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Handheld Zelda Games VS. Non-Handheld Zelda Games


Hero of Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lake Hylia, Hyrule
The Legend of Zelda is a franchise that (thankfully) has very enjoyable games on both Handheld and Non-Handheld consoles. (Unlike the Call of Duty series. Really? MW3 for the REGULAR DS?). I've had many memorable fights and experiences from games on both platforms. I'm new to the ZD community and I would like to get to know more people and make friends here, so I thought discussing the differences between the handheld and non-handheld Zeldas would be a good way to connect. :)

My favorite non-handheld Zelda game has to be Ocarina of Time (I know, it technically has a handheld version now but the first time I played it was on the N64!). Some of my most memorable Legend of Zelda moments are in that game. The Fire Temple is one of my favorite dungeons of all time. Twilight Princess is also a great one even though I don't like wolf Link all that much.

As for handheld Zelda games, one of my favorites is Oracle of Ages. It's an older game, that much is true, but I feel a lot of nostalgia playing that game and I love playing the harp and traveling through time. I also love shooting a laser out of my sword when having full health! :D

So my question(s) for all of you are, which is your favorite non-handheld Zelda game, and which is your favorite handheld Zelda game? Why is it your favorite?

Also, do you prefer handheld Zelda games over non-handheld ones? Have you had more memorable experiences on a handheld Zelda game over a non-handheld one? I'm interested to hear your thoughts, so please discuss away :)

I'm thankful that TLoZ has enjoyable and memorable games on both handheld and non-handheld consoles. That makes it one of the best game franchises out there.



Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
First off, welcome to ZD :)

Favourite non-handheld game: Majora's Mask

It's faster and easier to explain what I don't like about this game because, in all honesty, such a list does not exist. Seriously, I cannot think of a single thing I do not like about this game. Given time, maybe I could find something but I'd have to search very hard indeed. The whole game is just a masterpiece.

Favourite handheld game: The Minish Cap

Stellar game. Brilliant overworld, brilliant dungeons, I love Ezlo and the whole shrinking mechanic and love how they included those special skills with the sword too. Kinstones were great, Vaati was great, the items were great, TMC is just a brilliant game all-round :)

I don't really prefer handheld over non-handheld (or vice versa) but I do think non-handheld create the more memorable moments, at least for me. I think it's just as simple as the fact that I tend to play them more often and so remember them better :lol:


Hero of Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lake Hylia, Hyrule
Thanks for the welcome! :)

Yeah I agree, I tend to play the non-handheld Zelda games more often. I really do like OoA though and prefer it over some of the non-handheld ones.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Sorry, dude, but I'm the real life Link. Breaking pots is my favorite hobby.

Also, welcome to DGN. It's a great community.

My favorite console Zelda game is Ocarina of Time. A lot of people, Zelda fan or not, are becoming delusional seeing OoT claim the top spot on many a videogame list. Quite frankly, it deserves the honor. It's by no means a perfect game and a keen eye can nitpick a few minor problems here and there but these flaws are so negligible as to not detract from the overall experience. Lock-on is likely Ocarina's greatest achievement since then becoming a cornerstone for another genre-FPSs. The narrative resonates with me to this day. It's simple but effective. Introducing characters during the Young Link half and having them serve as sages during the adult period is very effective. I felt appreciation towards Saria and especially Darunia; few characters have peaked my interest to such an extent. I've played Ocarina of Time more times than any other videogames besides Super Mario World and Super Mario 64 and boot it up periodically to relive the legendary adventure.

My favorite handheld Zelda game is The Minish Cap. I could go into detail as to why but Cfrock already nicely laid out the points. The Minish Cap is a natural evolution of A Link to the Past in every way, a true cornerstone of 2D gaming.

Overall, I prefer the console games because they generally feature events on a grander scale naturally being able to process more due to more powerful hardware. Lately, however, I've taken liking towards the handheld games. This past generation, for example, my favorite entry was neither Twilight Princess nor Skyward Sword but Spirit Tracks.


Hero of Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lake Hylia, Hyrule
Sorry, dude, but I'm the real life Link. Breaking pots is my favorite hobby.

Also, welcome to DGN. It's a great community.

