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A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Due to it being the appropriate time of year when commencement occurs for most, I have decided to post this thread even though I do not have a graduation of my own this year. Graduation has always been seen as an important part of maturity in the modern world. Middle school leads to high school which pours into the college/university level and finally into the job economy. Today, I would like to ask users on this forum a few questions regarding graduations.

A lot of time and effort is invested into most graduations. The all famous graduation music plays while students embark on their final journey with a school. Some people smile, others cry but all are moved in some way. Do you think graduation should be a joyous event for it represents the bridge to the next part of life, a sad one for it sometimes means leaving old friend behind, or a mix of both? Also, of all the graduations you've had in your life, which has been your favorite? Why?

If you are graduating this year then cheers. Pat yourself on the back. :)

May 5, 2012
In the land of no return :D
for me, I think its a mixture of both. And maybe a lil scary to. It's all happy because you completed something and should be very proud of yourself, and also moving on to bigger/better things in life. Sad, because your leaving friends behind. Perhaps there's some teachers that you love that has helped you grow and have created a good bond with and such. But also a little bit scary as well, because your leaving something that you've known for so long and going into a new territory. Things will be different, and for some people that could be a scary feeling.

My graduation that I remember was my Jr. High graduation. I remember I wasn't gunna graduate unless I bumped my grade from a F to a C in just 2 weeks. So I busted my behind getting extra credit work and everything else and brought it up to a B+ in that time! I was soooo proud of my self for being able to do it. I was happy, and also sad because I knew I would loose contact with some friends due to them going to different high school districts. And I was a bit scared moving on to high school.

I didn't have a high school graduation, I had to drop out due to medical problems that I. Couldn't prevent. BUT I did get my G.E.D and I'm going to college to become a veterinary technician :)


Thrilla in Manilla
Apr 12, 2012
In high school I didn't have a large circle of friends so it wasn't really goodbye. We all knew each other well knew where we lived and were close. So not a goodbye more of a transition of an era. For myself and the others around me it was a joyous event as it should be I think. As for my favorite graduation it has to be my HS graduation because it's the only one I've had thus far :P.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
To me, it is a mixture of both. It should be a joyous event that symbolizes a person's maturity and begins their life in college. But at the same time, it is a sad event, because you are leaving old friends that you get to see as often as you did during high school. It is important to treasure every moment that a graduate had during his/her time during high school. I'm going to cry for days for this year's graduates. I don't want to see them leave, but that is a fact that I'm going to accept sooner or later. :"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""(


Mrs. Caleb
Aug 20, 2008
High school graduation was probably the best for me. It was so satisfying to be finished, and I was surrounded by friends. I graduated from college in December, and was able to walk in a ceremony a couple of weeks back. That was great too.

For me, graduation was always a happy time, mainly for the accomplishment of being done! I remember when I graduated from high school, I expected to cry, but I had a smile on my face the entire evening.


luke is my wife
Apr 9, 2010
I think most people would agree that graduating is truly a bittersweet event. Change is always scary, but the changes you experience after graduation open up so many great potential opportunities. It's a huge world out there. Of course you'll miss some of your old friends, but you can always make new ones or catch up with the old ones outside of school. All in all, I would consider graduation to be a more positive thing, considering it symbolizes that you've accomplished everything you needed to throughout your years to be capable of graduating.

I graduate 8th grade on June 7th. It's nothing big, considering that I come from a very small school with a very small amount of graduating eighth graders. Regardless, I'm happy to move on to bigger and better things and look toward the future. I'm very excited to go to high school because I know I'll be very successful there, and that it's really the very first step of the rest of my life. What I do in high school will really affect my chances in the real world afterwards. I plan to make the best of everything, and then I'll come back here in four years when I graduate from high school. I'm almost positive, though, that I'll cry. I hate crying in public, but it's pretty safe to say all the girls and I will be crying together, so it's not too bad. It'll be a mix of happy and sad tears.

Also, not to sound pretentious or anything (lol), but since the subject is graduation I figured I'd mention that it's very likely I'll end up valedictorian of my class. Sure valedictorian of the 8th grade doesn't mean as much as it does as a high school senior, but it still makes me proud. I should know for sure who it is a few days after my last final exam, which is June 1st. We'll see. :bleh:


Transparent Perfection
May 6, 2012
Depending on who's point of view your looking at. I believe it's a joyous one because I can finally do things on my own without hassle and babysitting and i get to be moving in with my close friends pretty soon but for my parents they were disappointed along with my little brother and niece but i plan to visit as much as I could so I won't have to be away too often for them. I graduate in about 2 weeks so i'm looking forward to it since i'm in the orchestra for my senior class i get to stand in front of my whole class and preform with the rest of the group before the ceremony begins which is the best part. I will miss alot of my friends going out of school along with a couple teachers but it will be refreshing to know i'm not bound to it for more years and the years to come are my classes that i choose and are not force to take.
Apr 4, 2012
I'm graduating from High School in three more weeks. I'm just so excited to finally be done with it all and start a new part of my life.

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