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General Art Friendship


Nov 21, 2010
I started this story in my blog section but found that I should post it here instead. I hope you guys like it. It isn't finished yet and I'm trying to get the chapters up without too much time in between. :D


Chapter 1

He was always so different. The moment anyone set eyes on him, they could tell that he was different. Sure, he looked normal enough with his short, curly, light blond hair. He was tall at six foot one and average weight so nothing was different there. It was when it came to his clothes that people could immediately see that he wasn’t ordinary. There were always these little trinkets that he kept on him at all times. Many, many little buttons attached at various odd places such as the shoulders of his shirt or the shin parts of his pants. Jingly bells were attached to his shoes so that when he walked, a person could hear him a few feet away. He always had rips and tears in his shirts and pants. This was not because of everyday activities such as playing a friendly game of football or some other sport because he was not a particularly active person. The rips and tears were just a thing that he did to all his clothes, even the new ones. Nobody understood his way of thinking. That is, nobody except for his best and only friend Thack. He remembered back the first time he had ever seen Thack. At the time, he had no clue what he had seen. His thoughts began to wander…

*He had been walking home from work. It had been another dull day at the office. He did not exactly have his dream job, not that he was really sure what that was, but it paid the bills. As he was walking, he began to notice the air become thicker and he had gotten a feeling of warmth in his body. It was not the kind of warmth that comes from the temperature outside, although it had been the beginning of summer. It was the kind of warmth that comes from inside you. The kind you feel when you love someone or when you are embarrassed and your face gets warm. “Jon…Jon!”…He thought he heard a soft whisper of a kind of scratchy, grumpy voice as if someone was beckoning him and were annoyed that he wasn’t paying attention. He saw something out of the corner of his eye and he had quickly glanced over. Something bright and iridescent! It startled him out of his skin and he flinched but then, half a second later, there was nothing there. He wondered if he had imagined it? How could he have imagined something so strange and, even more, something so vivid? As he continued to walk home, he tried to put the incident behind him but he just couldn't forget it. There wasn't much to remember because all he saw was a bright, colorful and almost metallic glowing thing fly quickly past and then...nothing. It had been so strange and it had bothered him. About a block ahead of him there was something happening. He wondered what it was…*

Realizing that he was coming upon his house, he snapped himself out of his wandering thoughts. He walked up to his door, pulled out his keys and, after a minute of fussing with his lock and doorknob, walked into his dark house.

Chapter 2
Magic & The Mysterious Thief

It was always so lonely coming home and being reminded of how there was only him living there. There was no girlfriend, no roommate, no pets and no family. He wasn't particularly a social butterfly who loved to talk all the time. As a matter of fact, he was on the other end of the scale. He was quiet unless someone talked to him or he was in a comfortable atmosphere with familiar people. Coming home to an empty house and being sad about it did not necessarily have anything to do with his social behavior though. Everyone needed to be around people sometimes, even just to have a person to complain to or to celebrate with, and there was just nobody there with him with one exception of course.

Thack was an occasional visitor although he was usually off doing whatever it was that he liked to do during the day. Jon’s time to visit with him was at night when he would wander back into Jon’s house. It was during the night that great things happened. Jon turned into almost an entirely different person when Thack was around. It was because he could be whoever or even whatever he wanted to be with the aid of Thack’s magic. All he had to do was simply wish for it. Jon wasn’t sure where the source of Thack’s powers came from and any time he tried to ask, he would get a grunt and then Thack would ignore the question. Jon figured that a little bit of ignorance about that subject wouldn’t hurt him and he was sure that it would come out in due time.

This one particular evening, Jon was in great need of help from Thack’s magic. He had heard of a cloaked figure going around the neighborhood in the middle of the night and spooking everyone and, every now and then, things would come up missing. The figure must have been quite stealthy because nobody actually saw it go into any of the houses where objects turned up missing. Another odd thing about the situation was that it was only small, seemingly meaningless things that were gone. It was random things like a spatula, an empty cardboard roll from toilet paper or a couple of double A batteries. Even though these were trivial objects, they were still being stolen from their rightful owners and the thief needed to be stopped. Jon wished to be someone who could stop this from happening.

Thack’s wings appeared from under the worn little brown trench coat that he wore to cover them in order to keep them safe. They glittered with what Thack called magic ashes. He called them this, he said, because “magic fairy dust” sounded too girly. This amused Jon. Thack’s wings also made a kind of humming noise when they were brought into the open whether they were actually moving or not. He made his wings move and the magic ashes flew up into the air and found a predetermined trail toward their destination…Jon.

A thickness in the air enveloped the room and warmth crept up into Jon’s body. He began to feel light and tingly as he felt what he knew was his body changing. The transformations did not take long and Jon was definitely thankful for that because he wasn’t used to them yet even though it had been at least a year since he met Thack and learned about what he could do. Walking over to the full length mirror that stood in the corner of his bedroom, Jon looked at who he had become. It was perfect. Just like the figure, he was also cloaked except the difference was that Jon had a belt around his waist that helped to hold his throwing knives and there was a holster-type thing slung across his back to hold his bow and arrows. It seems as though he had changed into some type of high level defender. This would no doubt do the job. He reminded himself not to actually kill the figure as he began to leave his house. No, there would be no lives lost unless absolutely necessary.

Chapter 3
On The Hunt​

Jon quietly moved about the neighborhood, at one o'clock in the morning, keeping himself alert to any odd noises or peculiar things that might lead to the current whereabouts of the cloaked figure. As he was beginning to think that he should call it a night and try again later, he saw a light moving about in a dark room on the second floor of a house across the street from where he was kneeling. It seemed to be a flashlight. He immediately went to check it out.

Apparently, the defender form he had taken had just as much skill in remaining undetected as the cloaked figure. Jon made his way through the house without any of the residents seeing him. Finally, he came upon the cloaked figure in what appeared to be a large, elaborate storage closet of some kind. He remembered that he had seen the light from the flashlight through the window from across the street. Since when did storage closets have windows? This house certainly did not show it's size from the outside.

Jon knelt and observed silently to see if he could find out anything that would help him to know just what it planned to do. He heard a sound like a rustling of papers. It was looking for something. All of a sudden it halted it's movements and became very still and silent. Jon thought he had been found out but then it reached over and slowly picked up a small object. He couldn't see what the object was from his perspective but, whatever it was, it wasn't theirs and it was clear that the intention was to steal it.

He quickly pulled out his bow and put an arrow into it, ready to fire at any sudden movement despite not wanting to kill anyone. He was not going to let it get away no matter what that meant. "Stand up slowly and reveal yourself. If you make any move to harm me or the family in this house, I will not hesitate to shoot an arrow straight through your heart. Make no mistake, I am a perfect shot.", Jon warned the figure. Standing up and turning around, the figure brought the large draping hood of the ever-present cloak away from it's face. Brunette hair that framed a pale face fell from it as it was pulled back. Jon's face showed utter surprise. This figure, this mysterious thief that was stealing all of the trivial things in the neighborhood, was a woman.

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