My favorite console Zelda game is Ocarina of Time. A lot of people, Zelda fan or not, are becoming delusional seeing OoT claim the top spot on many a videogame list. Quite frankly, it deserves the honor. It's by no means a perfect game and a keen eye can nitpick a few minor problems here and there but these flaws are so negligible as to not detract from the overall experience. Lock-on is likely Ocarina's greatest achievement since then becoming a cornerstone for another genre-FPSs. The narrative resonates with me to this day. It's simple but effective. Introducing characters during the Young Link half and having them serve as sages during the adult period is very effective. I felt appreciation towards Saria and especially Darunia; few characters have peaked my interest to such an extent. I've played Ocarina of Time more times than any other videogames besides Super Mario World and Super Mario 64 and boot it up periodically to relive the legendary adventure.

My favorite handheld Zelda game is The Minish Cap. I could go into detail as to why but Cfrock already nicely laid out the points. The Minish Cap is a natural evolution of A Link to the Past in every way, a true cornerstone of 2D gaming.

Overall, I prefer the console games because they generally feature events on a grander scale naturally being able to process more due to more powerful hardware. Lately, however, I've taken liking towards the handheld games. This past generation, for example, my favorite entry was neither Twilight Princess nor Skyward Sword but Spirit Tracks.

I apologize, I just couldn't think of a username, so this one happened, haha! I completely agree with everything you said about OoT. I mean no offense to other Zelda fans but OoT shines out over pretty much every other Zelda game out there and that's a fact. I mean, Nintendo remade it for the 3DS AND made a special OoT3D edition of the 3DS, which I am the proud owner of :D


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Great thread, LinkIRL! :)

Favorite Console Title: Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask
I could go on and on about why OoT is my favorite game, but I'll cut it sweet and short. This game is my entire childhood in a nutshell. I don't find much wrong in the game, and what little I do find wrong, it's so very miniscule it doesn't even matter. The rupees are useless, big whoop! Everything else in the game is absolutely fantastic in my opinion.

Apply the above to Majora's Mask!

Favorite Handheld Title: ....oh God, I don't know where to start. TMC, OoA, OoS.
Out of the bunch of handheld titles produced for the Zelda series, my top three in no specific order are The Minish Cap, Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons. All three have great overworlds, great bosses, great everything. I love all of the stuff these games have, especially the sidequests, and I wouldn't trade them for any game, ever.

Do I prefer handheld over console or vice versa? Nope! TMC, OoA and OoS have proven to me that handheld Zelda can be as competent if not moreso than the console counterparts, but at the same time, the consoles have Ocarina of Time and MM! However, I will definitely say that the console side of Zelda has created more memories for me, simply because there are more console titles! :D


Hero of Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lake Hylia, Hyrule
Great thread, LinkIRL! :)

Favorite Console Title: Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask
I could go on and on about why OoT is my favorite game, but I'll cut it sweet and short. This game is my entire childhood in a nutshell. I don't find much wrong in the game, and what little I do find wrong, it's so very miniscule it doesn't even matter. The rupees are useless, big whoop! Everything else in the game is absolutely fantastic in my opinion.

Apply the above to Majora's Mask!

Favorite Handheld Title: ....oh God, I don't know where to start. TMC, OoA, OoS.
Out of the bunch of handheld titles produced for the Zelda series, my top three in no specific order are The Minish Cap, Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons. All three have great overworlds, great bosses, great everything. I love all of the stuff these games have, especially the sidequests, and I wouldn't trade them for any game, ever.

Do I prefer handheld over console or vice versa? Nope! TMC, OoA and OoS have proven to me that handheld Zelda can be as competent if not moreso than the console counterparts, but at the same time, the consoles have Ocarina of Time and MM! However, I will definitely say that the console side of Zelda has created more memories for me, simply because there are more console titles! :D

I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves OoA! :D Yeah OoT is arguably the best console Zelda title out there (I don't want to spark an argument about it though haha)


Jun 19, 2010
Favorite Console Game: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Despite it's flaws, I still love this game. The motion controls were nearly perfect, and the combat was revolutionized with them. The enemies were smarter and adapted, and combat in Zelda was finally challenging. The dungeon design was fantastic, with more packed into each room, and everything felt much more connected. The art style was beautiful, and the soundtrack was impeccable. The story was the best ever seen in a Zelda game, and I was very impressed. The game also took me over 57 hours to beat on my first playthrough, which is a good thing. The game definitely has it's flaws, but most of them are minor, and the game still did many things right. Also, it's just plain fun to play.

