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Hyrule Warriors Hyrule Warriors or Hyrule Warriors Legends?

Monja Elisa

Hyrulean Princess
Mar 21, 2015
personally, I prefere the wii-u version! :)
but its pretty difficult to play hw legends on a normal 3ds cause of the game needing the updated new 3ds console in order to run well...
without the new 3ds you may lag and have issues with framerate. I also personally the wiiu version for the the multiplayer feature it has!
But I will say both are great, so both are definately worth getting! :) but I would start with the wiiu version!
the wiiu version is also the oldest version, meaning.... Its more likely the wiiu version will stop selling sooner than the 3ds version, if you eventually plan to get both :)
Oct 14, 2013
If you don't care about playing on the go, then get the Wii U version, as it's better in most ways, and the extra content from the 3DS version can be downloaded later.
Not all of it. The 3DS only adventure maps can't be played on the WiiU. Only the new characters can be.
Oct 3, 2016
I have yet to play Hyrule Warriors, which version do you think is better 3DS or WiiU and why,

That's a hard choice. But I will have to throw my vote to legends because of the extra content and I find it the type of gameplay that is better on a handheld. The pick up and play a 10-15 minute sessions easier with 3ds
Oct 2, 2016
Ive played through both games and while I love tha additions that legends made, the 3ds just wasnt good enough to process hyrule warriors in its full potential. The wii u version has far more enemies and the graohics are beutiful. Using a special attack in legends will get you 20 kills toos, as opposed to the hundred kills you can get in the regular mode. The wii u's hardware was just better suited to polish the game.
Oct 7, 2016
I'm really happy with the WiiU version. It runs smoothly, and since I only play on the tablet I don't need the TV and can play anywhere with an outlet. I've thought about getting the 3DS version, mostly for the content but also for the ability to switch between characters, but I don't have a N3DS. It seems pretty clear that the game doesn't run well at all on the normal 3DS, and buying a whole new handheld device just for one game is excessive. If my 3DS breaks and I have to buy a new one, maybe, but until then, I'll stick with the WiiU version.

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