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Hardest Dungeon/temple


Stardust Crusaders
Feb 15, 2010
Seasons in the Abyss [Minnesota]
The hardest temple for me was the Great Bay temple. I had a lot of trouble with this dungeons mostly because you had to change the way the water was moving to get through certain pipes in the main room also I hated trying to find all the right valves so I could continue through the dungeon. Another dungeon that comes to mind is the Water temple from Ocarina of Time, now I am not going to rant on how hard it was because now that I have replayed OoT enough times to figure out that it was always the keys that tripped me up and made me have to back track to one of the three Triforce symbols in on off the rooms to increase or decrease the water level and go back and find that darn key. Also the Water temple was very big and complicated, which made me confused on where to go and such, so that also plays a big part in the difficulty of the Water temple.
Jun 9, 2011
The hardest for me was the Stone Tower Temple. I mean, it's my favorite temple EVER but man, when they flipped it, I just got lost. I'd be going back and fourth flipping it and un-flipping it because I'd miss a treasure chest or something and having to play the Elegy a billion times to move the blocks....It was the only temple in MM that I had to go back in time and start over on because I RAN OUT of time. The boss was extremely easy but getting through the temple (and getting the fairies) was a pain in the rear. But I loved it because it was such a challenge. Plus, the music was fantastic too.

The water temple on OOT was a pain too (though, not as much as everyone likes to make it out to be.) It just took the longest.

And for some reason, I didn't find the Great Bay Temple all that difficult. The boss was a pain but the temple itself I was able to figure out pretty easily. All in all though, the hardest temples are the ones we remember. :)


The Rodent King
Jun 15, 2011
The Tree
TP: Snowpeak Ruins

i find it insanely difficult and it took me so many tries to defeat darkhammer and made me so angry that i punched the table my TV is sitting on (not a good idea)-PAIN:S

this dungeon caused me physical pain.


By far the Water Temples. The one in OOT was confusing, but the one in MM is even harder. It's just as confusing but the enemies are stronger, especially the crappy frog in the slime caused me anger and a lot of time. And Gyorg is in my opinion also very annoying, if you don't know where to hit exactly he tears you into pieces.


The Seal has been Broken
May 18, 2011
The Temple of Time
I don't really have a hardest dungeon or temple. If you are wondering why it is because all the dungeons and temples I have done have all been easy.
Jan 9, 2011
Aol great palace! this dungeon is EVIL! also, most of the other palaces is Aol should be on this list. in addition level 6, 8 and 9 in the original was also wery hard. in 3D Zelda's I'll have to say TP city in the sky, it was very confusing.


Hmmm.... There were a number of dungeons that were difficult for me... Ganon's tower in 'A Link to the Past' was hell for me, Jabu Jabu's Belly in 'Oracle of Ages'. nothing - NOTHING - stood anywhere close to Great Palace in 'The Adventue of Link' for me, though. I pride myself on my skill as a Zelda player, but that was absolutely ridiculous!
Feb 1, 2011
Ice Palace (ALTTP)

This dungeon is the hardest dungeon in my opinion.

I always slip on the ice and then I get hit a lot.
When I get hit a lot, that leads to death.


Boy Wonder
Jun 22, 2011
Behind you
Great Bay Temple.

Sooo much backtracking. It's massive. Puzzles are rarely constrained to a single room and often require large loops around the temple to complete. It's maddening.

But I love every second of it.


For me it has to be the Water Temple (Surprise!). Compared to other dungeons that are pretty linear the Water Temple required a lot of exploring.
Another one that proved quite challenging is the Tower of Spirits. There were some tricky puzzles there.

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