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Fire Sanctuary - Eagle


One-Winged Skyward Angel
Sep 28, 2011
So, the Japanese site was updated and one of the things shown was the Fire Sanctuary. Watching the video, I quickly noticed the bird statues. Not the save points, but the decorations around the area. Remember how the symbol of the Eldin Province from TP was an eagle(with face of an owl :/)? Even the light spirit was an eagle-owl thing :) Nintendo's really connecting SS to TP here. Because they are not Loftwings, are we seeing the precursor to Owl Statues, or the Bird of Prey symbol of Eldin Province?

(I'll post pics tommorow, I have to go to sleep right now -.-)
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One-Winged Skyward Angel
Sep 28, 2011
Yeah, but those statues look like owls.

Both birds of prey. But that is STILL interesting, though. Because they are not Loftwings, are we seeing the precursor to Owl Statues, or the Bird of Prey symbol of Eldin Province? Another connection is that SS has Headmaster Gaepora, presumably somehow connected to the owl Kaepora Gaebora. (Also, there is a big owl statue in the Sanctuary)
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heres is the video for reference :D



There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
^ Great video! Is the Fire Sanctuary different from the Earth Temple?

Yes. In the Earth Temple it's been confirmed that you navigate the lava on that giant ball for a great duration there. And in the Fire Sanctuary, or Old Shrine as it's been translated on the mainsite, there are some parts where Link's clothes will burst into flame. We need to find water pods growing someplace in those areas to douse the fires.

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