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Game Thread Fire Emblem Mafia With a Side of Sloths

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Aug 15, 2017
I'm not really convinced that Moe is scum, as Rubik? (I think it was you) said, he has a particular way of playing and this matches his self-defensive playstyle from the past.
Aug 15, 2017
@Krow is there a reason you just liked every post in the thread

It's a new thing i'm doing to show I've read it and in terms of longer threads such as stories or RP's, to use as a bookmark. If you disapprove of it, I'll stop liking your posts Kirino.


Jun 7, 2017
the present

So anyway I’ve been meaning to post for a while but I had to run an errand and eat dinner and also come into possession of a headache so I was delayed. Also my motivation for this game is quite low so don’t expect much unless I manage to get aggravated.
pancake is a wolf. DMs are closed.
I still have no idea where this came from.
I am here to tell you that I am a changing man. I'm not your typical YIGA anymore.

Throw out your meta
For this new game
Yiga is Betta
For he ain't the same

Alright buckos, let's get some things straight:

1- Trust everything I am about to say
2- Rubik is scum
3- Ignore point #2
4- I am on the road to becoming a normal mafia player (Maybe or maybe not with a trick or crazy idea or something ever once in a while, but I'll try to ease those back in when I am ready)
5- I won't be totally changed immediately (Most likely)
6- No, really, I'm changing. Certain metas most likely won't work against me.
7- Betta in line 3 of the song thingy is "Better" but rhymes with meta
8- Don't lynch me for trying to be normal this game. "Oh this isn't usual YIGA so he's scum" won't work right now for obvious reasons.

Now keep that vote on me and just watch. You'll take it off soon enough
90% sure Yiga is town.
Vote funnier funnier funnier funnier funnier funnier
Took me way too long to get this joke.
My guess is scum characters are th3 main villains from the series. Only including the ones I find to he likely:
  • Gharnef, the Dark Pontifex
  • Medeus, the Shadow Dragon
  • Duma, Divine Dragon
  • Jedah, Duma Priest
  • Arvis, Emperor of Flame
  • Julius, Scion of Darkness
  • Zephiel, the Liberator
  • Black Knight, Sinister General
  • Grima, Fell Reincarnation
  • Uhh, that Fates guy. The pineapple one
Pointless speculation is pointless. I’d love to lynch you again but for some reason you’re always town when I wanna kill you. So I’ll wait.
I am going to take this as a joke.

That doesn’t confirm you anything.
Shouldn't RVS be over in a few hours?
RVS is over when it’s over. Which is 24 hours tops.
Normally we've got some meaningless topic about the setup that we can get conversation sparked off of by now, but this game no one seems to have any interest in progressing the game-state.
Ew, “game-state”

That includes yourself you know.
I'm here. But there is nothing to really go off yet.
What did you used to do on day one then, if everyone says there’s nothing to go off of all day instead of actually doing something then nothing will ever get done and the game will explode into oblivion. I know what I like to do.


Vote: A Link In Time

I don’t understand in the slightest how Rubiks vote was suspicious and yes you should all vote for ALIT. All the reasoning so far in this game sounds like complete nonsense and ohmigosh the day ends tomorrow doesn’t it I should’ve done this ages agooooo.

I’m gonna be really busy tomorrow for like eight hours and idk if I’ll be able to get online but I’ll see what I can do.
Aug 15, 2017
Alright I get it, I'll stop liking them. My memory isn't that good anymore and you all get paid for it, so I figured it wouldn't matter.

I don’t understand in the slightest how Rubiks vote was suspicious and yes you should all vote for ALIT. All the reasoning so far in this game sounds like complete nonsense and ohmigosh the day ends tomorrow doesn’t it I should’ve done this ages agooooo.

So why exactly are we hopping on ALiT again?


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Reasons. I would’ve rathered someone different but with the way things have been going I feel ALIT is best rn. Honestly left myself far too little room with less than 24 hours left though so this is probably gonna suck.
So why exactly are we hopping on ALiT again?
Cause I said so. Take it or leave it.

Who are you voting right now anyway?


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Reasons. I would’ve rathered someone different but with the way things have been going I feel ALIT is best rn. Honestly left myself far too little room with less than 24 hours left though so this is probably gonna suck.
Cause I said so. Take it or leave it.

Who are you voting right now anyway?
Forgot to mention him @A Link In Time could you post something and possibly vote someone please.
Aug 15, 2017
Cause I said so. Take it or leave it.

I choose neither, your judgement towards ALiT holds no water and I have no intention of voting for him without a proper reason.

Who are you voting right now anyway?

I haven't voted besides my rvs on Pendio. I will not be No Lynching, but I wanted to at least have a smidge of distrust in someone instead of just tossing the noose into the room at random and calling it good. However, I do have a smidge of distrust in someone now since they just up and voted someone for "reasons" they don't feel like sharing.


Vote: funnier
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