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Favorite Pokemon Soundtrack


It's me!
Mar 20, 2012
Hey, guys! Or girls, I can't see any of you, I'm still playing White 2 with one hand and typing with the other! Music in games, at least in the ones I've played, have always been a strong point, whether it enhances the atmosphere, like in the Metroid Prime series, or is just so good that you want to listen to the songs repeatedly, like most of the Sonic franchise. Heck, it can be a game I find outrageously insulting, like Paper Mario Sticker Star, but it's music can still be some of the series' best! So I was wondering, what's your favorite soundtrack from the pokemon series? As a personal opinion, I'd say my top 3 overall would be, 3. Gen 2, 2. Black and White 2, and 1. Explorers of Sky. As for the songs themselves, off the top of my head, I'd say the Temporal Tower, Black & White 2's champion theme, and Violet Town. So what's yours? I'd like to know that because, y'know, :wynaut:!


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
I'm going to be honest here, I personally believe that the Pokémon franchise makes some of the best video game music I've ever heard. I don't think I'd be lying if I said I liked almost every soundtrack from this series. To post a couple:

Eterna Forest


Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Like most aspects of the Pokemon series, I'm gonna have to go with Generation 3 here (I'm a little biased towards gen 3...). This game had some truly awesome tunes in it, my personal favourite being the Route 119 music (found below). The main reason I ever decide to catch Feebas is so I can sit in this Route, listening to the awesome music. A close second would be Slateport City. I mentioned in a previous thread that Slateport is my favourite city in Pokemon, and the music is one of the reasons. It's such a fitting song for a large market/port city.
Route 119, possibly my favourite song in the Pokemon franchise

Slateport, my favourite city in Pokemon, also my second favourite song in Hoenn.


Snow Queen

Mannceaux Signature Collection
Mar 14, 2013
Grand Rapids, MI
Transwoman (she/her)
My favorite Pokemon soundtrack comes from gen II, which is the superior region and anybody who thinks otherwise should die. Just kidding. Pokemon Gold was my first Pokemon game, so I guess it's natural that the region's music would be my favorite. Gen IV had some awesome music too.

Movie-wise, I think Pokemon 2000 had the best soundtrack of all the movies.
May 6, 2013
Perhaps it's just nostalgia screwing with my ears, but Johtos tracks will always be a part of my favourites. Unova gets props for being upbeat with compelling new instruments, but there are quite a few negatives in its line-up that I don't appreciate, N's battle theme being a major one. Sinnoh was GORGEOUS, and had some good music to accompany it, but the horrible synth it had really tarnished some of its tracks. Hoenn had some great music in places, but suffered from a lack of amazing tracks. Kanto just sits there as being... well... plain, for the most part, being neither terrible nor fantastic. FireRed and LeafGreen had god-awful music, though, that's for certain.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
I personally think that Sinnoh had the best soundtrack. (Given the Team Galactic theme is just awesome) I feel as if the music fit every environment that it was played in, and overall, it was simply enjoyable.

I also enjoy Johto's music, as it brings me back to the older days of Pokémon, the simpler days.... My favorite tune from the generation has to be the Wild Pokémon Battle sequence. It is such a classic tune to reminisce about.
Jul 24, 2011
Pennsylvania, USA
It's hard for me to pick between Ruby and Sapphire's and Black and White's soundtracks. Both are very catchy and upbeat, so I guess its a draw.

Sir Quaffler

May we meet again
I personally love ALL Pokemon music. I love the old-school classics of Kanto and Johto, the upbeat nature of Hoenn, and the more complex and gorgeous tunes of Sinnoh and Unova.

However, if forced to choose, I'd say my favorites are a tie between Gen 3 and Gen 5.
Emerald was my first Pokemon game and so it carries with it a lot of nostalgia. But even beyond that, I love the overworld music so much, and the entire thing just comes together really well. Personal favorite:
And for Black 1 and 2... what can I say, GameFreak really put their A-game into it! Frankly it's the best soundtrack to be found on the DS. I mean c'mon, how can you beat this:
So badass!

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