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GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

Dec 13, 2019
Numbers, what is your thoughts on DW?
It's a big tin foily mess. My brain wants to see a derisive DW-Ex-Eli scum team right now. But it's an extremely loaded scenario of DW distancing from Ex into disappearing, leaving Ex hanging in the wind and becoming stressed as a leading wagon day 1 off of a non essential bus until he explodes in game throw which pisses Eli off so he buses too. Day 2 they calm down but the derision is in thread so they maintain for distance (Eli and Ex) with the notion that if one goes over the other looks better. So they NK the completely inactive -that guy whose name I can't remember- to keep any more information from the thread via connections but they really need a mislynch today so Ex stops distancing from Eli and goes on the defensive meanwhile DW has taken an extreme backseat, creating a completely different meta from day 1 but arguably better for him if we take his own admission that he usually outs himself by day 3 as scum to be true.

But overall I find his posts to be fairly surface level. Also I find his self meta claim later in day 1 a bit contradictory to a sentiment he put forth earlier in the day that was essentially giving honest and open self metas was more Wolfy. I'd probably be fine putting him over before Ex or Eli.
Apr 30, 2019
please space both lines so the vote is visible, moe showed he does not count some improperly formatted votes

also I'm not comfortable with voting Eli here after his nonsensical move last phase can we give a better look somewhere else

vote: Elithepsycho

trust me man i'm right about this


Jan 19, 2018
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Personally, I think Rag just wants to throw that game, and your actions there, out to make mention of it because it was funny. In truth, your scum game then is nowhere near an accurate characterization of how you've recently played.

I don't think ex has meltdowns most games. If ex has a meltdown once every 5 games on average then you'd expect him to have a meltdown as scum once every 20 games on average if he wasn't less prone to meltdowns as scum. Thats rare enough that you might only see one or two such meltdowns in his career. Its not reasonable to say "ex was calm in the last one or two games i played with him where he was scum and he wasn't calm this game so he's town"


Jan 19, 2018
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Vote: Exlight

i've beaten this horse enough and it doesn't seem like people want to ride it but i'll put my vote here for now. I'll take a closer look at some of the other stuff today and see where I might put my vote if ex doesn't pan out
Dec 13, 2019
honestly i just
am not comprehending anythnig that's been happening
Can you expand on this more? Like what specifically aren't you comprehending? You seem like you have some sort of base of experience since you were trying to get fext to come play on another site, so a compare and contrast type post might help either us to relate with where you're coming from or give us a frame of reference to explain something better.
Apr 30, 2019
ok i'll explain

wolves ask others to make cases for them because then they don't have to construct cases themselves. for wolves, it's a burden to construct fake cases. townies don't ask for that because they would want to gather information for themselves.

i got caught as a wolf for doing this by macdougall in an mu turbo and ever since then that's been one of my rules
Mar 6, 2022
Can you expand on this more? Like what specifically aren't you comprehending? You seem like you have some sort of base of experience since you were trying to get fext to come play on another site, so a compare and contrast type post might help either us to relate with where you're coming from or give us a frame of reference to explain something better.
its like how sometimes when you speak to someone it "goes in one ear and out the other"
that's what its like
Dec 13, 2019

I take it, then, that you maintain your previous outlooks wrt to Ex and I since you actively voted for us in the past. Would that be a correct assumption on my part?

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