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How Much Time is There Between SS & OoT?

How much time is there between SS & OoT?

  • 5 years

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 10 years

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  • 50 years

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  • 100 years

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  • 200 years

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  • 500 years

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  • 1000 years

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  • Other (explain)

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  • Total voters


The game is on!
I think it will be about 500 years between the two games. 1000 years seems a little too much. During the 500 years the Master Sword will become legendary and Skyloft will be forgotten.

Although if the Sheikah girl from the trailer is Impa then it's more likely to be something between 10 and 50 years from SS to OoT.


Apr 22, 2011
Over 1.000 years I'd say..
The master sword has enough time to become a legend, Rauru will be old enough to call him self ''Ancient Sage''.. :)

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