Favorite Handheld Game: The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap. The game was probably the best handheld Zelda. All the new items were actually useful, and implemented well. My favorite part is the abundance of sidequests. There were so many things to collect and accomplish. Even after i've done almost everything, I still have 1 kinstone fusion that's missing. The bosses and shrinking mechanic were also excellent. I've played this game over 10 times, and I still love it.

In general, I prefer Console games. Besides the obvious, like consoles having more power, pretty much all Handheld Zeldas are top down, and I prefer 3D games for many reasons. Both Console and Handheld games are excellent though.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
The console game description is going to be much longer than the handheld one due to ranting about something that isn't necessarily about the game per se. And because there's just a lot more for me to talk about. :)

Favorite Handheld Zelda

Oh, geez, I cannot choose between The Minish Cap and Spirit Tracks. TMC is, by all means, the vastly superior game, but that's basically only due to the train portions and story pacing. Other than that, ST is on equal footing with TMC, and that's really saying something. Some people complained about the stylus controls in the DS games, and, like with Other M, while I agree they occasionally got in the way, they work in excellently with the gameplay. ST's music is also stellar. First Zelda game to have a truly great soundtrack if you ask me. As for TMC's stand-out specific, I have to give props to the overworld. It was masterfully-crafted and easily the best in the entire franchise. Unless it were to make it bigger, I can't really think of any better ways to make the layout for this overworld. Not every last detail was perfect, but it was essentially a flawlessly-designed landscape. Truly phenomenal.

Both of these games are fantastic in so many ways. The dungeons, the overworlds (minus the train portions), the dungeons, the bosses, the music... all just pure gold. Again, I just can't choose between these two games. They're both SO fun to play.

Favorite Console Zelda

Skyward Sword. This game has flaws to be sure, but what it did well, it did ****ing well. Despite what some people have claimed, the controls functioned flawlessly, and they allowed for much more diverse interactions with the gaming world (which has no doubt helped solidify this game's position as the cornerstone for the future of motion gaming). The immersion factor was just higher as a result, or at least it was for me. The combat was also much improved by being fleshed-out and requiring more strategy than previous titles, especially the GameCube titles. (Cue rant in next paragraph.)

I'd like to give praise to the controls for the overhaul of the combat system, but that alone wasn't really it. I mean, yeah, if enemies hadn't blocked in specific directions, the use of the Wii MotionPlus would have been rather pointless -- seriously, if it had been like past titles where most enemies didn't offer any defense and we could just hack away without ever having to worry about not landing a blow, it just would have been more of the same stuff, just with motion controls -- but enemies in the past could have (and should have) already taken advantage of directional swinging. We could slash vertically and horizontally in previous 3D games, so some enemies could have required us to do that. Yeah, that didn't really happen. The only thing the MotionPlus would have been able to change there is enemies blocking so that only diagonal attacks hit (which some enemies thankfully did). Nevertheless, Skyward Sword was the first Zelda game to offer enemies that required directional swinging, so it alone gets the praise for revamping the combat scheme. It just wasn't the motion controls alone that did it.

The surface being disconnected was kind of a bummer, but the individual surface portions (with the exception of Lake Floria) were really impressive. A seamless dungeon/overworld transition was something I'd been waiting for in Zelda for a while, and Skyward Sword finally delivered on that. There still wasn't as much free-roaming exploration as there was in the classic titles, but there was definitely a fair bit more to be had than in most other modern titles. Only TMC outdoes SS there (in the modern titles, of course.)

The dungeons? As usual with Zelda, superb. I'd say they're the best in the series, although only marginally above Majora's Mask's. A heavy focus on (proper) RPG mechanics (including an upgrade system, finally!) and resource management were features in a Zelda game for the first time A Link to the Past, as well, something that I'm all for. The story, while very standard Zelda fare, was a lot more weighty and emotional than I expected. Characters were the most alive they'd been since MM, and two of the game's scenes -- for the first time ever in a Zelda game -- made me cry. (Well, one was more along the lines of tearing up, but still, that never happened in any other Zelda, not even in Twilight Princess when Midna left). I'm also very much in love with this game's art. The visuals were like a painting come to life and the music fused itself perfectly with the environments, in tandem creating one of the most unique vibes in Zelda game. Both the visuals and soundtrack are some of the best in all of gaming.

