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Breath of the Wild How Would You Feel if Link Moved Even Further Away from the Blank Slate Spot?


Piper of Time
Aug 11, 2011
The Lost Woods
I never imagined myself as the hero of the story anyways. I just see myself as the dude controlling the hero in the game in battle and puzzle solving. Link's too just for how I would play. I would be pickpocketing children and manipulating people into giving me things for my heroic services. Then steal it all and stand by Ganondorf's side.

Deleted member 14134

Give him the Other M Samus treatment. That was handled perfectly.


The Diplomatic Dinosaur
Jul 1, 2012
Early Cretaceous North America
Give him the Other M Samus treatment. That was handled perfectly.

Are you being sarcastic? So many people hated the way she was portrayed in that game. Also how exactly did they handle Samus well in Other M are you referring to, giving her back story, having her talk, having her show lots of emotion, etc.? Please alliterate on how they handled Samus well and how they should do the same to Link (unless of course your not serious).

Azure Sage

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I would love it if Link stopped being a blank slate. I'm not exactly dissatisfied with the way things are right now, but I would love for Link to be his own character and go through dynamic character development. That would be amazing to me. As for losing the ability to rename him, I don't think that's a problem. I mean, of course I would be upset if we lost it, but I mean I don't think it's likely to happen. There's no reason Link can't be renamed and still be his own character. Lest from Rune Factory 4 is his own character, yet still with lots of customization options; you can rename him, choose who he falls in love with and how he interacts with other characters, etc. It worked fine for that game. I can't see why we shouldn't have something similar for the Zelda series. I'm kinda tired of people who are so afraid of change they don't want Nintendo to do anything to Link at all, to be honest. The Zelda series has evolved greatly over the years, but Link has always remained static. I'd greatly prefer to see him changed up a little for once.
Jun 30, 2014
I'd definitely like to see him given a speaking role-- there are ways of conducting his speech without infringing upon his open personality. Link shows what I'd call reactionary expression-- the script is written in such a that Link's thought and emotion, while appearing independent, is actually the product of what's going on around him; the script is written to only procure one emotion from the player, and Link acts as a funnel through which that emotion is conveyed, relating the player to him. Words coming out of Link's mouth wouldn't change this, he'd still react in the way he currently does.

In terms of giving Link character development-- we've seen some of this, particularly in the 3d (and DS) games, but not to a great extent. I don't think Link should be given an independent personality-- I think he should still relate to the player, and giving him a separate personality would ruin that dynamic. However, as long as the development carries through to, and is felt by, the player, I think it'd be an excellent idea to incorporate it.
Feb 23, 2011
I actually wouldn't mind it at all. Well, I guess that depends on the personality traits he's given, though. For instance, I'd probably get pissed if he were given the personality of a stereotypical, loud, headstrong lead anime character. So I guess there may a number of downsides to such a change. There probably isn't too much to worry about, however, so long as the integrity of the overall plot or the basic formula remains intact. (i.e., Link's hypothetical new personality traits turn out to be a total deal breaker. The possibility exists.)
Feb 7, 2014
It's interesting how differently we view the same character...I'm honestly afraid of them going back to the more blank slate like spot, and I really don't want customization, and I'd rather he continue to evole, but anyways I don't think there's any reason to worry, I'm just proposing a hypothetical and to be honest considering Link manages to sorta cover both sides I don't see them changing Link anytime soon.
Well like I said, he's kinda in between avatar and character, so it's pretty easy to interpret of prefer him as one or the other. And of course, I also doubt we'll see a drastic change anytime soon, I mean I'm sure they confirmed somewhere that Link will never talk.

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