!
Sep 10, 2011
When it comes to nostalgia, yeah, people had it for OoT, 3D graphics, deep storyline, and this was all new. But wouldn't your first time controlling precisely, movement by movement, the hero you already have nostalgia for, give you even more nostalgia? This game will have so many new, innovative things (motion controls, graphics, etc) that nostalgia will grow on people just as much as/if not more than Ocarina of Time. We'll have to wait and see I guess!
Sep 4, 2011
well DUH, of course it beats OoT. The OoT fans treat MM like trash. The main reason some people like OoT as if its there lives, is they play it first. A reason for not MM so much is because its short and doesen't give clear story line. So they will not think that MM is hiding secrets, they will think some random thing like "ooh it was crafted from some dude, and he's the FD so uh hes trieing to destroy it" No, at least people who play WW or TP first will get into how OoT isn't too great, we can see more clear;)
I'm not being mean or anything but thats how it feels, as for SS, it will beat it truly if you aren't changed from OoT and you could see it being much better in gameplay, and story line.
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The Unknown
Jun 19, 2011
Well, like always nothing will be "perfect." I mean, look at Twilight Princess. Nintendo intended it to be "the biggest Zelda adventure" (which, literally, it was) but it fell short of some people's expectations. The "best game ever" depends on the eye of the beholder. There is no game that's "perfect" there're always haters out there.

Anyways, if you're talking about personal opinion, well, I think that this game could beat Ocarina of Time. I wouldn't say will because I wouldn't want my hopes to get too high only to be lowered when I play the actual game (yes, Wind Waker, I'm looking at you :mad:). From what I've seen, the game looks gorgeous, almost even better than Twilight Princess' art style. The gameplay is also a step up among most Zelda games. Miyamoto even said that after playing Skyward Sword, he can't see another Zelda game with a control scheme that's not similar to Skyward Sword. Through sound, well, it's orchestrated! It truly can't get better than that (although knowing Nintendo, it probably will ;)). There's also so many things to do with this game. With the promise of 50-100 hours of gameplay, this might truly top Ocarina of Time. I just hope that 1/3 of that 100 hours of gameplay won't be spend on tedious travelling.

Well, that's about all I have. I truly hope that this game will top Ocarina of Time, but it's still too early to say. Well Skyward Sword, you better try to prove me right! :D

green goron

Best of the Gorons
May 15, 2010
Death Mountain
This the promblem with zelda fans. Before every release we make it out to be the best game ever and then it turns out that it's not the best and just an average zelda game and then we say it sucks and criticise it.


The Spy-Sniper Combo
Dec 20, 2010
"Right behind you."
I don't think we should start making any judgements until the game has been released and we've had a chance to play it. I certainly hope it will be a good game.


Hero of the Skies
Aug 24, 2011
It should be, with all the new features and overly positive previews by the huge gaming websites. It may be to early to say, but I think it will be the greatest Zelda.

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