Overall, Skyward Sword is a fantastic game and without a doubt the best the series has seen in a very long time (specifically since MM). It's not quite the best, but it did a LOT of things that I'd been wanting to see in a Zelda game, including an actually good economy. Rupee use sucked in literally every previous title, but SS actually managed to get it right this time. Not that big of a deal, but, man, was it something that annoyed me in the past. Seriously, though, fantastic game. Didn't come full circle on bringing back all the classic Zelda elements that have been missing ever since The Wind Waker, but it was definitely a step in the right direction. I can't wait to see if Zelda 3DS and/or Wii U become my new favorite(s) over this one.
Apr 22, 2012
Favorite Console Zelda Game: Ocarina of Time
Well considering that oot is not only my favorite game of all time....yeah i love this game so much it holds many fond memories. Not only did it expand on the games that came before it but ocarina of time has everything that defines a zelda game. Nice big open world to explore, interesting and challenging dungeons, creepy bosses and so on. This game was one of the games that defined my childhood and it is a game that i will still go back and replay to this day.

Favorite hand held title: it's a tossup between links awakening and spirit tracks
Links awakening is not just an amazing hand held game but an amazing game all on its own. It was the first of its kind. It took everything that was great about the series and made it portable! Also it was the first game that taught us that zelda doesn't necessarily need to take place in hyrule and I always thought that that was an interesting twist on the series. It also has one of my favorite stories throughout the entire series. Sure it's a bit different but so what different aint always bad. Overall links awakening is just a great experience.

Now call me crazy but I loved spirit tracks. It fixed almost everything that was wrong with phantom hourglass and is a game that I believe can stand on its own two feet. My initial reaction when I first saw the game was the same as everybody elses and that was "why nintendo why would you do this to zelda?" However spirit tracks was the game that taught me not to judge a game before playing it. The characters were quircky, the story was good, the music was awesome, and gameplay was quite enjoyable. Yeah it has a bunch of flaws but imo the good far outweighs the bad in this game.


Fallen Knight
Sep 1, 2008
Favorite Handheld Zelda: Link's Awakening
Perhaps a weird choice considering it's also the first handheld Zelda game, but Link's Awakening has an atmosphere unknown to the other Zelda games. The main reason I like it so much is because it truly tried to do something different and groundbreaking while remaining true to the franchise. Indeed, just take a look at the different enemies (cameos from Mario and other games) and you can see that we're not dealing with a regular Zelda title here. I've always loved how they were able to cram an impressive story, a decent amount of dungeons, interesting characters AND the classic Zelda gameplay onto such a tiny little cartridge. It's the full Zelda experience in four shades of green/gray. It still baffles me to this day: A full Zelda adventure in only 4 megabits. :)

It also includes my favorite Zelda character: Marin! The fact that Link and her had SOMEWHAT (take the term very loosely here) of a romantic relationship is something we wouldn't see again until Skyward Sword. That, and she just looks so freakin' cute in her artwork! The only character that comes close is Malon... But that's an entirely different discussion for another time.

The other handheld Zelda games I didn't really care all that much about. The Minish Cap is definitely a good game, but doesn't quite reach up there with Link's Awakening. The DS games on the other hand felt really unnecessary to me. I've never been able to get into them and I actually do own both games. It's certainly not because of the artstyle, because I love Wind Waker. A Link to the Past was just a port of the console game, so I'm not counting that one. Although it is, admittedly, a brilliant port.

Favorite Console Zelda: Majora's Mask
This is an easy one for me. There is only one Zelda game that truly drew me in, and that's Majora's Mask. The amount of story in this game is crazy. In a good way! Although only three days, there are so many sidequests that you can do. Every character in the game basically has a story. It's one of the things I love about it. It made the characters feel real. Something that's only possible because of the 3-day system. If they hadn't included that, then the characters would have probably been just as flat as they were in Ocarina of Time. No offense to you OoT fans out there!

Unlike OoT there was also the real feeling of the world being in danger. The moon was a brilliant addition to the game (face and all). You can feel it coming closer to Termina as you progress through the game. It really made you feel like there was a threat to the world. In Ocarina of Time the threat was at a greater distance in its own castle, but here the threat was always watching you. While we're on the subject, the grim atmosphere is something we haven't seen in other Zelda games. Future Zelda games are a lot more kid-friendly, but Majora's Mask felt so deep to me. So deep that it takes a more adult-like person to truly appreciate all the little details they put in the game. I'm saying this because back when I was younger I didn't truly play the game to its fullest. Replaying it now as an adult, I really take the time to read every piece of dialoge that the characters in the game give you. It gives me the opportunity to really appreciate the effort the developers put in their characters.

