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GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Ok I do have one question totally unrelated to the game tho.

What better systems are there? I've only played one Mafia game that wasn't on xenforo and I don't even remember how isoing worked on there, I love the Xenforo system.

Xenforo's ISO is pretty decent. I enjoy it at least. Though the main complaint is having to click on posts to see the full thing. Instead of having them all laid out when you ISO. I think MafiaUniverse does it like that?
Sorry town. I was lurking in the towards the end of the last Day and I saw that I was getting lynched and didn't have any energy to even care... I probably should've subbed out when my health started kicking my ass.

What better systems are there? I've only played one Mafia game that wasn't on xenforo and I don't even remember how isoing worked on there, I love the Xenforo system.
I believe on some sites you can click an ISO button and all of the person's posts will be singled out in full, so you don't have to click each post separately or anything.
I will admit, I have actually played with slightly *worse*; one site I've played on is on Xenforo but doesn't have the Who Replied button so you have to type the person's name in the "by member" section of the search bar, select this thread, *then* click each post separately.

Mikey the Gengar

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Ok I do have one question totally unrelated to the game tho.

What better systems are there? I've only played one Mafia game that wasn't on xenforo and I don't even remember how isoing worked on there, I love the Xenforo system.
the only better system really at this point is MU's, a few months ago they finally got quote highlighted text to work and joined xenforo in the S tier mafia forum


Jan 19, 2018
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Sorry town. I was lurking in the towards the end of the last Day and I saw that I was getting lynched and didn't have any energy to even care... I probably should've subbed out when my health started kicking my ass.
for what its worth playing dead is a pretty strong survival tactic in mafia. Unless you're a particularly gifted orator you probably would have been worse off rather than better if you'd tried to dissuade people from lynching you.
Dec 13, 2019
I should've pushed Funnygurl off a cliff.
You and Rag should have. I wasn't sold on DW until Rag decided to jump FG and go for you which conveyed protecting both. Similarly I was ready to swing on Ex at the drop of a hat too and almost did when fext went over except he jumped back to Eli too quick for me to respond.

My only confident reads this game were KoD and Eli. Kreaal I would have lynched just because I found his spammy nature distracting. Fext was a logistics lynch. I'm pretty sure I can psychic read Min as scum, as I alluded to early (day 2 maybe?) with the Hey Listen throwback to Rag's Ocarina game. Problem being it's nothing solid I can point to and min plays a very conservative game in general. Most everybody else was fence sitting for me in terms of leans.


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
You and Rag should have. I wasn't sold on DW until Rag decided to jump FG and go for you which conveyed protecting both. Similarly I was ready to swing on Ex at the drop of a hat too and almost did when fext went over except he jumped back to Eli too quick for me to respond.

My only confident reads this game were KoD and Eli. Kreaal I would have lynched just because I found his spammy nature distracting. Fext was a logistics lynch. I'm pretty sure I can psychic read Min as scum, as I alluded to early (day 2 maybe?) with the Hey Listen throwback to Rag's Ocarina game. Problem being it's nothing solid I can point to and min plays a very conservative game in general. Most everybody else was fence sitting for me in terms of leans.

if you wanted to vote exlight or FG you probably should have done so or at least expressed interest in doing so. I jumped from ex because i felt like nobody was interested in the wagon and it would end fruitlessly and so my best shot would be to try and build a wagon on my second best lynch. That ended up being KoD. I said that FG was my second guess for scum after Ex but i stand by KoD being the better lynch because if FG is lynched and flips scum it doesn't really tell us anything about who the last two scum are, and because town needed consecutive scum-lynches to win the game it was necessary for the flip to not only be scum, but also give us strong reads on other player, which FG didn't do. KoD would have. I would have supported an FG wagon ahead of DW but there wasn't time left after both the exlight and KoD wagons failed to take off.
Apr 30, 2019
I should've pushed Funnygurl off a cliff.


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