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A Link Between Worlds Hero Mode Impressions


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Excessive, if you ask me. But, then again, this comes with the 4x damage.

Excessive is good. But, excessive is only an adjective for the weak; I crave extreme challenges. (that's a joke btw, if it's excessive for you then who really cares, everyone is different) <3

The Jade Fist

Kung Fu Master
Jul 17, 2012
Hearing about this, I'm actually very nervous. It looks like ALBW took after ALTTP, although to a lesser degree, by making enemies do ridiculous amounts of damage in the Dark World/Lorule. In ALTTP there were enemies as soon as you ended up on the Pyramid doing like 4 hearts of damage, and ALBW has ones that do 2+, correct? That's a buttload of damage. 4x damage is scary as hell. 3HC you will literally be 1HKO by EVERYTHING for over half the game. I can't wait to get ALBW and power through these difficult modes. I'll probably do minimalist rental only run, Hero Mode no restrictions, then Hero Mode minimalist rental only. I can't imagine the first time doing Hero Mode on this game (if it is as hard as it sounds), without even buying the items (because you will die a LOT).

Don't forget now that enemies have 8 directional movement no more using their direction of facing to your advantage. Oh and the bomb throwing cyclopses, well they throw like 1 bomb a second, and they explode very quickly...

So stunning enemies ahead of time is now even more vital then ever, except the ice rod /hammer nerf that was in ALBW vs ALTTP, that used to be my go to combo. Frozen enemies insta died to the hammer, and would drop large magic containers at a very high rate, when killed in this fashion. Well, now you just apparently wake them back up if you try it.

Also Ya no way i'm quite brave/ stupid enough to do a full minimalist run. In 3d its alot easier to dodge and predict movements, in 2d games its quite a bit more difficult. I forsee so many deaths its not funny by the time I complete my run.

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