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Forgive me Hylia, for I Have Sinned


***This is more of a 'Today I done diddly goofed up by...' sort of confession. Not meant to be taken too seriously; share only what you're comfortable with. Please no murder confessions.***​

As you enter the Temple of Time, the statue of the Goddess towers over you. You walk up the pedestal and pray.
"You who have conquered the shrines and claimed their Spirit Orbs. Tell me of your woes my chosen hero, so that I may offer you Din's power, Nayru's wisdom, and Farore's courage."

Daku Rinku

ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
“Blessed Mother forgive me for I have sinned, it has been one day since my confession,
I confess before the Golden Goddesses, and the Goddess Hylia that I have feasted too greedily (gluttony, holiday eating), that I have wished evil upon others while seeking mercy for myself (venial sin plus hypocrisy), and been sloven / slothful of late. Please forgive me.”
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Thug Lyfe
Apr 16, 2021
“Blessed Mother forgive me for I have sinned, it has been one day since my confession,
I confess before the Golden Goddesses, and the Goddess Hylia that I have feasted too greedily (gluttony, holiday eating), that I have wished evil upon others while seeking mercy for myself (venial sin plus hypocrisy), and been sloven / slothful of late. Please forgive me.”
Well you can add idolatry to that list now :P /s

Daku Rinku

ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
*Collects pictures of my beloved that fall out of my coat as I make the Sign of the Triforce over my head*

“In Nomini et Nayru, et Din, et Farore de Sancti.. Amen.”

Daku Rinku

ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Returns to temple and enters confessional.

“Bless me Mother for I have sinned. I have an obession, a woman.. a princess..”

Mother responded,
“Is she someone else’s partner?”

“Nay.. they broke up (smashed mirror).”

Mother responds,
“Are thoughts of them interrupting your devotions and contributions?”

Swallows deeply,
“Uh.. well.. yes.”

Mother responds,
“Would you say she is an idol?”

“When you feel strong feelings for someone how can it be idolatry? Does not The Golden Goddesses want people together?”

The Reverend Mother responds,
“Say five Hail Hylias, donate to the Temple, and try to control this impulse..”

“What if I can’t?”

Mother responds,
“Its Midna isn’f it..”

“How did you know?”

Mother sighs,
“I have seen this before.. she is of the Twilight.. she has power to seduce men with her looks and charm and.. stop daydreaming!”

Shakes self,
“Sorry! What must I do?”

Mother makes the sign of the Triforce,
“Depends how far gone you are.. if you reach the final stage no amount of magic or prayers can dislodge her..”

“Help me Mother! Help me!”

Reverand Mother shakes her hooded head,
“The Midvorka has only been shaken by One.. Farther Rauru.. I suggest you see him.”

Bows head,
“Yes Mother! Thank You!”
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Daku Rinku

ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Forgive me Hylia, forcI have sinned, it has been eighty-two days since my last confession..

I have become addicted to an Anime.. eaten too much, and have lapsed on my duties.

Forgive me in the Name of The Din, Nayru, Farore and the Blessed Sages, Amen.

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