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Game Thread Guess Your Role: Poke Ball Z Mafia (BMGf/ZD Crossover Event) Endgame: TBA, Town and Survivor Win! (11/7/19)

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Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
This post is the biggest what-the-heck-is-even-going-on if he's mafia role cop who checked me. Like, I guess one shots dont always come up in role names but I dont see where this comes from if he's mafia. Idk just my two cents he's probably just mafia and I'm refusing to accept it again.

I actually don't remember Rubik saying that. Lol. So that could be a point in his favor. I'm like 50/50 on him right now.

am i the only one that's too stupid to figure out what funnier's role is

The tribe has spoken, funnier you have driven this game crazy and dumb.


Standing Out
Sep 4, 2017
Above the Crowd
Day 5: Is Anyone Really Surprised?

Cell sighed and shook his head. “Raditz, Raditz, Raditz. I told him that getting a big head would be his undoing.”

“Wha-? You’re one of the cockiest people I know.” Tien scoffed. “And I know Vegeta.” Cell chuckled.

“Yes, Tenshinhan. But, unlike Raditz and Vegeta, I have the ability to back it up.” Cell vanished and appeared behind Tien, kicking him in the back and sending him reeling. Zygarde followed by raining a Thousand Arrows attack on the others, causing them to scatter to evade them. Cell and Zygarde then preyed on the momentary confusion with close combat strikes. As Cell moved to attack the winded and vulnerable Tien, Yamcha jumped in the way.

“S-stop!” He stammered. Cell raised an eyebrow. “If you don’t stop, then… Then I’ll… Wolf Fang Fist!” Yamcha dashed towards Cell and landed a rapid flurry of blows. Cell simply floated there, arms crossed, and took the blows without flinching.

“Yamcha, even for you, this is pathetic.” Cell said as he backhanded Yamcha. The force of the blow sent Yamcha flying through the air to impact a cliff. He stuck there for a moment, before falling to the ground, unmoving.


LittleGumball was killed. They were a Vanilla aligned with the Town
Hi there Doc LittleGumball, you are Yamcha and Magikarp.


Your first half is commonly regarded as the weakest of the Z-Fighters, though this is technically incorrect. Chiaotsu is actually weaker than you, it’s just that his death was far more dignified. Rather than Chiaotsu’s noble act of self destructing in an ultimately fruitless effort to kill Nappa, you were killed by an exploding Saibaman. You’ve been 100% useless in every major threat since.

Your second half isn’t much better, also commonly regarded as the weakest amongst its fellow Pokémon. Although in your later stage you are a formidable foe, teaching all trainers about fruitfulness of patience, in this state you just splash around. Don’t expect anyone to buy you for 500 dollars.

Because neither Yamcha nor Magikarp are really able to do anything meaningful, you are a Vanilla, you have no special powers.

You are aligned with the Town and win once all hostile forces have been eliminated.

Meanwhile, Zygarde attacked Piccolo, Krillin, and their Pokemon. It was large and not overly mobile, but it made up for it with incredible strength and durability. Powering through their attacks with Brick Breaks, Outrages, and Iron Tails, Zygarde pushed the four to their limit.

“Krillin.” Piccolo said. “I’ll distract it, you get a Destructo Disk ready to cut it in half.”

“You sure? You’re pretty beat up.” Krillin said.

“I’m sure. Xatu!” Piccolo and Xatu charged. Piccolo threw a few punches, while Xatu launched Psybeams and Shadow Balls. Zygarde simply shrugged these off, weakened as the pair were, and landed brutal combos on the two, before throwing them downward and sending a powerful Core Enforcer after them. The attack consumed the pair, leaving no trace behind.

Max1996ZD was killed. They were Piccolo and Xatu, a Cop aligned with the Town.
Hi there Max1996ZD, you are Piccolo and Xatu.


Technically “Piccolo Jr.”, your first half is the son of the Demon King Piccolo, born to continue his plans of global conquest, as well as enact his revenge on the child who killed him: Goku. However, after being defeated by Goku at the World Martial Arts Tournament, you put those plans on hold and begun training in assorted wastelands. When Goku died the first time, you kidnapped his son, intending to train and brainwash him to continue your plans of conquest. As time passed however, you grew attached to the little brat, to the point of sacrificing yourself to save him from Nappa’s attack. And from there it was a slippery slope from “begrudging ally” to “full-on good guy”.

Your second half is the ever watchful Xatu. You are able to get visions of the future, this gift is also a curse as you are often standing still for days while you look into the future. Afraid of knowing what the future holds, yet unable to alter it.

In this game, you are a Cop. During any and all night phases, you can target another player, Piccolo will then use his ability to read minds, along with Xatu’s future sight, to determine your target’s alignment.

You are aligned with the Town and win once all hostile forces have been eliminated.

It is now Day 5
Day 5 will end in 48 hours

Countdown Timer
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King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
I want to vote you for this check
I'd rather check Minish and/or Moe first so that we don't have to wrongly kill a self aligned player and so that we aren't stuck with a SK in late game that might be more powerful than we are prepared for.

I was expecting either Max or your watcher to go off today; I'm not sure why you accurately told scum who you'd be targeting instead of leaving it ambiguous.
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