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How Important is Replay Value to You?

Azure Sage

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Been actively replaying some of them for...hmmm....14 years now (N64 games). If I ever do get bored of them...I'll have a healthy amount of new games to replay by then. I just don't get how a game would suddenly get boring unless you outgrow it or something.

I never said suddenly. Not once. I've always been talking about gradually getting tired of it, essentially "outgrowing" it as you put it. I don't know what made you think I meant "suddenly" getting bored of it...


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
I never said suddenly. Not once. I've always been talking about gradually getting tired of it, essentially "outgrowing" it as you put it. I don't know what made you think I meant "suddenly" getting bored of it...

Eh...still don't see it, sorry. ^^

But as for outgrowing it, to me, this happens very rarely. Like when someone feels they are too old for Mario or platforming and wants rated M titles or FPS or something. Or how I less actively play Kirby 64 because the prospect of running around as an almighty god-like figure with multiple invincible powers isn't as appealing now as it was to me when I was a newb. But I still have an interest in Mario and Zelda, I still play OoT a lot and SM64 is my favorite Mario title. I enjoy platforming and still memorize the BK series and DK64 levels by heart.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I just don't get how a game would suddenly get boring unless you outgrow it or something.

For me, I have to have something new and/or exciting to do each time I play through a game. For example, playing through Final Fantasy XIII is something I'd do only once: the game is linear and essentially the same thing each and every time. You have about six paradigms and a multitude of ways to pair them up, but the reality of it all is that you HAVE to play a certain way else you'll either a) drag the battle on exponentially longer or b) never win.

That's why I stress non-linearity in many capacities, perhaps not in story but through gameplay. It isn't HOW we do it [control scheme], it's WHAT we do - and what we're doing each subsequent run through the games. That philosophy is true especially in the jobworld; you will never find yourself merely "going through the motions" and "honing your skill". There is always something new waiting around the corner - it may not be there day one but on day fifteen it'll surely expose itself. That's how people make careers out of things, and how I personally play video games.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
For me, I have to have something new and/or exciting to do each time I play through a game. For example, playing through Final Fantasy XIII is something I'd do only once: the game is linear and essentially the same thing each and every time. You have about six paradigms and a multitude of ways to pair them up, but the reality of it all is that you HAVE to play a certain way else you'll either a) drag the battle on exponentially longer or b) never win.

That's why I stress non-linearity in many capacities, perhaps not in story but through gameplay. It isn't HOW we do it [control scheme], it's WHAT we do - and what we're doing each subsequent run through the games. That philosophy is true especially in the jobworld; you will never find yourself merely "going through the motions" and "honing your skill". There is always something new waiting around the corner - it may not be there day one but on day fifteen it'll surely expose itself. That's how people make careers out of things, and how I personally play video games.

Fair enough...but I just don't see it. I don't know, to me, the first playthrough of a game is just the test run...the tutorial. I typically don't get into a game until my 2nd or 3rd playthrough. And I don't really appreciate for what it is or isn't until around 10 playthroughs or so. When I get it a game, I don't like just beating it once and basically ending it. I want to know the game fully, know the world and levels inside and out, understand the physics perfectly, know each and every glitch and short cut. When I play a game, I want to play it well. Not quite as obsessive over it as a speed runner or a tournament worthy brawl player, but playing a game only a few times is, to me, like going to an expensive fancy restaurant and the wolfing down the food for the sake of hunger and not eating it for the sake of taste and enjoyment.

And I can only partially agree with your "philosophy". In computers, yes, I am constantly finding new things to learn and experience...but in math, this is much rarer and in math one does need to spend quite a bit time "going through the motions" and "honing your skill". The same contrast can be found in other activities in which a profession is made, but I suppose that is neither here nor there.
Jan 1, 2012
Replay value is important to me. If I enjoy a game, it will always have replay value for me because I can play through over and over.


Staff member
Currently replay value isn't all that important to me as I have so many games in my backlog and will probably only get time to finish a game once before another takes it's place. If a game is so great that you want to play it again then that's a great thing though.

Snow Queen

Mannceaux Signature Collection
Mar 14, 2013
Grand Rapids, MI
Transwoman (she/her)
Replay value is incredibly important to me. I love games with cool side quests and tons of places to explore. I guess DLC adds to replay value, and I like the concept.

Lord Vain

Dawn of a New Day
Nov 29, 2011
I gess replay value isn't too important to me, Super Mario Sunshine, the Wind Waker, and Paper Mario are among the few games that have a lot of replay value to me. Most other games only see one play through though, afterwards I just move on to the next game of interest.


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
I think it's very important, yeah. I love game's to have a New Game+ option and the like, or have distant unlockables for doing stuff; like Resident Evil 4. I played that for god knows how long to unlock the Handcannon and then the PPR or whatever that big laser gun was called again. Really got my money's worth and enjoyed it! So, yeah, I'd say its important, particularly with today's game prices.

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