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Game Thread Guess Your Role: Poke Ball Z Mafia (BMGf/ZD Crossover Event) Endgame: TBA, Town and Survivor Win! (11/7/19)

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Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Roleblocked Gumball per request. No idea why he was playing so anti-town.
I am starting to feel like I've got some secondary killing role or someone is trying to make me look bad.

I mean, I'm the one who killed LG last night so you didn't do that. I forgot ME had told you to block LG though.
Apr 30, 2019
Block? You were supposed to protect Max, not block him.

Also, update: I am now two handed again, but I’m pretty tired and need to exercise my right arm a bit after not using it for a week. I’ll post more later, and finish my math, but that’s going to be later today.

that's what i meant haha. and my heal did go through so take that info as you wish
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