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I Finally, Finally Beat the Wind Waker!


Hero of the Stars
Nov 10, 2011
Lost Woods
I absolutely love the WW.

WW is not the best Zelda game at all. But it's my favorite by far. It's just so fun and smooth and charming and captivating and deep. I LOOVE IT


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
I was more lenient on the Temple of Time in TP because controlling the statue was only half the dungeon and it was also more convenient to just fire the light at it than play a bloody song every few seconds.


Defender of Hyrule
Oct 14, 2011
A lot of people seem to hate the Triforce hunting section. Sure it's a tedious section of the game but it's not THAT bad. I also use it as an excuse to go exploring so I don't mind doing it in the slightest. Even so, congrats on beating the game.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
A lot of people seem to hate the Triforce hunting section. Sure it's a tedious section of the game but it's not THAT bad. I also use it as an excuse to go exploring so I don't mind doing it in the slightest. Even so, congrats on beating the game.

The large amount of sailing was the issue for me. Not to mention that Tingle is just a sadistic little prick....
Aug 21, 2012
...turn around
Congrats on finishing! :)
The Wind Waker is truely a great game, but the triforce hunt was just...uuugggh!
Finding the maps was kinda fun, but then paying tingle all those rupees (which I didn't have -_-) and bringing the peices up from the ocean was just ridiculous
I really liked the Tower of the Gods though, it was definitly my favorite temple, and held my favorite boss of the game as well.
The sailing could get a little tedious, but it did give you a break to eat a snack or something ^.^
I rank it fourth on my list of Favorite Zelda games :)
May 3, 2012
I'm not really sure how long it took me to beat, but honestly I don't think it took that long. There are not that many dungeons and if you go right through the game only doing the required things and a little bit of exploring its probably as long as Majora's Mask.

Since I knew I needed a ton of rupees for Tingle I made sure to get the bigger wallet early and when I was done I still had like 1300 left.

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