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Favorite 3d Platformers (besides Mario)


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
Had to not include Mario b/c that's just easy pickings. There's that favorite Mario games thread too.
What have been some of your favorite 3d platformers over the years? We see some here and there nowadays but they were much more prominent years back.

  • Rayman 3 - one of my favorite games ever, love the style and the insanity of it all, I still revisit levels to this day
  • Jak & Daxter trilogy - would pick Jak 3 as a favorite, but I enjoyed all 3 and was enamored by how it shifted tones and got more story heavy in Jak 2
  • Ape Escape - I like all 3 but the first one holds a special place in me for being one of the earliest games I ever played
  • Spyro 2 - while I think 3 is better overall, something about 2 I just gravitate more to
  • Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg - a big childhood favorite that despite its flaws, I thought was really fun


The Destructive One
Staff member
Apr 4, 2012
Göteborg, Sweden
Hmm... Maybe these

Ratchet & Clank - The entire series, maybe except the spin-offs, as I've not played those
Sly Cooper - Also the whole series
Pac-Man World 2 - Only 3D Pac-Man game that I've played
Ty the Tazmanian Tiger - I've only played the first one, so can't say about the sequels


and thus comes the end of an era
Staff member
Jun 16, 2020
Crossbell State
Pac-Man World 2 - Definitely a childhood favorite. I'd love to revisit it sometime.
Sly Cooper - Only played part of the first one, but it was enjoyable regardless.
Crash Bandicoot - Friggin' brutal, but a lot of fun regardless.
Sonic Generations - Probably an easy pick for one of the better games in the series, but I really loved this one back when I first played it as a kid. I also was pretty fond of Unleashed too, despite the criticism for it.


Joy is in video games and colored pencils
Forum Volunteer
Firstly, I would have to go with Spyro. The gliding mechanic makes it a little different than other platforms, and it's challenging without being difficult. The series also has a hilarious sense of humor and storytelling.
And secondly, PacMan World 3. I know it isnt typically considered the best of the trilogy, but it's kind of sentimental for me. The levels are really cool too, they put a lot of detail into each world.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Banjo Kazooie!

Was the first game I got along with OOT and I've been a fan of the bear and bird and the witch of course, ever since.

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