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General Zelda How Quick Do You Understand the Puzzles?


Nov 25, 2012
The Underground
Most of the time it's pretty quick, but other times, I accidentally forget to read a sign that I pass by... Like in the Ancient Cistern. That very first switch door where you have to hit the switches in the right order and blah blah blah... Anyway, I din't see or read the sign giving the hint about the order. I wandered around for about an hour, and finally saw it, and read it. Even after THAT I had to continue wandering because I looked where the sign told me to look and I saw nothing. So I started trial and error which finally worked for me. In my next playthrough, I looked more carefully, and I started beating myself up for not seeing it.

General Skel

Aug 5, 2013
When it comes to puzzles, in video games and real life, I solve them pretty quickly. I look at it and say to myself "this stay here, move that over three, move this left two and up one, move this other one here...." and before I know it, it's solved. But some puzzles in Zelda take a little time. Usually when you have to do something within 30 seconds. I get to a high place in the room, look at the puzzle, and in my mind I solve it, I leave the room, re-enter it, and solve the puzzle.
Jan 28, 2013
I am very slow at puzzles. Whenever one pops up, my mind goes blank. It takes me hours to finishthe easiest puzzle ever. Then when am done solving it, I'm like "that was the easiest in the world."

Masked Keaton

I don't find them difficult as a whole, but some can get tricky. Like SS Lanayru Desert room for the triforce piece should not have taken me as long as it did but I didn't see a switch on a wall!

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