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Spoiler Ghost Zelda

Sep 22, 2010
does anyone think that it's odd that only link could see zelda apart from the functionality of the game in Spirit Tracks? Does anyone put faith in the animated series? The episode "The Missing Link" is a shipper's dream but I was curious if anyone else felt the same away about the reason why link could see zelda in ghost form. Also, do you think that there will be Link and Zelda tagteam in a future title? Like the horseback of TP? I would like to see something transpire for link emotionally. agree or disagree

Michael Heide

The 8th Wise Man
Oct 15, 2010
Cologne, Germany
It's possible that Link can see (and hear) Zelda because he was present at the ritual when her spirit was driven out of her body? Either the magic in that scene mad him attuned to her specific wave pattern, or he is the only one who knows that Zelda's spirit is on the loose. Maybe the rest of the Hyrulians are operating under the "I don't believe it exists, so my mind reroutes signals from my eyes to my brain so that I can't see what offends my sense of reality" phenomenon?


Sage of Tales
I haven't gotten a chance to play ST yet, so bear with me - but I do know the plot and have seen clips (had to go to YouTube to see Zelda flips out on Link over the use of her body clip XD).

Could it be that maybe Link is just special? In other LoZ games, Link seems to be really attuned to things most are not - use of magic, use of certain weapons, particularly fine-tuned skills (at least the way other characters talk about his skills, your own skills as a player aside. I honestly don't think Midna should have called me a "fine wrangler" the first time I tamed Epona in TP, because it took me 50 some odd times of falling off before I could do it!). Link also has stuff like "no fear of the dead" (OoT and MM), the ability to commune with an ancestor (TP), the favor and ability to see light spirits (TP), the favor of these... let's face it... *frightening* Great Fairies (OoT, MM), Elemental Spirits (Oracles), and etc.

Throughout the games, he has an ability to see ghosts and guardian spirits and whatnot, so maybe any given Chosen Hero is just, by the will of the Goddesses or whatever, to be naturally attuned to that which most people in Hyrule/Termina/New Hyrule/Wherever just don't see.


Site Staff
Nov 24, 2009
Redmond, Washington
does anyone think that it's odd that only link could see zelda apart from the functionality of the game in Spirit Tracks?
I thought it was explained in the game. Maybe I'll see if I can find the quote(s).

Does anyone put faith in the animated series?

Also, do you think that there will be Link and Zelda tagteam in a future title? Like the horseback of TP?
Yes. Nintendo stated good reasons when they were asked about Zelda in ST which will definitely continue to apply to future titles. Perhaps not to the same extent as we see in ST, but she'll be more active than in, say, LoZ for sure.

I would like to see something transpire for link emotionally. agree or disagree
Disagree. I prefer Link to be as emotionless as possible without making the interactions seem too awkward (i.e. looks of surprise are okay). Some character development can be good, as long as you can look back and relate how he has developed as a character to how you have developed as a player and as a person. For example, I got very annoyed when Nexon started creating actual dialogue between your character and NPCs in MapleStory rather than just the NPCs talking to you. I often see my character saying things that I would never say, and it creates a barrier between the player and the character. Bottom line is I don't want Link to be forced to experience emotions that wouldn't reflect mine. He is supposed to be merely our proxy after all.

Maybe the rest of the Hyrulians are operating under the "I don't believe it exists, so my mind reroutes signals from my eyes to my brain so that I can't see what offends my sense of reality" phenomenon?
aka SEP ^.^

Michael Heide

The 8th Wise Man
Oct 15, 2010
Cologne, Germany
For example, I got very annoyed when Nexon started creating actual dialogue between your character and NPCs in MapleStory rather than just the NPCs talking to you. I often see my character saying things that I would never say, and it creates a barrier between the player and the character. Bottom line is I don't want Link to be forced to experience emotions that wouldn't reflect mine. He is supposed to be merely our proxy after all.
At the risk of derailing the thread for a bit, it has gotten to a point where Mute Link has created a bigger barrier between himself and me than a talking Link ever could (with the single exception of CD-I Link, but Nintendo is better than that - if Metroid Other M is any indication).
Twilight Princess has wonderful graphics, a captivating story... and whenever Link interacts with anybody, he just grins at them stupidly and lets them repeat whatever he thinks at them like a phonecall in a bad movie. "Oh, hello Link, I didn't think I'd see you again... Oh, you found the children, good. Where are they? ... Ah, I see, you found them in Kakariko. Is everyone alright? Yes? Fine." etc.
Seriously, Link's voice actor would have to be directed by Uwe Boll to take me out of the story more than a mute Link does. He can be our proxy even when he talks and shows emotions, there are tons of great games where that works. Silent Hill. Splinter Cell. Metal Gear Solid.

But maybe Nintendo should make the "Link's language" audio track optional? For those that don't want to hear what Link's voice sounds like (besides "Yaaah!", "Heeee!", "Come On!" etc), there could be subtitles?

Pretty much, yeah. :D


Gone (Wind) Fishin'
Jul 16, 2010
Montreal, QC, Canada
I don't think this really belongs in Zelda Theory; I'm not exactly sure where to place it, given the conversation's current direction. Since it's rather general, I'll put it in World of Zelda.
Nov 26, 2008
It might be as simple as it being because Link was the only person aside from Cole or Byrne who saw her get separated from her body. The only other people who could see her at all were Malladus and the Lokomos, both of which make sense. Makes sense for Cole and Byrne too. Link could simply be similarly special, as Shadsie was getting to, or it could simply be because he witnessed it happen.

Either way, the ultimate reason was probably a plot and game-play device, not something intentional. But if you need an explanation, I think Shadsie's version works best.

(with the single exception of CD-I Link, but Nintendo is better than that - if Metroid Other M is any indication).
Rawr, careful. I'm not one of them but there's a fair amount of people who thought the voice-acting in Other M sucked. :(

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