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Game Thread Guess Your Role: Poke Ball Z Mafia (BMGf/ZD Crossover Event) Endgame: TBA, Town and Survivor Win! (11/7/19)

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Maniacal Engineer

Conspiracy Theorist
Aug 20, 2017
The Watchtower
Hey! Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 was the bomb!
The Spirit Bomb?
why did I ask moe if he was looking for a stone egg?
the answer come day start
It damn well better. I've been asking Moe about that item he's looking for since last night, and am very confused.
I don't like to be confused.
I do enjoy being deliberately confusing, though.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
because I know you're right. :P

I've been ****ing with everyone this whole game. :crylaugh::crylaugh::crylaugh:
I'd like to say I'm surprised but nope.
Also, here’s a Question to just throw out there:
If Gohan is the original Role Cop, and Gotenks was the Gladiator, what town character could possibly fit as a Backup Role Cop?
I’m assuming there should be some relation to Gohan, but perhaps I’m overthinking things?
I thought it was obvious ME was vig after he admitted to killing Lone and I claimed SK. Lol
Yes, but the flavor saying Lone was already dead didnt make that obvious for me.
I think that the tristan nightkill over the max nightkill is a lot more likely to come from funnier actually
If I had been SK oh yes definitely not making that mistake again but no. Tristan was acting too weird and clearing me too much to night kill immediately. At least just skimming my brain, I'm way too far gone to start reverse engineering scum funnier thought processes.
I think mafia probably figured Max would be protected. And Tristan can out a Godfather, whereas Max can't. So it makes sense if you think of it that way.
Also this, this is the only reason why Tristan was chosen over Max imo. I was actually so confused until fg claimed cause for some reason I forgot doctors existed.
I know right?! I immediately got it with that post. But didn't want to out you myself so wasn't referencing the exact post. Lol

But the reason I'm suspicious of Rubik is because Hero definitely already knew you were third party and likely your role. Just from that same post that he said he thought he knew my role. So I think mafia could've already rolecopped you and played along with the Tristan's softing.
Lol I tried to out myself day two and was outed day two and yet through some tragic accident not only was I not outed but I'm still here on night four. This ones going down in history.

Idk that I 100% agree with you on Rubik but its basically him or LG if we eliminate Moe so I guess it doesn't really matter.

Maniacal Engineer

Conspiracy Theorist
Aug 20, 2017
The Watchtower
I'll admit, that one took me longer to figure out than it should have, but, to be fair, I'm high on painkillers and have mostly been screwing around in this game, anyway.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
So funnier is claiming to be a 1-shot something?
This post is the biggest what-the-heck-is-even-going-on if he's mafia role cop who checked me. Like, I guess one shots dont always come up in role names but I dont see where this comes from if he's mafia. Idk just my two cents he's probably just mafia and I'm refusing to accept it again.

Maniacal Engineer

Conspiracy Theorist
Aug 20, 2017
The Watchtower
Also, though I'm probably fairly low on this list of potential kill targets tonight, a thought had occurred to me, and I would be remiss in my towniness if I didn't bring it up, remote of a possibility that it may be.

What if the Neighborizer was actually just a limited Cult only allowed to recruit up to two other players and then had to try surviving for the remainder of the game until parity was achieved?
Like I said, I don't think it's likely with 11 players remaining, and at least 1 scum, 1 other Indep, and a SK, but iirc, in the Buu saga, Babidi is able to mind control people and gives them "Majin" status. (Y'all will have to forgive me if I'm wrong. I haven't watched DBZ in years, and have mostly seen DBZA recently, so my knowledge of anything past the Cell saga is a wee bit rusty.)

If this is the case, game is at 5:1:1:1:3. I'd suggest being aware of this possibility, but not actually investigating it unless both Mafia and SK are taken care of, and the game still hasn't ended.

This is probably just ME being paranoid, but we're at the point in the game where it feels like things are going too well and that everything will come crashing down around my ears.


