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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Mafia Game Thread

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A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Unless he's blatantly lying Garo's posts imply he's town which I personally believe isn't too hard to believe. Axle endeavored to apply pressure to DH by claiming he was scum when in fact it was Axle who was a member of the mafia. There's no one that particularly strikes me a playing to the detriment of the town, however, TheMasterSword and Dracomajora have appeared defensive most of the game although that was more a result of what they claim to be unfounded accusations. I'm still somewhat suspicious of Linkdude as he has not posted anything in awhile.

I never desire to apply pressure to someone preemptively but if a slip appears I will not hesitate to cast a finger of suspicion at the very least.


Pokalink the avaricious
Feb 5, 2012
Outset Island
DracoMajora, Axle was voting against Darknut, and theres a large possibility other Mafia may have joined him, Mafia would proably not tryed to kill Axle, and so its not ludacris to claim that other Mafia may have been also bandwagoning on DarkNut.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
DracoMajora, Axle was voting against Darknut, and theres a large possibility other Mafia may have joined him, Mafia would proably not tryed to kill Axle, and so its not ludacris to claim that other Mafia may have been also bandwagoning on DarkNut.

Actually, Mafia voting for members of their own faction is quite common. They do so when a scum appears to be lost in order to confuse the town. It's entirely possibly some of the later votes for Axle were intended primarily to avert suspicion.


Pokalink the avaricious
Feb 5, 2012
Outset Island
I know that, but alout of times they do so to avert suspicion, but overall dont intend to overall kill a member, and even if they wanted to kill just one as a sacrafice, i doubt theyed sacrifice such a valiable experienced player such Axle.


Jun 19, 2010
There's no one that particularly strikes me a playing to the detriment of the town, however, TheMasterSword and Dracomajora have appeared defensive most of the game although that was more a result of what they claim to be unfounded accusations.

Of course I was defensive most of the game. I was constantly being accused. Even though i've been defending myself a lot, i've brought up evidence, and contributed.

Actually, Mafia voting for members of their own faction is quite common. They do so when a scum appears to be lost in order to confuse the town. It's entirely possibly some of the later votes for Axle were intended primarily to avert suspicion.

I doubt that's the case since Axle and DH were about equal in votes. Axle could have still easily been saved at the time.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I doubt that's the case since Axle and DH were about equal in votes. Axle could have still easily been saved at the time.

I accept that reasoning. This likely means the following are town:

  • PokaLink
  • Viral Maze (formerly Violet)
  • Durion
  • Kybyrian (Dead/Confirmed)
  • Darknut_Hunter
  • A Link In Time

zelda_geek and Fig have no doubts yet, however, I doubt they are Mafia. They appear unaware this game is occurring or in zelda_geek's case since I have seen her several times in the SB perhaps do not wish to participate.

Garo appears to be town but I'm not entirely sure just yet therefore I am still placing his name on the following list.

It is unknown whether these people are town or mafia and are equally likely to be one or the other:

  • Dracomajora
  • Thareous
  • zack125
  • GaroXicon
  • TheMasterSword
  • Linkdude74
  • Pendio
  • PK Flash (needs a replacement)
  • Rachel
  • MonkeyFightSquad
  • GirlWithAFairy

Five of the 11 listed above are likely Mafia.


Jun 19, 2010
I accept that reasoning. This likely means the following are town:

  • PokaLink
  • Viral Maze (formerly Violet)
  • Durion
  • Kybyrian (Dead/Confirmed)
  • Darknut_Hunter
  • A Link In Time

zelda_geek and Fig have no doubts yet, however, I doubt they are Mafia. They appear unaware this game is occurring or in zelda_geek's case since I have seen her several times in the SB perhaps do not wish to participate.

Garo appears to be town but I'm not entirely sure just yet therefore I am still placing his name on the following list.

It is unknown whether these people are town or mafia and are equally likely to be one or the other:

  • Dracomajora
  • Thareous
  • zack125
  • GaroXicon
  • TheMasterSword
  • Linkdude74
  • Pendio
  • PK Flash (needs a replacement)
  • Rachel
  • MonkeyFightSquad
  • GirlWithAFairy

Five of the 11 listed above are likely Mafia.

Well, Violet and Pokalink's were random votes, so I doubt they mean anything. Also, Durion's vote was just to pressure Axle, but it's that he never took it off. And it's not really a strong indication that they're town just because they voted for Axle near the end. I suppose it makes them slightly more likely to be town, but not by much.

I talked to zelda_geek in the shoutbox, and she said that she no longer wishes to participate. I would recommend you replace her Raindrop, unless you want to check with her to make sure.

I think TheMasterSword and Linkdude are more likely to be scum for already mentioned reasons. Zack125 has also been inactive, randomly appearing and changing positions.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Alright. PK Flash is gone and zelda_geek no longer wishes to participate. Hopefully their replacements will be more active allowing us an opportunity to glean some information. I also advise Raindrop to contact Fig and check if he will play in this game.

TMS appears to be too defensive but I'm not sold on his being Mafia just yet. I've already got my eye on Linkdude74 for reasons indicated in an earlier post.

A personal desire of mine is to uncover more about Thareous's role. He's remaining rather ambiguous right now more so than probably anyone else in this game.


Man... the ****???
Oct 25, 2012
F***ing LaLa Land!!!
Actually, Mafia voting for members of their own faction is quite common. They do so when a scum appears to be lost in order to confuse the town. It's entirely possibly some of the later votes for Axle were intended primarily to avert suspicion.