Unfortunately I'm pretty bored with the other console Zelda games. Ocarine of Time used to be my favorite, but I'm too tired of the game now. I blame myself for replaying it too much. Twilight Princess was an all right game, but tried too hard to be like OoT. I didn't even finish Skyward Sword yet.


It doesn't really matter to me if the game is on a handheld or on a console. Either way I'll really enjoy the game as long as it appeals to me. That's the most important thing for me; the game has to keep me entertained and really has to draw me in. The above two games did exactly that, the other Zelda games did it to a lesser extent.


Hero of Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lake Hylia, Hyrule
You all have interesting opinions and I agree with most of them! It seems OoT and Majora's Mask are the most popular console Zeldas amongst y'all. I totally agree, although I really do love TP. I haven't ever played TMC, LA, or ST but I need to sometime to see if they really match up to the hype. Keep up the discussion! It's nice to meet y'all. :)
LinkIRL said:
I mean, Nintendo remade it for the 3DS AND made a special OoT3D edition of the 3DS, which I am the proud owner of:D
I've got one of those, too!:) Also, welcome to ZD :party:

Home Console- This one is hard. I love all of the home console games. It's a very close call, but if I had to pick one, it would be Wind Waker. My reason for this is that I have a unique history with the Wind Waker. Up until my late childhood area of life, I had no idea what the Legend of Zelda even was. I found out about it through Super Smash Bros. Melee and bought Wind Waker as a result. As my very first Zelda game, it always takes precedence over most other Zelda games. I love the art style, the enemies, the items, everything about it. The music in WW is some of the best I've heard (Molgera's theme, anyone?). The story was also very engaging for me (I am a very story-driven gamer, which is why I didn't buy a PS3 up until recently).

Handheld- I would say the portable version of aLttP (because it's aLttP and portable), but it was a home console game first, so I'm not sure how much that would count as a handheld. Same goes for OoT3D. That game was awesome. Anyway, my favourite handheld that is solely a handheld is probably Link's Awakening. That game's story was very moving for me, and I actually almost cried at the end (I got the "good" ending for using no continues). Another reason I choose LA is because I haven't played Minish Cap or either of the Oracle games (I'm sure I would like them if I did, though), and I hated having to control Link with a stylus enough that I can't say PH or ST is my favourite (I'm not saying they're bad, I'm just saying I like hitting buttons to do things).


Hero of Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lake Hylia, Hyrule
I've got one of those, too!:) Also, welcome to ZD :party:

Home Console- This one is hard. I love all of the home console games. It's a very close call, but if I had to pick one, it would be Wind Waker. My reason for this is that I have a unique history with the Wind Waker. Up until my late childhood area of life, I had no idea what the Legend of Zelda even was. I found out about it through Super Smash Bros. Melee and bought Wind Waker as a result. As my very first Zelda game, it always takes precedence over most other Zelda games. I love the art style, the enemies, the items, everything about it. The music in WW is some of the best I've heard (Molgera's theme, anyone?). The story was also very engaging for me (I am a very story-driven gamer, which is why I didn't buy a PS3 up until recently).

Handheld- I would say the portable version of aLttP (because it's aLttP and portable), but it was a home console game first, so I'm not sure how much that would count as a handheld. Same goes for OoT3D. That game was awesome. Anyway, my favourite handheld that is solely a handheld is probably Link's Awakening. That game's story was very moving for me, and I actually almost cried at the end (I got the "good" ending for using no continues). Another reason I choose LA is because I haven't played Minish Cap or either of the Oracle games (I'm sure I would like them if I did, though), and I hated having to control Link with a stylus enough that I can't say PH or ST is my favourite (I'm not saying they're bad, I'm just saying I like hitting buttons to do things).

I agree with you on the home console thing. OoT and TP are amazing games. I actually don't like WW all that much, but since it was your first game I can see why it's your favorite (OoT was my first home console Zelda). You should try Oracle of Ages sometime! It's oldschool but it's so much fun!
Apr 10, 2012
This one pretty much was a tough fight between MM and SS, but MM won. I just loved the sense of dread that took over the world, 3 day mechanic was frustrating at times, but still a cool feature. The masks were awesome, and like everyone else says the NPC's were amazing.

TMC was by far my favorite handheld title.

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