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How Has Your ZD Experience Been So Far?


shoegaze girl
Feb 22, 2010
New Albany, Indiana
I'm pretty new to the Zelda Dungeon community, I'm pretty sure I've been here for 2-3 months, and I love it here. I think it's a great website (especially when I'm bored) and I want to know what you guys think.
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Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I'm new as well (maybe just a month, I think), but ZeldaDungeon has been pretty awesome for such a small amount of time. All the members have been really polite, welcoming, and all that other good stuff. I hope ZD continues like this forever. :)

@lex MM

The Lurker
Apr 29, 2010
Behind you...
Well....I've been here for 2 months(or is it 3?:lol:),but I feel that I'm here for 1 year! I really like ZD community:)!!!!!!!
Nov 20, 2008
I've been here for about 18 months. And my first 8-9 were the best ever. But then I got busy, some good friends here left and I felt that things slowed down a lot socially here. And I loved that part.
Aug 18, 2009
First ever and last Zelda forum for me, so you can bet the experience has been great for me. Sure, I might not know much about Zelda, but the way most of the people here treat me is what keeps me here, never seen such good treatment and behaving from members at other forums I visited. ^^


Poe Catcher
Aug 25, 2008
Georgia, USA
I joined here four score and seven years ago...no wait, that would be 1923. I'm pretty sure nobody on here has been around for that long.

Anyways, I joined about two years ago, and this was my first (and only) forum, so I had no clue as to what to do. Thankfully, some members were able to get me on my feet, tell me the ways of the forum, and almost two years later, look at where I have come up. If you ever need help, the people here are always helpful from the administrators to the normal users. That's one reason why I have stayed on here; the friendliness of the forums is welcoming, and that's why my ZD experience has been perhaps the best two years of my Internet life.

Even as a mod, people don't have problems with me when I have to get my job done. It's nice to see a forum that mods are highly respected and not having people think of moderators or staffers as some form of evil syndicate. This might be my only forum, but I must say that this very well might be the best forum out there on the web.


Jun 19, 2010
I joined 3 days ago and so far I LOVE it!The people here are super nice!Im probably going to stay here till Im 20.Unlike other websites the staff are acually nice!I think its amazing!
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
Same as Petman, it's been almost about two years, more like a year and a half. By far the best part was the beginning of 09 to the middle of the year, and I feel this was when the forum was in its pride, with pod-casts and streams going on almost every other weekend. Now the forum is huge, a lot people have left, and I can't help but feel overall quality has gone down. But this is still one of the better places to be within the Zelda community.


Lushier than Mercy!
Apr 14, 2008
Newfoundland, Canada
I first joined ZD about 6 or 7 years ago. If you can believe it, I joined the old forum long before Mases did. :)
It's been a great experience for the most part. There have been times where a little drama has shown up making the stay a little less than pleasant (and I'm sure other old members can agree), but otherwise I think it's a great place and I'm glad to have found it!


Nature's troll
Mar 17, 2010
Pacific Northwest
I joined the ZD forums about a mont or three ago, and all I could say was, "Wow, this is amazing!" This was my second (and most likely last) forum on the internet. The old one was attracting noobs, spam, and well, other things. But ZD has been nothing less than totally awesome. The people here are really nice, everyone was welcoming, and my experience thus far absolutely incredible. I love it.


Young Link
Mar 31, 2010
I really like it!!!
Not just for Zelda, but it is a really cool forum.
I really like how alot of people are nice and respective.
(Maybe because they are REALLY harsh on the rules).
But yes, BEST WEBISITE EVER!!! (It's my homepage)


The Meat Shield
Mar 9, 2010
What is this place?!?!?
I was introduced to ZD by my friend Din.
I have to say that I am really happy about being here. Not only can I discuss Zelda stuff with people that understand it, now I also have a place to post my story (which is NOT Zelda related... but thats what the 'General' tab is for.. ;) )

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