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Ocarina of Time How Many Tries Did It Take You to Beat Phantom Ganon, then Ganon?



I just thought of this, when I first fought Phantom Gannon I had 3 fairys ready like I usually do. I tried 3 times to beat him then I finally beat that noob! But when I fought Gannon (part 1 of the final boss) he had the same attack style but I beat him on my first try and only used 1 fairy. Then I decided to see if I could then be Phantom Gannon again but died 2 times! I'm not sure what the difference of these bosses are. :hmm:


Jan 19, 2011
It took me 5 mins to figure out what to do, and I didn't die once :D


Hero of Time
Jan 30, 2011
Hardly took damage? lol I just figured that non of my equipment could deflect those energy blasts so i used my sword XD


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I figured out to shoot the paintings in about 2 minutes or so (had to dodge the shockwaves and I wasn't exactly quick all those years ago), but tt took me once or twice to beat the Phantom because I figured that the blast of lightning was kinda like a game of Tennis or ping pong or even baseball. It did take a little bit longer with Phantom Ganon vs Ganondorf because Ganondorf's lightning blasts go straight back to him rather than freefire.


I'm not the muffin man!
I figured that my bow had to do something... so I shot at the paintings....but I didnt catch on that the purple portal let him out until he had killed me once....

GRR I didn't mean to post! Then it took me maybe two trys. But with Gannondorf I beat him in one try.

Azure Sage

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Phantom Ganon; I died once. Luckily, I had a fairy, and I was able to beat him.

Ganondorf; He knocked me down below 6 times. I died 5 times. I got 3 game overs against him (because I ran out of fairies). After all that, I was finally able to beat him.

Ganon; He killed me about 6 times (6 game overs because I was out of fairies) before I finally beat him. I kept getting hit while trying to figure out how to hit him without my Master Sword, and was low on both magic power and arrows. (I didn't even think of having Ganon destroy the rubble around me to get more items until the 5th time I fought him, and that was just because he happened to hit one of the pices of rubble. =.=')

Nowadays, I can beat each of them without taking a single hit. ^^


Ordon Village
May 27, 2010
Ordon Village
I didn't die at all. I figured out what to do pretty quickly. Plus I always carry plenty of potions and fairies.


Infinite Dreamer
Nov 21, 2010
Storybrooke, Maine
Don't remember.

I just remember I hated fighting Phantom Ganon, because the first time around that I faced him, I was completely out of arrows. What I mean is that the first time I beat him I used only the hookshot, no arrows. It was excruciating for me, because the first half of the fight was far more difficult than it should have been for multiple reasons:

#1) First of all, the hookshot's range is terrible (it's no longshot), and this fight clearly maximized for me just how much of a handicap that short range could be. Let me say this: the hookshot's range is so horrid, that the only place in the room from which you can shoot it and actually reach all the portraits, is the center of the room. I'm telling you, if you stand on the sides, you won't have more than three portraits within your range. How bad is that? Though, this wouldn't have been a problem if it weren't for one particular aspect of the fight: since every time Phantom Ganon jumped out of the portraits, he would shoot out power waves from the center of the room, you could not stand in the center if you wanted to avoid being hit. You had to stand in the corners or at specific angles around the room that were exempt from being hit. So basically, you're forced to stand in spots where you're only in range of a few portraits. What happens when the two portraits that Phantom Ganon might jump out of are each on opposite ends of the room? Hahaha the hookshot laughs in your ears for only allowing you to be in range of ONE!

#2) Hey, why not add another handicap ontop of that last one to make things just a little worse! Oh joy...the hookshot's reaction time is abysmal. You only have an instant to land a hit on Phantom Ganon when he's jumping out of the portraits, so if you want to land a hit with our sloth-y little hookshot here, you'll have to take into account its lag time beforehand, calculating with precision how far in advance you need to shoot it to make contact. And don't even think about trying to land a hit while he's jumping through the air--that's a completely lost cause. Argh...now I'm starting to remember just how frustrating this fight really was at that time.

Ugh, I hated it so much. -.-

Granted if you're looking for extra challenge, this is the kind of thing you might like to try on a later playthrough (hey, if anybody feels like trying it now, go right ahead~ ^^) but seriously, this was during my first, and I was not up for extra challenges, though I went through with this one anyway. It also didn't help that I hadn't even known about fairies at the time, so had none on me either, neither any potions or any kind of health replenishers. I guess I just made it unnecessarily difficult for myself. Whoops :silent:

Though I must say, I found fighting normal Ganon to be a relief after going through that~ :P
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Businessman of Legend
Apr 1, 2009
The first time I faced Phantom Ganon, I already knew what I was supposed to do, so I never took a single hit.


Angel of Darkness
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ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
I managed to kill him without being killed but of course I got hit several times. It was not that hard if you were standing on the right place. Now I can kill him without being hit at all


Ganondorf Incarnate
Feb 12, 2011
Dark Realm
I died once on Phantom Ganon...due to him stabbing me with the dumb trident...
And I got numerous game over's on Ganondorf...he's a pain....


Lushier than Mercy!
Apr 14, 2008
Newfoundland, Canada
To this day I find Phantom Ganon to be a LOT more difficult than Ganondorf. I'm pretty sure I died like 10 times before beating PG the first time. Even my most recent attempt just a few months ago, I had 2/3 fairies and I still died a horrible death. With Ganondorf, I probably only died once or twice. Sure, you do the same thing with both bosses, but I find the way things aork to be quite different. PG moves around constantly, it seems like his spellls move faster, and because he moves around, there's no set timing for when you need to swing your sword.

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