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Hyrule Warriors I want to get excited by HW

Oct 6, 2016
Hey everyone!
So, I own Hyrule Warriors on my Wii U, and never bought HWL for a single reason:

I couldn't get super excited about the original Hyrule Warriors...

I don't know what it is, I have grinded several hours in other action grinding games, but for some reason, I can't bring myself to really get addicted to it, and I really am trying. I played about 26 hours, finished the main storyline and did some grinding and unlocking. But I can't help but not get excited about turning the game on when I'm not playing.
Is it just that I don't like the genre? That sounds kind of weird for me, considering I love other grinding games... Should I just let it go? Would HWL increase my hype?

Any input is appreciated and, otherwise, just make this a thread to explain what you love the most about the game if nothing else!


Angel of Darkness
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Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
I'm actually the opposite. I was against the game at first and was sure I wouldn't like it. Then I tried it and got addicted to it. I love the variety of characters to use and I love making progress through the game. Maybe it's not your kinda game. I can't give you any tips about getting more excited for the game. Hyrule legends has more content and more options and the maps are balanced out. i'm one of the few who actually like Legends better than Warriors even with the graphics being less (even though the difference is not that much though).

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I haven't played Legends yet, so I can't offer any opinion on it. However, if you have someone you can play co-op with in HW, maybe that could help you get more into it. I played through the main storyline by myself originally and had a lot of fun, but going back and replaying it with my sister and then playing all the maps co-op with her as well was even better. It cuts down on some of the difficulty that comes once you get to the maps, and having someone to devise a plan with for each mission can be really fun.
I was excited for HW initially because im a big Warriors fan and it was the freshest Zelda had felt in a very long time...

I enjoyed the game and i still play it but HWL left me feel sour and the adventure maps in both games are bloody hard, you need to grind so hard and levelling up can take so long that it just doesnt feel worth it.

The more characters that are added to the cast seems to make me care less each time too. We have 3 versions of Link and two of Zelda.

There are some great inclusions to the cast and their weapons but its starting to feel like theyre missing out on the cooler and more refreshingly random characters we could have.

Where are Din and Nayru, Veran and Onox from Oracles or even Ralph? Why not Moosh?

Linebeck? Sahasralla or Agahnim?

A lot of overlooked characters could be given a chance to shine and be introduced to the new gen of Zelda fans but tecmo/nintendo dont seem to care. I understand plugging newer games is important which is why we're getting Ravio and Yuga but still, it makes for a more boring game as time goes on where added content is concerned, which shouldnt be the case.

On the plus side i did really like the story mode but Legends little epilogue (which is what it was and should have been wiiU dlc) was just a waste, which is a shame because i love WW.
Oct 6, 2016
I'm actually the opposite. I was against the game at first and was sure I wouldn't like it. Then I tried it and got addicted to it. I love the variety of characters to use and I love making progress through the game. Maybe it's not your kinda game. I can't give you any tips about getting more excited for the game. Hyrule legends has more content and more options and the maps are balanced out. i'm one of the few who actually like Legends better than Warriors even with the graphics being less (even though the difference is not that much though).
That's ok. Worst case scenario, I'd like this to be a thread where you just tell people what you love about the game, that would, at the very least, help me appreciate it more.

I haven't played Legends yet, so I can't offer any opinion on it. However, if you have someone you can play co-op with in HW, maybe that could help you get more into it. I played through the main storyline by myself originally and had a lot of fun, but going back and replaying it with my sister and then playing all the maps co-op with her as well was even better. It cuts down on some of the difficulty that comes once you get to the maps, and having someone to devise a plan with for each mission can be really fun.
Huh... I feel like I should try co-op to get more out of the game. It is certain that I don't dislike the game, by any means, I really enjoyed the 25+ hours I played, I just want to make myself "want to turn my wii U on for it" more...
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Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Huh... I feel like I should try co-op to get more out of the game. It is certain that I don't dislike the game, by any means, I really enjoyed the 25+ hours I played, I just want to make myself "want to turn my wii U on for it" more...

If you have someone to play it with you, I definitely recommend it. I got a lot more enjoyment out of the game that way. You don't have to worry as much about running across the map every other second to recapture a keep and things like that, so it's makes the missions less stressful and more strategic. I think I would have played a lot less if I had to do everything by myself.
Oct 2, 2016
Huh... I feel like I should try co-op to get more out of the game. It is certain that I don't dislike the game, by any means, I really enjoyed the 25+ hours I played, I just want to make myself "want to turn my wii U on for it" more...

This is the ticket. I love Hyrule Warriors, but I really don't - I love playing Hyrule Warriors with my wife. I don't find it fun to play on my own at all. So, coop is a good suggestion.

