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Health/Fitness Trackers


Staff member
Do you use any kind of health or fitness tracking tech in your day to day life? Do you find that it motivates you to get out there and exercise more?

I have had an Apple Watch Series 7 for nearly a year now and I find it pretty motivating to try and close my exercise, stand, and move rings by meeting my daily goals especially given that now I have a desk job. It's handy to have a reminder at a glance while also integrating with my other devices and allowing me to listen to music or podcasts via the watch while I'm out walking or running.

I've never really worn a watch since I was in primary school so I wasn't sure if I'd find it comfortable but after trying out a few different bands I got one that feels nice enough to wear all day and night (I only need to charge it while I am in the shower and use it all other times). I'll probably hold onto this for quite a number of years as it is though as Apple's upgrades year on year are incredibly minimal.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
Nope and i dont wanna i feel like that theyll make me paranoid that im not healthy...or sleeping good...


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I use the calorie tracker My fitness Pal if that counts. I make sure that I eat enough calories and protein for my goals every day so it's a very useful app to me.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Are those devices actually accurate?

It's an app. It has the largest database of any calorie tracker. Simply input your food and how much of that food you ate and it will total up the nutrition for you.

The accuracy depends on whether you weigh your foods out properly and with natural foods there is always some variation in the nutritional content.
Mar 23, 2013
I had a Fitbit tracker back when I was in the army. Bought it while I was in Fort Sill, Oklahoma and before my car made it back from Germany. I did a lot of walking back and forth across base in those car-less days and it was nice to see the effort validated.

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