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GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

Sep 27, 2021
Shoulda stuck to my guns on Ex/Minish instead of following him and then latching onto him lmao

props to Rag for that


Jan 19, 2018
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sorry for mislynching you fext :pensive: game might have gone a lot different if i wasn't busy EoD and we actually swapped onto ex

ex says signups for his game should be up either this morning or tomorrow evening, if i have time zones correct
Dec 28, 2020
obviously exlight is mafia here is he in this game? i'm not sure but i'm also definitely right

i can't wait for this scum pm

oh is funnier back yet i miss him
so anyways i still don't have a role pm ama

i've read 0 pages

does someone wanna cliffnotes me the game

what day are we in also?
just as i thought exlight is mafia

This Gurl literally scum claimed and outed a wolf and no one noticed.
Dec 13, 2019
if you wanted to vote exlight or FG you probably should have done so or at least expressed interest in doing so. I jumped from ex because i felt like nobody was interested in the wagon and it would end fruitlessly and so my best shot would be to try and build a wagon on my second best lynch. That ended up being KoD. I said that FG was my second guess for scum after Ex but i stand by KoD being the better lynch because if FG is lynched and flips scum it doesn't really tell us anything about who the last two scum are, and because town needed consecutive scum-lynches to win the game it was necessary for the flip to not only be scum, but also give us strong reads on other player, which FG didn't do. KoD would have. I would have supported an FG wagon ahead of DW but there wasn't time left after both the exlight and KoD wagons failed to take off.

Would and want are to different scenarios my dear ragamuffin. ;)

I'll forever disagree with your assessment in mylo. Not because of the information principle, but because the argument can literally be applied to every other player since FG was a replacement for a completely inactive player with limited interactivity herself. So jumping your stated secondary wagon to vote a player that's widely being town read on the back of a player who is know to dip on games is going to be scum read 99% of the time and be more counter productive towards consecutive lynches than just going for a more certain but less informative lynch. Or so I believe.
Jul 7, 2021
Ok I do have one question totally unrelated to the game tho.

What better systems are there? I've only played one Mafia game that wasn't on xenforo and I don't even remember how isoing worked on there, I love the Xenforo system.

I'm not familiar with Xenforo, but a lot of sites have better ISOs than this one (and some are same/worse, so ZD is not like worst in its class or anything). A few particular features that I appreciate on other sites that ZD does not have are:
  • No ISO buttons in the thread. You have to go to a completely different page, click a thing, find the person, click the right thing, and finally you get the ISO. Many sites have dedicated ISO buttons that show up on each post that links to that person ISO (either under their profile picture, or up where the "share" buttons are in this forum
  • No multi-ISO. Some forums allow you to choose two or more people, and see ONLY posts by those people you selected. This can be really helpful for example when considering possible pairings.
  • Incomplete posts in the ISO. Here, you only get the first few lines of a post. For short posts, you see it all, but longer ones you need to click a link to see the whole post. This is particularly annoying when you remember a key word or phrase someone said, and you're using ctrl+f to find that word or phrase, but it appears later on in a long post, you can't find it.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
No ISO buttons in the thread. You have to go to a completely different page, click a thing, find the person, click the right thing, and finally you get the ISO. Many sites have dedicated ISO buttons that show up on each post that links to that person ISO (either under their profile picture, or up where the "share" buttons are in this forum

This part is a bit incorrect. You can get to the ISO from the thread.

Dec 28, 2020
yea man everyone should've totally taken a joke from before she even got her role pm as serious
such noobies amirite
She stated she just received her role PM and “just as I thought! ExLight is Mafia!”
Is what she said.

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