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Final Sword Fight



Does anyone else just waant the game to end with an awesome sword v. sword battle between Ganondorf(assuming he is our villain) and Link? No items, just man on man swords. we almost got this in WW, but Ganon had 2 swords and used magic[:mad:]. Does anyone else feel this way?


Freak on a leash xp
Sep 8, 2010
well we kinda had this in twilight princess already :/ but I think it could work on this game too because of the wii motion plus :D


The Artist Formally Known as Deku Shroom™
Jan 21, 2011
Fun Guy
Would be sweet as long as the difficulty is high in the fight unlike alot of the bosses.


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
With the way SS controls are set up and all the hype behind using the sword and shield, Nintendo would almost have to do this. It would be the best way to finish the game with revolutionary new controls with 1:1 sword and shield combat. I actually hope a few boss fights go this way with a Link vs another swordsman to truly test the skills learned playing throughout the game. A final conflict between Link and the real enemy using swords and skill is the perfect ending.

But then again I have always liked the fights with other human sized bosses. They seem like so much more of a duel than just using an item on a weak spot of some giant monster. Darknuts and Dark Link were always fun to take on. I hope they are in this game as well.


I am a Person of Interest
Jul 12, 2010
Ganon's Tower
Miyamoto once before that he would like to borrow the sword fencing ideas from Wii Sports Resorts and use them in Skyward Sword. He also stated this about the use of the Bow and Arrow. Anyways, with swordplay in SS just like the fencing from WSR and hopefully improved, there will almost certainly be an epic one on one sword fight during some point in the game. Hopefully, they will find a way to merge the 1:1 sword fighting and Link's moves, like the parry attacks from WW or the Hidden Skills from TP.


Son of the Patriots
Feb 2, 2011
My own little world
If this were to happen, most likely, Ganon would not refrain from using magic being the evil and powerful type of character that he is. A fair fight isn't exactly his thing. But, that way Link would have to work around this unfair advantage which might be frustrating, but make the end triumph much more satisfying.


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
If this were to happen, most likely, Ganon would not refrain from using magic being the evil and powerful type of character that he is. A fair fight isn't exactly his thing. But, that way Link would have to work around this unfair advantage which might be frustrating, but make the end triumph much more satisfying.

In previous games Ganondorf has proven himself a very competent swordfighter. He decided to fight Link in WW without resorting to using magic against him, only his personal skill with two swords. And even if he does, Link too often is using a magical sword of his own. The master sword in several games has the ability to repel any magical attack back upon the enemy. The Skyward Sword might have a similar ability since this is almost a tradition going all the way back to LttP.


The game is on!
I, for one, think it's most likely to happen.
I mean, with the controls of the game it wouldn't be fair not to use the opportunity of an epic sword to sword battle between Link and the main villain (I do not think it will be Ganon(dorf), rather a brand new one).

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
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ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
God, I hope so. Let's cross our fingers and pray to whichever diety you choose to beleive in :)

But, in all seriousness, I have been waiting and hoping for something like this in a Zelda game. In fact, they should make some minibosses fight you in epic sword fights, not just the final boss. Not as epic as the hypathetical final battle, of course, but epic nontheless. Zelda NEEDS this, in my opinion.


Twilit Fossil
Jan 10, 2011
Arbiter's Grounds
I can see this going on numerous times in SS. Having epic 1:1 sword fights in many areas of the game, whether it be minibosses, bosses, or the final boss, would make this game very memorable, add a good challenge to the bosses, and add replay value. Who knows, maybe with this there could be multiplayer or online modes. (Uh, on second thought, scratch that last mode. Let's wait until Nintendo has decent online before that happens.)

Kaiser Kami

Warrior of Kaiser
Feb 2, 2011
I would like a one on one match with said villian in the game. I would like to have Dark Link be the final boss and have him have the difficulty of the Zelda 2 final boss and have him mimic you unless you switch hands instead of playing right handed you play left handed like Link. Each sword swipe he does deals a heart yes and also he can kick you down, deflect your attacks by parrying or using the shield or doing a jump attack leaving him open for an attack but if you don't dodge or block, it takes 3 hearts making the 3 heart challenge harder, but that's just me.


:)Ok, so what iff the sword fight was just a last resort after Ganon loses to you while fighting in a few diferent forms, then the battle could go from Hyrule to Skyloft, where the epic sword fight takes place?:)
Feb 10, 2011
I like the Sword Fight and its Wii Motion Plus. It should have Link VS Ganondorf in a Sword fight. Hope that happens.

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