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General Modern How's This for a Remake!!!


Hero of Rhyme
Nov 16, 2012
Lake Hylia
So the popular topic always seems to be, "what will the new 3D Zelda be?" or "what Zelda would you wanna see remade in 3D?" I'm going tired of this topic so I got one for you here.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time in 2D

Made in the manner of pre-64 Zelda titles (not Zelda II) However very advanced 2D with great interface.
Going forward is so old... Lets go back!
I don't think nintendo would be able to sell OoT2D as a game.. it could be cool for someone to make on software and see some screenshots of it, but if OoT were morphed into 2D then it would no longer be that revolutionary title and it'd end up looking and feeling the same as games like MC and ALttP, it'd be nice to see it in 2D but only see it, i certainly would only buy it out of curiosity and probably wouldn't enjoy it.

Its a cute idea and one for hardcore fans but new fans may play it first and then wonder what the fuss is about. To Me PH was a 2D game of Wind Waker and in my eyes PH made a mockery of WW's shared mechanics, i wouldn't like to see the same happen to OoT.

Although..... enjoy.

Browsing deviantART
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Hero of Rhyme
Nov 16, 2012
Lake Hylia
I was hoping for such a response! I agree. I really liked Minish Cap but after that the handheld titles just went downhill...

The Jade Fist

Kung Fu Master
Jul 17, 2012
I was hoping for such a response! I agree. I really liked Minish Cap but after that the handheld titles just went downhill...

Thats because they tried to be even more cartoony, and 3d while being 2d, and of course touch controls, makes it entirely different experience.

I for one and tired of toon links, and by god i wanna push buttons to move.

So how about 2d remake of .... A Link to the Past?
Feb 14, 2012
This is a great topic, but personally I don't think they should even make any remake at all. I would for them to make a new 2D game since that would bring back so many memories from the NES and SNES. I haven't actually played any of the games with toon link (yet) so I can't really express my opinion of him and those game which he is in. But I do find that they overused him a bit. And yeah it could be cool with the young Link from MM, but I also really like the older Link, so I guess I have a very mixed opinion on that matter.

The Jade Fist

Kung Fu Master
Jul 17, 2012
Idk, i'm still more likely to want a play a snes game when I get bored then any gamecube games, but I might be biased, as I'm not sure, but I might be half retro. (thats a thing now)

Games might be getting better graphics, but that doesn't make them superior, at the end of the evening what was more important was how much fun/ enjoyment the game gave you, and are you willing to replay the game.

Now for 3d, like Elderscrolls, i've tried, i've really tried to enjoy the ones before skyrim, and yet i can't bring myself more then a few hours in, yet with skyrim, I've played that game like 10 times, counting just making characters to run thru side faction quests only, twice the main quest. And I'll admit for that type of game, the graphics really do make it more immerse and fun, and the fact that guards aren't mad at me for accidently trying to open a locked door and deciding not to pick the lock with no witnesses, or stealing my own horse.

For like say star fighter style games, man back in the day, with X-Wing/ Tie Fighter/ Mechwarrior, I could play for weeks and not be bored, all mech/ fighter pilot games being released today are all like arcade style, sometimes forgetting that space is 3 dimensional. And despite the technology getting better, the games have gotten worse, they removed what was fun about it, to make it more sleek and simple to use or be just more pretty to look at. I still have the 5 1/2's for Xwing around some where.

It to me feels like a betrayal of sorts to the gamer, when i see these trends in games, the technology might be getting better, but the fun was removed to make way for it. That said there are still some fun very great looking games being released.

But lets look at pokemon, it hasn't changed its style at all, except for a few console arena games or other non standard games no one really cared about. Its remained true to its format going into black and white, and still had that same fun factor (you know getting past how stupid some/most of these new pokemon were, looking at you trubbish, and vommiting anteater psychic type). Yet the graphics were greatly improved, and still capable of providing hundreds of hours of fun.
Nov 26, 2008
Well, I don't like the idea of remakes in general. If the game you want to remake was bad, flawed, or just missing something, then it makes sense (this is why I think remaking Resident Evil was a good idea), and sometimes it can have its merits for certain events with games that have a certain status, like remaking the most popular game of the series for the anniversary (Ocarina of Time 3D), but the idea of remaking "just because" never will make any sense to me. The game doesn't need to be changed; it's fine as-is.

I agree with Spirit that they would not be able to market OoT 2D as a game. They'd be better off making an entirely new 2D game instead, which is something I'd like to see.

Although, as Spirit also alluded to, there was a fan project a while back to make an OoT 2D. It never saw completion though.

2D in general is inferior. Not bad, but just not as good with few exceptions.
Can you explain this up a bit more? How are the 2D games inferior? x.x


The Artist Formally Known as Deku Shroom™
Jan 21, 2011
Fun Guy
I believe I remember hearing about a project like this some number of years back, but the production stopped I believe... I don't quite remember all the details of it though, but I do remember seeing video on Youtube of it. Very ALttP style graphics, and I think I remember seeing a King Dodango battle? I can't really remember...

Oh and also to the 2D being inferior to 3D, I have to disagree. Games can be great in either 3D or 2D based on how the game is designed, and a few good examples of solid 2D games I would say would be the Megaman Classic/X series, and the old school Mario games. The only thing inferior I could see would be maybe some graphics, but the graphics on the games look really solid in my opinion. The lack of the third dimension isn't too much of a problem because the games are designed very well around the games, take secrets for example, Super Mario World has secrets spread through out the game where the other angle isn't really needed and the X games, in my experience the first one specifically, are hidden in a very neat way. And the overall feel of the games, well they just flow and feel great when I play them even now.

I like both styles of games pretty equally, and I would say that there are plenty of gems 2D and 3D, and to sterotype based on that isn't quite fair.
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Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Can you explain this up a bit more? How are the 2D games inferior? x.x

Depends on if you're looking at this from a sales perspective or a personal perspective.

From a sales perspective, 3D just sells more than 2D and that's that. So logically, making games as 3D as possible is the better choice for designers.

From a personal perspective, there's several reasons why 3D gaming outclasses 2D.

1) More immerse and engaging gameplay. No 2D game could capture combat like Skyward Sword's and Twilight Princess's

2) It's more realistic.

3) The visuals are superior

4) Has more genres available.

5) 2D games are over simplified. The combat is the same for most enemies and, after awhile, it can get pretty stale.

The Jade Fist

Kung Fu Master
Jul 17, 2012
Of course for sales values vs production time/ cost, A 2d game takes a fraction of the time and cost to produce. If you're trying to look at it that way, which is why it makes more sense for both to be continued to be being made. To keep fans interested and sate them between big releases. Not only would the 2d games be sold, it would increase the sales of the 3d ones.


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
So the popular topic always seems to be, "what will the new 3D Zelda be?" or "what Zelda would you wanna see remade in 3D?" I'm going tired of this topic so I got one for you here.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time in 2D

Made in the manner of pre-64 Zelda titles (not Zelda II) However very advanced 2D with great interface.
Going forward is so old... Lets go back!

Enough of remakes, I'm waiting for either Zelda Wii U or Zelda 3DS. I want absolutely no more remakes of Ocarina of Time, there's no need for it. OoT in 2D may sound neat, but it just turns me off (TWSS). I want something new and improved, 2D or 3D, however they decide to make it.

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