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Breath of the Wild "Ganon" is back

Feb 23, 2014
So I was just watching a gameplay video that showed one of the shrines (mini-dungeons), and at the end you meet a monk. He mentions that "we are here to help those who want to defeat Ganon" ("we" being the shrine monks/guardians). I think this is a big clue to the timeline placement. Generally, our favorite villian is called Ganondorf in all the games but the decline/hero defeated timeline. Since he is called Ganon in this game, I think it will take place in the decline timeline. Other clues are the old man and the fact that Hyrule is obviously, well, in decline....
Could this beat a spiritual remake of Zelda 1? Thoughts?


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
I think someone stated that it was built to resemble the gameplay of the first game in 2014 as well. So I think it is very likely to imitate it.

I am getting much more of a WW vibe from it with the Bokoblins in treeforts, the koroks, the same blue tunic,


The Diplomatic Dinosaur
Jul 1, 2012
Early Cretaceous North America
I was not sold on the idea of this being a remake of Zelda 1, (mind "spiritual remakes" are different from "remakes") but I'm thinking that this could straight-up be a remake of Zelda 1. If not then I think spiritual remake could easily be applied.

As for time line placement this game could come at the end of either the Child Time Line or the Downfall Time Line, though DTL is the most likely.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
The king of Red Lions refers to Ganondorf as Ganon and so does Zant so it does not mean Ganon has to be in bestial form in this one.

It could be the case that he is, either way I am very excited for the return of my favourite villain. I was hoping for Ganon and it seems Ganon is what we shall have.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
I was not sold on the idea of this being a remake of Zelda 1, (mind "spiritual remakes" are different from "remakes") but I'm thinking that this could straight-up be a remake of Zelda 1. If not then I think spiritual remake could easily be applied.
They did confirm that the game was made to be reminiscent of the original game, but I feel like the map is too different to be a direct remake (the snow area in particular).

I hope Ganon is a colossal monster this time around. Since this game is heavily inspired by Zelda 1, I also don't want to see Ganondorf at all.
Ganon in this game is refered to as "Calamity Ganon". You see that swirling mass in the air above Hyrule Castle? That's our Ganon. He's not at his full power yet, but he almost definitely will be by the end of the game. With that in mind, I think that we'll have another intelligent Beast-Ganon as the final boss.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit

So this is a glimpse of Ganon apparently circling the castle on the right there you can see two yellow glowing eyes and the horns.

He was imprisoned in the castle and is trying to break out during the game.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Aounuma has confirmed Ganon will take multiple forms during this game. So maybe we will see the human form after all, though he could just take the form of different beasts.
Feb 7, 2014
Well that one thing to not look forward to, I was hoping a game as daring as this one would leave Ganon behind.

Azure Sage

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Well that one thing to not look forward to, I was hoping a game as daring as this one would leave Ganon behind.
I was originally of the same opinion, but think about it: Calamity Ganon? That's totally new. They managed to have Ganon in a way that feels totally different from previous games. The fact that you can actually see Ganon himself on the field most times if you're looking toward the castle is really neat, too. I think that it's being handled very well and I'm really looking forward to seeing what the deal is with this "Calamity Ganon".


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
We have actually seen a Ganon similar to this before

It has the very same or similar colours and the glowing yellow eyes. I really liked the looming presence behind the man in that game kind of like Ganondorf is the avatar of this demonic entity.


The Nintendo Knight
I was originally of the same opinion, but think about it: Calamity Ganon? That's totally new. They managed to have Ganon in a way that feels totally different from previous games. The fact that you can actually see Ganon himself[sic] on the field most times if you're looking toward the castle is really neat, too. I think that it's being handled very well and I'm really looking forward to seeing what the deal is with this "Calamity Ganon".
According to the wiki and most news outlets, they don't even call Calamity Ganon "he". They call Calamity Ganon "It" which indicates to me, along with it's vapory form, that this is more than likely the remnants of Ganon after he was killed in a prior game- Ganon's Soul. Which as Deus has pointed out may have been alluded to in Hyrule Warriors. That, if true, would completely cement this as being Zelda 3 when combined with the rotting and rusted Master Sword.

It's also very worthy to note the Shiekah Monks allude to Ganon being Hylia's nemesis, which cements the fact that Demise and Ganon[dorf] are one and the same for anyone on the fence. It also makes Ganon less of an evil king and more like a truly demonic entity and or god in this game, giving him a much different feel from, say, OoT and TP.
Feb 7, 2014
I was originally of the same opinion, but think about it: Calamity Ganon? That's totally new. They managed to have Ganon in a way that feels totally different from previous games. The fact that you can actually see Ganon himself on the field most times if you're looking toward the castle is really neat, too. I think that it's being handled very well and I'm really looking forward to seeing what the deal is with this "Calamity Ganon".

Sorry, but I really don't see how slapping "Calamity" onto Ganon's name makes him any more "fresh and new" than he already is.

Having him circle the castle is cool, I guess, but that seems to indicate he's only after Zelda. He could have been traveling all over Hyrule or even following Link around, now those would have made him look threatening. Besides, we've seen this kind of thing before in TP.

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