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Is Ganondorf the hero?

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Wind waker's monologue imo doesnt alter his motivations, it just provides additional context

Mostly jealousy
Why conquer hyrule over other lands? That's what wind waker can answer
Sep 5, 2020
No offense but I think the Ganondorf = true hero of 10,000 years ago is as dumb as the Ganondorf being Link's father theory that a lot of people were believing in before BOTW's release. And all because Link had a blue and red striped design on his shirt's collar that looked like the design on the Gerudo's crop tops. Turned out it meant nothing.
I'm not saying it can't be a major twist, if they explained it right. Just a really risky, bad one that would make equating Link with the ancient Hero image in BOTW and AOC lose its meaning. The ancient hero is meant to be Link, just as the ancient princess image is meant to be Zelda. It's, like, on the game card. XD It'd be really messed up if it turned out to be Ganondorf and Zelda instead. XD
I am very interested, though, of course, to know how mummy Ganondorf got sealed. And who that hand is...


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
So it obviously wouldn't be the same Ganondorf that we see in other games, considering that at the end of the DT he's a giant pig monster and he's very dead by the end of the CT and AT. So it would either be a reincarnation (like we see in FSA), or an entirely different and unrelated person. I think the implication of this thread is the latter, if the hero suddenly turned evil and took Ganondorf's name, along with his malice. Perhaps by the power of Demise's malice (the malice we see present in BotW)-
Beyond those who willingly serve evil are those corrupted by it. These may be animals or plants, or even inorganic objects manipulated in some way by darkness
-Zelda Encyclopedia. Ganondorf is filled with this malice, Ganondorf dies, it infects a new host as it has in times past-
Evil finds champions in the Wind Mage Vaati, as well as the Lokomo demon Malladus, but no threat has been as persistent as the power hungry Ganondorf
-Zelda Encyclopedia. In this case, it would be the hero.

But, that wouldn't make any sense at all. First off, if it's a different person the red hair is just a coincidence and doesn't qualify as evidence. Second off, what would that make Calamity Ganon? We know that the hero fought of 10,000 years ago fought him. So would that be the original Ganondorf, and the hero became a separate evil entity? Thirdly, the emancipated villian we see in the BotW trailer looks way too much like Ganondorf. Even if some random guy got possessed by him, it wouldn't explain all the Gerudo symbols.
Aug 7, 2022
I thought of Ganondorf as the good guy in wind waker because he wanted to restore Hyrule to its greatness. But in truth he was doing it for himself. He wanted Hyrule for him as he says in the ending. So he's the bad guy because he wants Hyrule for himself.

The Dashing Darknut

DD, the dashing one
Jul 7, 2021
Twilight Realm
Male, he/him/they/them
The Gorons of OoT were too stupid to live anyway. They would have decided to starve to death
I thought about this for a while, but what if like, those were the only rocks they could eat back then, it was their main source. I mean yeah why couldn’t they just keep punching the rock or eating the boulder

BotW shows that foods like ore are not something they eat so
Last edited:
Jan 11, 2021
It would have to be AT Ganondorf or new Ganondorf for this to be narratively satisfying. Zelda 1 monster Ganondorf or TP "I want the whole world to be darkness" Ganondorf would make for a bad twist, but AT Ganondorf, emerging from his stone cocoon to a new Hyrule with no hero and taking that mantle on himself to fight off what I would presume to be a Zonai threat, only to be sealed by a weird spirit hand, his malice leaking forth.

Or a new Ganondorf was born the hero, like a Gerudo Link, who fought off whatever the Zonai calamity was, but then the whole thing was pinned on that Ganondorf, he was executed, but then the Zonai placed the spirit hand to seal him and now he is LEAKING.

Or he isn't the hero and this theory has no evidence.


Angel of Darkness
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ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
The hatred of Demise will be reborn again and again and again. So nope, big G is not the Hero becoming big G. Not suddenly turning evil but already meant to be evil. Although interesting theory. It would be cool to see a Link turning evil by the end of the game

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
He's not intended to be the hero, but his current role is entirely a result of Ganon and other villains have virtually no screen time.

We're never given an opportunity to see any motivation or nuance in Ganon's actions, since he tends to show up at the very beginning and the very, very end of every game he's in. In the case of Twilight Princess, Ganon has less screentime than Senator Armstrong of Metal Gear Rising fame, a villain who famously makes his first face to face appearance with the player during the game's last hour.

And Ganon isn't half the villain Senator Armstrong is.
Jun 16, 2024
He is the literal reincarnation of Demise's hatred. As Demise was mega evil surely our big G is also evil because of him being reincarnated with the hatred of Demise in him.

Daku Rinku

Paya’s Pal
ZD Champion
Forum Volunteer
Jun 1, 2023
Yiga Hideout
He is the literal reincarnation of Demise's hatred. As Demise was mega evil surely our big G is also evil because of him being reincarnated with the hatred of Demise in him.
Indeed Demise says a curse,
“An Incarnation Of My Hatred Shall Ever Follow Your Kind, Dooming Them To Wander A Blood-Soaked Sea Of Darkness For All Time!” -Demise, Skyward Sword

Daku Rinku

Paya’s Pal
ZD Champion
Forum Volunteer
Jun 1, 2023
Yiga Hideout
I think Ganondorf can seem like a hero in that initially he climbs from sandy shoals as a Gerudo and obtains the Triforce of Power. Perhaps at one point his intent was to help his people.. but instead he forgot about them.

Reminds me of Anakin, he tells Master Jinn,
“I had a dream I was a Jedi and came and set the slaves free.” He became a Jedi and did not do that, instead he craved more power, “I want more and I know I shouldn’t” till he became a tyrant.

Ganon seems to operate on the same principles of Lord Acfon’s, “power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

Heroes arn’t corrupted because they retain one significant thing Ganon does not possess, a conscious. As Ben Parker tells Peter, “with great power comes great responsibility.” A hero treats their power as something that must be tempered and carefully wielded, while in contrast villans crave more power without conscious, and so become like a power addict, and then possessive of it; fearing losing their power.

A hero uses their power to serve others, this other centeredness keeps the power pure. A villain uses power to serve themselves. Ganon may have intially made himself believe he was going to serve The Gerudo, but that is only in a few games, in the wider net of the story He is a Demon King and Sorceror with only the “will to dominate all life” (Sauron).

So no, Ganon is not a hero. In certain iterations like OoT he may have had some heroic sensibilities, but I am inclined to believe those were a smoke screen to deceive and use The Gerudo as Nabooru catches on to earlier than others.

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