The N64 was the ultimate 'feast or famine' system. At it's best, it was the best. Some of the best games out there came via the N64. However, while it's best games rank high up there, it seemed every other game was really bad. There was little in-between, it was either amazing or utter crap for the most part. Everyone else here mentioned the top titles, some of the best of the best (including OoT, my personal opinion as the GOAT).
As far as those not mentioned, I don't know if I would consider it 'good' but I had an addiction to Quest 64 for some reason. I don't remember it well enough to judge it well now but for some reason I loved that game.
The games I played all the time were OoT, MM, Mario 64 and Kart, Paper Mario, Goldeneye, Pokemon Stadium and Snap, Super Smash Bros, Kirby and of course Star Fox 64.