Ocarina of Time was a definate classic in my mind, same with AlttP and MM when the 90s-2000 era came around. Unfortunatly I wasn't born back before Zelda 1 and 2 came out and could never really appreciate them in any other way than classic. The reason I left out the handheld games such a Link's Awakening and the Oracle games because I wanted to focus on the main Nintendo consoles at the time. Sorry I left out both the GameBoy and GameBoy Colour games. Also, I think the classic era is truely over after MM was released. As soon as Four Swords and Minish Cap came out on the GB Advance, I noticed how the series had truely lepth forth into the 21st century and did not have the nostalgic feel anymore, but rather a "new adventure" feeling. Do you share the same sentiments?