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How Would You Improve Stamina Use in the Future?


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
The Stamina Gauge was one of the best things that could have been added to the Zelda franchise. It was used pretty well in Skyward Sword, but it was obviously an inauguration for it. A test run, if you will. So how would you make its use even better in the future? I'm interested to see what ideas other people have on the subject. Discuss!


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
If I'm completely honest, I don't really think I want it back, not because I think it's bad (I don't think that) but because it doesn't really do anything particularly beneficial.

All the Stamina did was limit Link's ability to sprint and climb. Imagine having a Stamina Gauge in Assassin's Creed; the game would be unplayable. Zelda is similar in the way that you're always gonna be moving as fast as you possibly can. This is why there have been so many tricks and even glitches discovered to help you get around faster. So to give us a sprint function but then limit it in such a way just stunted the ability to sprint, as far as I see it. Why give us one thing only to limit it with another?

Climbing is another area where the Stamina Gauge didn't do anything for me. Skyward Sword didn't have any areas where you would be climbing for longer than the Stamina Gauge allowed you to. I can see why, it'd be a big pain in the rump to be climbing something and then automatically fall off through no fault of your own, but in the end that just made the Stamina Gauge redundant as far as climbing goes.

So from my experience on Skyward Sword, the Stamina Gauge stunted the welcome inclusion of a Sprint and was completely redundant when applied to climbing. So I suppose I have no idea how they would improve it beyond just getting rid of it. It was a nice idea but I think it doesn't really have a place in The Legend of Zelda.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
It's a beneficial limit, kind of like the Adventure Pouch. It makes it to where you have to pay attention to how much stamina you have left and plan out how you're going to get across an area that needs it so you don't run out. It also prevented abuse of the Spin Attack, which was welcome after the real GameCube version of Twilight Princess. It adds a level of strategy previously not seen in the Zelda series. What's stinted about it?

Climbing is another area where the Stamina Gauge didn't do anything for me. Skyward Sword didn't have any areas where you would be climbing for longer than the Stamina Gauge allowed you to. I can see why, it'd be a big pain in the rump to be climbing something and then automatically fall off through no fault of your own, but in the end that just made the Stamina Gauge redundant as far as climbing goes.

If you watched your Stamina Gauge, yeah. If not, you probably weren't going to make it. There were also some times where you had to get a Stamina Fruit no matter what to make it.
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Man... the ****???
Oct 25, 2012
F***ing LaLa Land!!!
IF it did come back, I would like for his endurance to increase as he grows stronger. Think about it, when you exert yourself often(as Link obviously does) your own stamina increases so why shouldnt Links?


Site Staff
Nov 24, 2009
Redmond, Washington
It's useful as a puzzle element, but not as a mobility element. Perhaps they could find a way to bring out the former without having to deal with the latter. Like how air is only an issue while you're underwater.


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
What's stinted about it?

Like I said, it limits how long you can sprint for, which is just something I, personally, didn't like. I was happy to hear they were adding a Sprint function into Skyward Sword because I remember how on Majora's Mask I spent as much time as humanly possible wearing the Bunny Hood for increased speed. Moving faster than your standard movement speed is something a lot of people try to do in Zelda and the Stamina Gauge basically told you that you could only move faster for several seconds before having to slow down again.

Considering the Sprint was only utilised to get you to run over the odd patch of sinky-sand at a couple of points, I wouldn't have said it added much strategy either. In theory it does but in practise it just felt like an unwelcome limitation to speedy movement. It didn't hurt the game (because it wasn't as if we'd been sprinting for years and then suddenly we have a limit) but I personally don't see any compelling reason to see it return.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
IF it did come back, I would like for his endurance to increase as he grows stronger. Think about it, when you exert yourself often(as Link obviously does) your own stamina increases so why shouldnt Links?

That happened. At the beginning of the game, it goes down quite a bit faster. As the game progresses, it goes down slower bit by bit.

Like I said, it limits how long you can sprint for, which is just something I, personally, didn't like. I was happy to hear they were adding a Sprint function into Skyward Sword because I remember how on Majora's Mask I spent as much time as humanly possible wearing the Bunny Hood for increased speed. Moving faster than your standard movement speed is something a lot of people try to do in Zelda and the Stamina Gauge basically told you that you could only move faster for several seconds before having to slow down again.

Considering the Sprint was only utilised to get you to run over the odd patch of sinky-sand at a couple of points, I wouldn't have said it added much strategy either. In theory it does but in practise it just felt like an unwelcome limitation to speedy movement. It didn't hurt the game (because it wasn't as if we'd been sprinting for years and then suddenly we have a limit) but I personally don't see any compelling reason to see it return.

Sprinting nonstop would be boring and unrealistic. It's a feature in pretty much any RPG, such as The Elder Scrolls, and Zelda is a series with RPG elements. If it bothered you, okay, but I don't see how you can say it was detrimental to the game design.


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
If it bothered you, okay, but I don't see how you can say it was detrimental to the game design.

It didn't hurt the game (because it wasn't as if we'd been sprinting for years and then suddenly we have a limit) but I personally don't see any compelling reason to see it return.

I didn't say it was detrimental to the game design. I just said I don't see any real reason for it to come back because it didn't add anything for me.


Man... the ****???
Oct 25, 2012
F***ing LaLa Land!!!
That happened. At the beginning of the game, it goes down quite a bit faster. As the game progresses, it goes down slower bit by bit.

Ive found no evidence to support this, and if it did, it only did by a fraction of a percentage because running from the top of the temple to the bottom where Imprisioned is trapped takes equal amounts of time and stamina usage from the beginning of the game to the end of the game. The only thing Ive found to aid ones stamina is the stamina potion.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Ive found no evidence to support this, and if it did, it only did by a fraction of a percentage because running from the top of the temple to the bottom where Imprisioned is trapped takes equal amounts of time and stamina usage from the beginning of the game to the end of the game. The only thing Ive found to aid ones stamina is the stamina potion.

At the beginning of the game, you can only perform two Spin Attacks without depleting your stamina. By the end of the game, you can perform four without depleting it. It lasts twice as long.

Edit: My bad, it's actually three at the beginning. Still, it last a decent amount longer.
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Jun 14, 2011
I thought the stamina gauge was done brilliantly in Skyward Sword. If it returns I would like it just the same, it doesn't need any improvement at all.
To improve the dash meter I'd want them not to assign nearly every single movement Link makes to depleting it.
It could also do with a charge mechanic too for stronger attacks or burst running (kind of like pegasus boots)


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
To improve the dash meter I'd want them not to assign nearly every single movement Link makes to depleting it.

Stamina is only used for strenuous/energy-consuming movements. It balances out logically.

It could also do with a charge mechanic too for stronger attacks or burst running (kind of like pegasus boots)

That would be a really cool addition. Charging like Ghirahim in his first fight... I could see myself enjoying that.

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