Tis a risky move accusing each other tho, one would have to play their cards right to pull off a stunt like that because if two are acusing each other they might just very well lead the bandwagon to their partners demise.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Thus far Day 2 has largely been spent in trying to pick at the leftovers of Day 1, but without any apparent success. It's pretty evident to me that we won't get anywhere if we keep suggesting possible outcomes--and of course nobody's going to admit if they're Mafia. This Morning we were presented with 3 deaths, two being Mafia, Axle and Jedizora, and the third being Kybyrian. Somehow we took down two scum overnight; and from that I've been able to deduce at least two prospects who appear to consistently be on edge in this round.

Is this enough to garner a vote, or much less a lynch, on them? Nope. But they stand out with how they project themselves in the game. I wouldn't doubt if they both (or at least one, as it might stand) have the jitters after two of their companions were taken down. Based on how they've mainly been acting defensive toward the slightest provocation Today, I'm willing to bet that both, or again one, of them are scum.

FoS: TheMasterSword / Dracomajora


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
Alright. PK Flash is gone and zelda_geek no longer wishes to participate. Hopefully their replacements will be more active allowing us an opportunity to glean some information. I also advise Raindrop to contact Fig and check if he will play in this game.

Oh no, I need some replacements! D: Yes, I shall contact anyone who is not active currently to see how many still want to participate.

Current vote tally:

1 - A Link In Time (MonkeyFightSquad)

10 votes (Sorry, 9 would be half, 10 would be majority :3) for a majority lynch. Day ends on 12/12/12 at 11:00PM ET.


Jun 19, 2010
Thus far Day 2 has largely been spent in trying to pick at the leftovers of Day 1, but without any apparent success. It's pretty evident to me that we won't get anywhere if we keep suggesting possible outcomes--and of course nobody's going to admit if they're Mafia. This Morning we were presented with 3 deaths, two being Mafia, Axle and Jedizora, and the third being Kybyrian. Somehow we took down two scum overnight; and from that I've been able to deduce at least two prospects who appear to consistently be on edge in this round.

Is this enough to garner a vote, or much less a lynch, on them? Nope. But they stand out with how they project themselves in the game. I wouldn't doubt if they both (or at least one, as it might stand) have the jitters after two of their companions were taken down. Based on how they've mainly been acting defensive toward the slightest provocation Today, I'm willing to bet that both, or again one, of them are scum.

FoS: TheMasterSword / Dracomajora

I've always responded to anything that's been said of me or to me throughout the whole game, and of course i've been defensive. I've been accused for the entire game. What do you expect me to do, lay low and not defend myself? I've contributed to the discussion, and it makes little sense to assume me and TMS are both scum. Why would we go against each other like that? I fail to see how that would be beneficial.

A link in Time, are you sure your not a mafia member. You've endeavored on many things with a lot of depth. VOTE: A LINK IN TIME

This doesn't even make sense. How would that indicate he's Mafia? Like zack125, you've been laying low, appearing randomly, and making posts that just don't make much sense.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
I've always responded to anything that's been said of me or to me throughout the whole game, and of course i've been defensive. I've been accused for the entire game. What do you expect me to do, lay low and not defend myself? I've contributed to the discussion, and it makes little sense to assume me and TMS are both scum. Why would we go against each other like that? I fail to see how that would be beneficial.

Generally I find those who feel the need to rebuff every single point against them will have something to hide, and when pressured they act defensive and try to invalidate any reason to vote for them. Alternatively, this could be 1) defending oneself, or 2) showing that they have no logic to be voted on due to innocence, in which case I find your justifications valid. The only issue I have here is that you act out of an apparent constant fear of suspicion, which infers that you are hiding something.

In addition, Mafia will sometimes cover their teammate's back if they feel that one of them is about to be under inspection. In your first paragraph-response to TheMasterSword, you seemed to be defending a "weakness" of his ("stating his assumptions"), calling them completely baseless, and then switched it over to you, as if to conceal the fact that he was operating on assumptions which were...intended to place suspicion on someone else [at the time, Violet]? That's just how I'm reading it on your end; it could be different from TMS's side, so remember I'm no leerier of you than I am him.

This doesn't even make sense. How would that indicate he's Mafia? Like zack125, you've been laying low, appearing randomly, and making posts that just don't make much sense.

Yet another thing that Mafia can do is present a lot of previous data from the game and engineer it in a way to target specific Townies. It's convenient that Alit found a method to add himself on his "those likely following the town" list. Perhaps it might benefit the Town, but it's also a way to keep misgivings away by presenting him as a supporter of the Town. You never can tell.

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
Both ALIT and Thareous seem to be really ambiguous right now, not making much more than valid statements as to what's going on and logical moves. Believe me I'm for that, but at some point, if either one is Mafia, we'll need to find out.

Thareous is casting an FoS on both Dracomajora and TMS. While this could just be his opinion on both, it could mafia tactics for skewing our view of his opinion it, either one is mafia, or neither are mafia. Either way, it may be possible to tell if he votes. Or, and this is going out on a limb here, he could be part of a cult, though if he was, I doubt he'd be wanting people to die since he would want to recruit them.

ALIT's leaving himself out of the potential scum list may be convenient, but overall I think it's more that he doesn't want to show off as possible a scum. It's pretty obvious why.

MonkeyFightSqaud is being odd, though every game I've played with him he acts like this. Overall, he seems scummy in every game, whether he is or not.

I still want to see a bit more though.
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