On the other hand, you have put a lot of hours into the game and have technically beaten it. It's not like you played for 5 minutes and didn't give it a fair shake. You even say you enjoyed playing it at the time. So, it's not like you hated it. It sounds like you got your fun out of it - but everything loses it's appeal after awhile. Life is short. It's OK to move onto something else if you feel that way.
Oct 7, 2016
First off, it's important to recognize that the vast majority of the game is in Adventure Mode. It's misleading, but Legends Mode isn't where the bulk of the game is. So in this paragraph I'm referring to Adventure Mode.

I didn't like it at first. Like Vanessa, I was sure I wouldn't like it. I played it a bit, put it down for (gosh) at least a year, then when I picked it up again, I had a great time. The key for me was finding characters I really liked playing as. When I realized how much fun Ghirahim, Fi, Shiek, etc. were to play, it was fun to play with them. I had to convince myself that a few characters were fun to play as (Ruto, I'm looking at you), but others sneaked up on me all sneaky like and before I knew it I was having fun (haaa Zant). I also got taken in by the completionist mentality. It was like a mission to win every heart piece, seek out every Skulltula, and earn every weapon, and the characters were helping me do that. 'twas fun. Sometimes I'd make stories about the missions on Adventure Map XD

Like Vanessa said, the game might not be for you, but there's lots of things to like about it if you look.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
What I like about this game is the option to play as other characters and to actually get a feeling how they fight. And to never look the same at them again in other games because you actually got the taste of their powers. Even though every game is different of course. I loved playing as Beast Ganon in Warriors' boss challenge. It gave me a feeling what it was like to be this big giant and defeat the baddies (or goodies) myself for once. I also love how the game allows you to replay chapters as other characters. You're not limited to play as one single character. I love the variety of weapons and how each character has their own style. And what I like most, is just you get a huge lot of content (if you own any of the DLC packs) and literally have like 500+ hours of gameplay because this game isn't 100%ed easily.

@Time's Quill , you'll hit the nail on it's head ;)
Oct 2, 2016
like many people have said, at first it doesn't feel right. You can't get into it right away but then you find yourself playing for hours. once you get the hang of it it really is enjoyable, the fact that it has so many characters is really good and keeps you engaged by getting to try all of them out. I am currently thinking of getting the new DLCs with the new characters. it's like the one stop game for all your favourite Zelda characters
Oct 6, 2016
If you have someone to play it with you, I definitely recommend it. I got a lot more enjoyment out of the game that way. You don't have to worry as much about running across the map every other second to recapture a keep and things like that, so it's makes the missions less stressful and more strategic. I think I would have played a lot less if I had to do everything by myself.
I heard a lot of people like how HWL improves on that allowing you to switch characters midgame.

First off, it's important to recognize that the vast majority of the game is in Adventure Mode. It's misleading, but Legends Mode isn't where the bulk of the game is. So in this paragraph I'm referring to Adventure Mode.

I didn't like it at first. Like Vanessa, I was sure I wouldn't like it. I played it a bit, put it down for (gosh) at least a year, then when I picked it up again, I had a great time. The key for me was finding characters I really liked playing as. When I realized how much fun Ghirahim, Fi, Shiek, etc. were to play, it was fun to play with them. I had to convince myself that a few characters were fun to play as (Ruto, I'm looking at you), but others sneaked up on me all sneaky like and before I knew it I was having fun (haaa Zant). I also got taken in by the completionist mentality. It was like a mission to win every heart piece, seek out every Skulltula, and earn every weapon, and the characters were helping me do that. 'twas fun. Sometimes I'd make stories about the missions on Adventure Map XD

Like Vanessa said, the game might not be for you, but there's lots of things to like about it if you look.
Haha, I kinda feel you there. I liked it at first, then disliked it, then loved it, then stopped playing it for some reason.
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Oct 2, 2016
I heard a lot of people like how HWL improves on that allowing you to switch characters midgame.

Haha, I kinda feel you there. I liked it at first, then disliked it, then loved it, then stopped playing it for some reason.

yes changing characters mid-game might be the best feature in the game that they should have included in the first place. It's really frustrating when you have to go to the other side of the map because the other characters are dying and once you get there there was nothing much going on. by switching characters you can simply beat everyone there, get them out of danger and continue the story with your main
Oct 6, 2016
yes changing characters mid-game might be the best feature in the game that they should have included in the first place. It's really frustrating when you have to go to the other side of the map because the other characters are dying and once you get there there was nothing much going on. by switching characters you can simply beat everyone there, get them out of danger and continue the story with your main
This is actually the one thing that could make me buy the game. I love the idea of more characters, but to go as far as to buy a new version of a game I already have problems loving is something only a feature like character switching midgame would get me to do.

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