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"Here Lies Link"


Of the Gorons
Aug 14, 2010
Death Mountain
Aside from being a Zelda fan, I'm also a huge fan of the Final Fantasy series. After playing Dawn of Souls for GBA, I remembered that in Final Fantasy 1, in the city of Elfheim, the left most tombstone behind the inn reads "Here lies Link". Now I know that it was just meant to be a cameo, but wouldn't it be cool if the Legend of Zelda series was connected to the Final Fantasy series. And even though the zelda timeline is screwed up enough, I think it would be cool to think that the FF games branch off of Zelda somehow. What do you guys think?



Sep 6, 2011
Hyrule (United States)
That's an interesting find. Nice job.

However I don't think that they are related, but I could be wrong. It's a cool idea, but a bit of a stretch.

Anyways, great find, and maybe you're on to something... ;)


Sage of Tales
I get this in real life.

I live across the street from a cemetary currently. I've taken walks though it. It's an old grounds that still has use today and thus there are a number of interesting names on the monuments. There is a "Link" family plot there - a big tombstone with "Link" in script and the given-names of various members of the family buried there. That stone also has a graphic of sea-shells on it so I guess at least one member of the family liked the sea.

There's also a stone for "A. Stiff" in that cemetary. I'm not kidding.

Edit: Ooh, look! My current user pic/avatar is appropriate!

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