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How Often Do You Replay The Games You Love?

Ashley the Witch

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
For me, I tend to do it constantly. There's not one day I am not replaying a game I love, (Double negative, I know.) But it's true. However, I know not everybody replays games often, if at all. How often do you do it?

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo (I have my card)
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom
Some I have abandoned altogether and will never play again. The truth for me is I cannot go back, that joy you felt cannot be recaptured, for instance SNES, I had it when it was a new console in America, and so the graphics and gameplay was revolutionary at the time. Go back now and its not going to be like that.

That said, I will play A Link To A Past and any Zelda game. But not to try and go back in time as if to place The Master Sword in the Temple of Time and transport myself to my child years. No.. to experience it as I am now, Adult Link.


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
It really depends on the game. There are certain games/genres that are just immensely replayable and easy to start up and run through on occasion like Halo, Resident Evil, Metroid, Sonic, the Batman Arkham games, or a good beat 'em up and hack n slash. All games/genres that I regularly revisit because their gameplay loop and level design are just so ingrained in me that I always get that itch to engage with it every now and then.

But then there are other games like Zelda, Super Mario Odyssey, or Red Dead Redemption that are just too much of a commitment for how many other games I have in my backlog that I can't justify a new playthrough as often as I would like. It's actually why I don't really mind when games get remastered so often. Sometimes, it's just a nice excuse to replay something you enjoy that you wouldn't otherwise play again.

Ashley the Witch

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
Speaking of weather does it ever rain in Botw? I’d love to roam Hyrule when its overcast and “rain drops fallin on my head.”
It does, but I've never had it rain until after I left the Great Plateau for the first time.

Ashley the Witch

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
I usually don't bother completing games just for the sake of a backlog, I only play a game if I love it. And if I don't complete it before starting another game. Oh well, doesn't bother me one bit. I have no backlog.
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Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo (I have my card)
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom
I usually don't bother completing games just for the sake of a backlog, I only play a game if I love it. And if I don't complete it before starting another game. Oh well, doesn't bother me one bit. I have no backlog
I will probably be playing Skyward Sword and Botw, and then do Totk after I complete Botw.

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