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Gamestop's Placeholder Skyward Sword Release Date Has Been Pushed to November.

Jul 24, 2010
Charlotte, NC
i don't believe it. i don't trust gamestop not since kirby's epic yarn came out. and here's why. kirby's epic yarn came out october 17. on october 18 i went in the check it out to see if i wanted to buy it. according to gamestop the game didn't come out until tuesday.which was the 19. i went to Walmart to check that it had come out and sure enough it had. so don't trust gamestop! i know best buy was right about mario's sports mix. maybe they'll be right about zelda. but i wouldn't hold my breath.


Dec 3, 2009
Ikana Canyon
Even though they have been wrong in the past I'm just curious on why they made such a drastic change but still I don't trust Gamestop. All I have to say and what I told many other people the same thing your just going to have to wait till they release more info. Were bound to get a release date when they release more info and we should be getting some new info on the game pretty soon so just wait and see. Also many other Gamestops have different release dates if I do recall so just don't trust the release date till Nintendo releases it


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
This is not surprising to me in the least. I have seen release dates at Best Buy and Blockbuster change at a moments notice on several occasions. With no real reason behind it. They have also sold presales of games to these fake release dates. What happens majority of the time is that they have no real idea of when the game is to be released. And they themselves know the release date as dictated by the manufacturer can change any second due to too many reason to list. So this is Gamestop/Best Buy/etc jumping ahead and advertising on their own apart from Nintendo. I can remember Best Buy selling presales for Twilight Princess with a solid release date of March 06, then July 06.

Most likely someone somewhere was given a vague idea of when the game is tentatively scheduled, probably Q4 2011 and they went ahead and placed a date in November into the Gamestop database. All because the higher ups want to begin advertising and selling presales now. Even though the game developer has not set any dates at all.


I am a Person of Interest
Jul 12, 2010
Ganon's Tower
Seems like they just keep pushing it back. I guess it is safer for them to assume a later date and end up with an earlier release than vice versa.


Dec 16, 2009
United States
Attack helicopter

They did this before. Where Skyward Sword would come out November 2010, but it didn't. Then they say that it will be released April 2011. We don't know about that yet. Then, they say that it will release in November 2011. This is too much of a delay. I remember a while ago that Nintendo said that Skyward Sword will come out in late 2010 or early-mid 2011. Besides, how exactly does Gamestop know about SS's release date? It seems too strange that they would even know about it.


Jan 31, 2010
a place of settlement, activity, or residence.
Well, Nintendo has delayed games before, but I think that if Gamestop knew anything we didn't, it would have been leaked to the media by now.

So chances are that they're just getting anxious that they haven't heard anything, and they're assuming that the game has been delayed further. I don't think we know anything concrete yet, though.

In the long run, though, it doesn't really matter when the game is released, as long as it's released eventually. Let's just wait for Nintendo to tell us something.

Gamestop is probably just assuming that surely Nintendo will release it before Christmas, which isn't a bad assumption.


Yeah, Gamestop isn't really reliable, but in my opinion, even if they haven't announced or mentioned anything, Zelda will come out in Fall '11. So November is a safe bet. It is to cover their butts. ;)

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