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Majora's Mask Gyorg


Pottery=Mortal Enemy!
Jan 5, 2014
Am I the only one who thinks that gyorg from the great bay temple was very easy?

I really don't understand why people think he is the hardest boss in the series.


And now.. That imp has it
Nov 4, 2013
Hardest boss is definetly Majora's Mask itself in my opinion, considering you're fighting it without the Feirce Deity Mask. Gyorg wasn't really hard, maybe even one of the easier ones. I do remember when I was young and you had to jump in the water to hit it as Zora Link. When I hit it with my electric barrier shield I was like ''sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, gotta get out of the water'', because then he would come after you and eat you :P. Really gave me an adrenaline rush when I was younger.

Best one still is Goht though. Most original boss in the game. Twinmold was the worst. Gyorg itself was pretty decent.


Pottery=Mortal Enemy!
Jan 5, 2014
Hardest boss is definetly Majora's Mask itself in my opinion, considering you're fighting it without the Feirce Deity Mask. Gyorg wasn't really hard, maybe even one of the easier ones. I do remember when I was young and you had to jump in the water to hit it as Zora Link. When I hit it with my electric barrier shield I was like ''sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, gotta get out of the water'', because then he would come after you and eat you :P. Really gave me an adrenaline rush when I was younger.

Best one still is Goht though. Most original boss in the game. Twinmold was the worst. Gyorg itself was pretty decent.

Gyorg was not hard , it was intense and I agree twinmold is horrible , I am not sure about majora because when I defeated twindmold I had a blackout while using the song of time and lost my save file , I am not going to restart anytime soon. :dry:


Jun 22, 2011
United States
For some reason I've have more trouble with Gyorg the more experience I have playing MM. When I was first playing the game I would rarely take damage during the fight. It might be psychological or something. Since people often say he's difficult, I must have become overly cautious fighting him which leads to more mistakes. My last playthrough I think he bit me about 4 times. I've still never been seriously in danger of dying during the fight, but he does seem more dangerous to me now. Overall for the series he's not particularly difficult, but for MM he is one of the harder ones just because there aren't that many. I've never had any trouble with the other 3 dungeon bosses at all. Majora is definitely the hardest though.
Jun 14, 2011
Gyorg was probably the only Boss in Majora's Mask that killed me multiple times, the rest of the Bosses killed me at least once. I don't think Gyorg was hard as such, it was just the harsh consequences that happened if you didn't get out of the water quick enough. Because of that, I kinda regard Gyorg as one of the most scariest bosses throughout the Zelda universe.


Nature's troll
Mar 17, 2010
Pacific Northwest
Gyorg isn't too difficult if you have a good grasp on Majora's Mask, otherwise, it's still possible, but good luck. I think Goht was the most fun boss, certainly in MM, and maybe even in the series.
Jan 21, 2013
Clock Town
I had a hard time with him originally. My mistake was switching to Link to stun him with the bow before going in with the Zora Mask instead of just using the double cutters, which I never thought of as a kid. Since Link is shorter in human form, you have to get pretty close to the edge of the platform--where you are most vulnerable to Gyorg's ramming attacks--to get a clean shot at him. Plus, the added strain of switching forms made it harder to focus on the fight. Once I realized I could just stay Zora the fight became much easier.

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