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Ocarina of Time First Encounter with a Wallmaster



I just wanted to know what you people thought of wallmasters when you first saw/where captured by them

When i was in the forest temple, when i came to the twisted hallway, navi warned me about monsters that hang from the ceiling, so I look up, but saw noting so I continued without a second thought, but i missed and ended up on the floor, and as I was attempting to get back up, I ended up finding myself in the corner of the room and could not see links feet due to the camera angle, at thet point i thought i herd a wind/growling-like sound, and before I figured out what was happening, link screamed and I was at the start of the temple, with a look of horror on my face.

It took a while before i even tried to take them on, and I had my little sister take them on for me, and sadly, I was 12 when this happened.
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Aperture Test Subject #2
Dec 20, 2010
Aperture Laboratories
I was about 7 when me and my cousins were playing it and they gave me the controller and said "here" i said ok then i went to the room and just kept walking then all of a sudden it grabbed me and took me away, then i freaked out and ran out of the room!


May 21, 2011
when i first came into contact with a Wallmaster, my grandma was playing the game, and she was in the Forest Temple right? she knew what was going to come but i didn't. i heard the sound, adn then Link scream, and she laughed when she saw the freaked-out look on my face.


Boy Wonder
Jun 22, 2011
Behind you
Wallmasters have a very Nightmare Fuel quality to them that I find incredibly appealing. I typically dance with them whenever possible. Run forward when they drop, let them sit on the ground, smack them with a broken Giant's Knife, let them go back up. Rinse, repeat.

As for my first encounter, I don't actually remember it. It had to be in Majora's Mask though, that was the first Zelda game I played.


Lokomo Ninja
Feb 1, 2011
Outset Island
I knew before-hand about the Wallmasters in Ocarina of Time, but in The Wind Waker, my first Zelda game, the Floormasters were the only kind there, and weren't as scary as something like, a SCREAMING REDEAD!
*shudder* I still have nightmares about that...
Feb 23, 2011
I was like 10, I think. The Wallmasters did not at all scare me during my first encounter with them. I'd just use Din's Fire at the right moment, and it never failed. I was caught once or twice, though.

'Ya know, now that I think on it a bit, I wasn't afraid of the Wallmasters in Ocarina of Time, because I got used to them from playing Majora's Mask (which - if you haven't figured out by now - I played before OoT). :yes:


Skyward Sword Anticipator
Apr 27, 2011
I don't think I've actually ever been grabbed by a wall master in OoT. Although, in ALttP (My first Zelda Game) the one's in the Dark Woods dungeon got INCREDIBLY annoying.


Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
I jumped the first time I was grabbed, it was in the Forest Temple, that first time when you're warned about shadows in the ceiling, made playing Forest Temple a bit less fun and more creepy, lol
Jul 2, 2011
I began to develop to a very deep hatred for them :mad: partially because the same one (the one in the Forest Temple that you have to kill to get a key) got me multiple times before I finally managed to kill all the little Wallmasters................wait, that was a Floormaster..........does that still count?

Unlucky Monkey

The Great King of Apes
May 17, 2011
NRW, Germany
They really scared me as a kid in A Link to the Past. They were unpredictable. That's the reason why I was scared. But in Ocarina of Time 3D, they really scared me by their looks. These things are weird. I totally freaked out.

Game Lord

YES! The redead were and still are extremely creepy!!! On top of that, Ocarina of Time has got to have the creepiest looking version of all! When I first saw one, it totally freaked me out!!

Sorry, I thought I was replying to germ 1137 up the page. First time doing this. Once again, sorry!


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I can't remember the first time with a Wallmaster in my history of Zelda, but i know the first couple of times playing Wind Waker, I know the floormasters creeped the heck out of me because they do a quick lunge and next thing you know, you get a button prompt but it disappears! I'm not afraid of wallmasters in OoT/MM, I am afraid of the invisible floormasters though (let's just say I'm not the BEST Zelda player and don't use my Lens of Truth as often as I should, heh).


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
My first encounter with the wallmaster was in OoT Forest Temple. Navi warned me and the first time I escaped and didn't even notice the thing until I encountered the secone one. I was standing still and waited..............wrong!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahhaa!! I was like: Huh??? What is he doing???

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