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Hestu or Nostu?

Hyrulian Hero

Zelda Informer Codger
Oct 6, 2016
He's a tree, he could totally be in TotK. But what if he's not? Like, Korok seeds were a bit superfluous, especially after a certain point, but I think I'll miss them if Hestu's not in Tears. There are surely other options for gating inventory slots and other ways to make the world feel full and alive (come on Piccori!) but don't you kind of want Hestu to return? Shalaka!

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
I don't want them. I'm not a fan of Nintendo's habit of just giving the same collectible nine hundred times as a reward. That goes for the korok seeds, the spirit orbs, and heart pieces. I'd rather have fewer collectibles with more impactful rewards. Stuff like the motorcycle in BotW should be the norm, not the exception.


Oct 19, 2021
The Silent Realm
Honestly, I think we will probably be buying upgrades with rupees instead.

Rupees in BotW were quite redundant as the game went on.
Sure we might have Korok Seeds still, but they might give us something else entirely for collecting them.
But I think inventory upgrades should be tied to rupees since by the time I beat my third Divine Beast in my first playthrough, I had 100,000 excess monies and it was just... there.

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
Honestly, I think we will probably be buying upgrades with rupees instead.

Rupees in BotW were quite redundant as the game went on.
Sure we might have Korok Seeds still, but they might give us something else entirely for collecting them.
But I think inventory upgrades should be tied to rupees since by the time I beat my third Divine Beast in my first playthrough, I had 100,000 excess monies and it was just... there.

I'm not really a fan of inventory upgrades as a reward. Those are about as exciting to me as wallet upgrades in Ocarina of Time. Give us more items to do stuff with as rewards instead.
I'd rather actually just have a storehouse for extra weapons and stuff. Dunno if Link will still have his house in Hateno--or if Hateno will be intact at all, but if he has something similar to that, more could be done in terms of weapon storage. Doesn't matter the actual inventory size if you can put extras away. This is assuming weapon durability is dialed back or nonexistent, though. (I still like to think the durability was due to weapons simply being projections from the Sheikah Slate so I'm actually quite curious what weapons will be like without the Sheikah Slate).


Lord of the Flies
Site Staff
Oct 14, 2007
West Dundee, IL
I think it can be for a totally different purpose, maybe just some side quest.... but I think Hestu HAS TO BE in Tears of the Kingdom. He was one of the few standout side characters in the game. Really liked him.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
I would like Hestu to return, I would not like the Korok seeds to return. Let him be a funny side character. If Nintendo went and did the same sort of fetch quest all over again that'd be both annoying and dumb. But as a character, Hestu isn't bad. Maybe he can still run an inventory expansion point but for a different price.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I didn't care for korok seeds as a currency for upgrades, I would prefer some kind of exp or monster essences which encourage killing this time around as I found BoTW did everything to try and discourage combat generally.

Don't think the character should be barred from returning just not to serve the purpose of before.
Jan 28, 2023
I dont think korok seeds as a collectible will return, however, Hestu might return as an NPC and I would be a big fan of that. It also would be cool if he had a quest, where you would collect a very small amount of seeds in a small area.

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