Jun 7, 2017
the present

There are a couple of people I'm not sure about

I have personal reasons to doubt Minish at this point. I know she's looking pretty townie right now, but I'm like 65% sure I know her role. I'm going to keep quiet about it for now and see how tonight goes. @Morbid Minish, can I ask you who you targeted last night and if you know your role, not what it is.

I really don't feel great about LittleGumball. She's supposedly busy currently, and I don’t have any reason to disbelieve that, as well as just subbing into the game, but she's been decidedly slothy and as she said she apparently potatoes as scum. Very few posts comparitively, and even fewer with any seriousness. On top of that, she mistook Moe as having defended her when he was just giving a read or something a while back. I get that there are now over 2,00 posts and it's a pain to read all of them but she doesn't seem to really be paying attention. And that doesn’t look great. She seems to be posting as little as possible to stay under the radar, and very few of her posts had any meat on them.

I’m not really sure what to think about this dude. He seemed super arrogant in the last two games I saw, and now he just seems totally off. He mentioned having played more mafia games than most of us put together, however, and I find it unlikely that he would play like this as scum. I guess the fact that he’s being so strange is enough to make me think he’s genuinely town. He's been especially strange lately and I'm not even sure he knows what team he's on, I just have no idea with this guy.

I’m also not sure how I feel about him/her. There haven’t been too many posts, and many of the ones we got weren’t really worth mentioning. A small amount of setup speculation from what I saw, but not much else.

I’m pretty sure this is AI one way or another, but I can't really tell if it feels wolfy or not.

Can you elaborate on this without giving away dangerous information? I think I saw some explanation about it earlier but it left me more confused tbh.

I’m not going to spend much time here because I don’t have anything to say that hasn’t been said already. I strongly believe that he’s a third party of some sort, but Tristan stated that he isn’t any danger to town at the moment. I would be willing to believe this. But then this:

"The fine print"? "It's not about who I play for at all!" It almost feels like he gets more dangerous as the game goes on. I'm getting worried he's going to be like a time bomb or something. I know he said to not worry about it but I can't stop thinking about it. I'm really confused about the high-risk, high-reward part. I don't watch Dragon Ball, I can't even speculate about who he is. Or what kind of pokemon he would pair up with. Man I wish Tristan were still alive...

Tomorrow I’d be up for lynching LG, funnier or ME (as policy lynches). Maybe Zinn if someone else has a convincing case against them.

I’m in no way planning on voting SMS, Max, Ex, or Deku. They may as well be confirmed town in my eyes.
Okay I actually went back to Hero's read of me. You're not gonna believe this, cause everyone knows I'm a narcissist and viciously dig into any and all reads on me, but I actually skipped the funnier spoiler cause I really didnt care lol. I can see why you'd think he knew I was third party but it really just seems like he actually bothered to read what I was saying unlike everybody else who were like lol idk. Again not sure why I'm bothering since we'll soon find out if Rubik scum. Guess I'm bored idk.

Also I literally have broken my all time record of posts in a game that I just broke last month in the champ game that broke the original record holder of the first crossover game. What is life without mafia anyways? To Moe I guess team fight tactics.
This is probably just ME being paranoid, but we're at the point in the game where it feels like things are going too well and that everything will come crashing down around my ears.
Think its just paranoia there, when things go too well in Bulba games that just means town is winning faster than expected. XD

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
The Spirit Bomb?
Yes, absolutely.

Maniacal Engineer

Conspiracy Theorist
Aug 20, 2017
The Watchtower
Think its just paranoia there, when things go too well in Bulba games that just means town is winning faster than expected. XD
unless I'm scum, in which case it means that scum is winning faster than expected. :P
This isn't the case.
I mean, you wouldn't admit it if it was true, now would you?

I probably am being overly paranoid, but, given the character I'm using in my avatar, does that really surprise anybody?
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