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How Would You Like to See Hyrule in Skyward Sword?


Jul 26, 2010
Forgive me if this is already a thread.

Well, personally I think there will be no existing Hyrule and that is an overgrown crumbled old civilization destroyed by Evil and some how Hyrule is built from it?
Do you think..
  • It is just Hyrule being saved from chaos.
  • Hyrule doesn't exist yet.
  • Hyrule does exist but the people are unaware of danger.
  • It is not yet Hyrule but people are in danger.
Hyrule the land probably exists, hyrule the country... I do not think it was ever started to be a ruin. Why does everyone assume that? Maybe their race was just born in skyloft and never was meant/been on land. I think there would have not been any civilization that was not in skyloft before this game.

UPDATE: @deREPer Your deREP had nothing to do with my post and gave no advice, please povide such next time you deREP someone. ;)
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Jul 26, 2010
Hyrule the land probably exists, hyrule the country... I do not think it was ever started to be a ruin. Why does everyone assume that? Maybe their race was just born in skyloft and never was meant/been on land. I think there would have not been any civilisation that ws not in skyloft before this game.

Ah, really good point there. Actually I never considerd the fact that Skyloft would maybe move down to Hyrule..


Jun 2, 2010
Windfall Island
Hyrule the land probably exists, hyrule the country... I do not think it was ever started to be a ruin. Why does everyone assume that? Maybe their race was just born in skyloft and never was meant/been on land. I think there would have not been any civilisation that ws not in skyloft before this game.

This is a good theory and I've thought the same thing too. Hylian civilization may have started in Skyloft, rather than Hyrule. There is no evidence (that I know of) that states that Hylians have always inhabitted Hyrule. The Hylians may have immigrated from Skyloft to Hyrule, and MAYBE this will happen sometime during this game, since they're apparently just finding out about Hyrule for the first time in SS. This could also explain why Link already has the Hylian shield when he jumps off Skyloft in the trailer (unless of course, that jump in the trailer was not his first time visiting Hyrule). I also think that Hyrule will be mostly uninhabitted but eventually become a civilization as people from Skyloft immigrate down.


Wild Card
Jun 14, 2010
The land of Hyrule itself I believe will be there, but it won't be a country yet. I think these theories about the Hylians coming down from Skyloft is interesting. Perhaps it could happen(like Majora16 said) that some of the Skyloftians begin immigrating to the land below as it is lifted from the evils cursing it. That could be one idea. My other idea is that there are people in Hyrule, but they have not formed together as a country.


Site Staff
Nov 24, 2009
Redmond, Washington
The most likely thing is that Hyrule is already established and the people are aware of the danger and wish there would be someone or something to destroy it.

Hyrule was captured* by evil, as in there was an established civilization and the evil forces took over and ruled it. Also, why would Zelda be in the game if she's just gonna hang out in Skyloft? Her rightful role is leader of a distressed country. The only distressed country in SS is Hyrule, the land below the clouds.

*Aonuma interview (ONM)
I think Hyrule is in some state of chaos from its creation. The start of things always seem to be violent and dangerous. For us, it was the supposed "Big Bang" and molten magma. Perhaps the term that refers to Hyrule being consumed by evil, is the "end of the beginning" or its aftermath. Many people in Skyloft may misunderstand what is really down there. That is just a theory, but it makes a bit of sense...


Fluffy hair!
Jun 15, 2010
I think that Hyrule had already been established, since Zelda will appear in the game. It might not yet be a full-fledged monarchy with a governing ruler, but perhaps at the end of the game, Zelda will take it upon herself to rule Hyrule. Maybe in Skyward Sword, Hyrule is just a piece of land that is loosely inhabited by a few Hylians. Perhaps even some Zoras and Gorons.


Jun 14, 2010
Not in the SB ;-;
I think Hyrule is in some state of chaos from its creation. The start of things always seem to be violent and dangerous. For us, it was the supposed "Big Bang" and molten magma. Perhaps the term that refers to Hyrule being consumed by evil, is the "end of the beginning" or its aftermath. Many people in Skyloft may misunderstand what is really down there. That is just a theory, but it makes a bit of sense...

Mandym287 can be right remeber in OoT the story of the godesses creating; Din created the red earth and gave warm to the land, Nayru gave colored to the sky and established laws, Farore gave life to the red earth and STABLISHED HYRULE TO PEPOLE FOLLOW THOSE LAWS. And remember it says the went down to the CHAOS the land was. Maybe SS Link will help get rid of the chaos a bit.
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Jul 29, 2010
Cincinnati Ohio
i'm hoping that when link travels to hyrule it will just be a land of monsters. the citizens of skyloft will later come down and will create hyrule (the country) making the citizens of skyloft the ancestors of hylians and make the original link the founder of hyrule =).


Aug 25, 2008
I would like to see Hyrule in a similar fashion as it was in The Legend of Zelda, with hardly any people, no villages, and very little plot development. Simply dungeons and enemies everywhere, because I think that would bring back so much nostalgia from the classics, and focusing more on the gameplay aspect.

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