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Game Thread ExLight's Custom Role Mafia - ENDGAME [TOWN WINS]


Staff member
Yeah this was definitely the case and I was pretty aware of it from pretty early on that I would win almost no matter what happened as long as I didn't die in the first couple cycles and my paranoia of someone else taking the larger share of the money was wrong. Including more roles with a way to gain a lot of money without having to count on luck could definitely have helped bring out the money wincon's full potential as a mechanic.
To be fair Soul had more money than you at one point and woulda won if they didn't bet it all at once/managed it better lol
To be fair Soul had more money than you at one point and woulda won if they didn't bet it all at once/managed it better lol
Oh yeah he did, though not by really much-- Even if he'd just gambled a relatively small amount and lost it'd have put me ahead still most likely (an amount he could've recovered from ahead, but I also could've set the prices significantly higher and people woulda still probably bought most items so going into "what if" people were better with money still puts Marketeer ahead most likely). And there's still not really much competition for the money wincon when there were only ever two people really in the running.
It wasn't a huge issue given it wasn't the main focus of the game, but it was an interesting gimmick that I agree with others on the fact that it has the potential to be expanded on more.
Dec 13, 2019
1. 10/10. I can't give it a lower score because it was strictly my fault for not being around as much as I would have liked; however, it got rocking near the end, yo.
2. *Shrugs.*
3. Probably the no lynch one. It's not mafia unless you make every move you can only to realize you made the wrong one and it is your fault. Don't believe me? Look at Mountainous. fkn 'ell man.
4. Did I enjoy being slow, you mean? I'm onto you, Ex. I'll roll with whatever I'm dealt.
5. Does it matter? Try a You Pick Mafia and get back to me on how much balance matters. Speaking of, we're about due for another MSP Mafia.
6. Actually, yeah, I would have. I would have gone after Seanzie and fought for getting him lynched.
7. He shipped Soul and I, so no, the host wasn't being responsible.
8. Hell yeah.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
> 1. How much did you enjoy this experience? (0-10)
> 2. Were there any custom rules or pre-game setting up that you enjoyed? If so, which ones?
> 3. Were there any custom rules or pre-game setting up that you hated? If so, which ones?
> 4. Did you enjoy your role? Which role you wish you had rolled?
> 5. In your opinion, was the game balanced?
> 6. In retrospect, would you have done things differently?
> 7. Did the host perform their responsibilities well?
> 8. Would you play another game by this host?

1. 9 and it's only not a 10 due to me not being able to be as active as I would have liked in the beginning. Was too busy at some points for me to be around as much as I would've liked.

2. The night talk after locking in actions was cool, even if it was very stress inducing to me. Lol. But it's a good way to do night talk since it doesn't allow people to still coordinate their actions after day end. Though maybe I would say mafia has to lock in their nk too, but that's something I'm uncertain on.

3. The no lynch priority maybe. I feel like it favors scum too much.

4. I very much enjoyed my role! I was worried about being killed n1 before it got to be utilized since it was such a great role. And even sorta threatened scum d1 in game about subbing back in if they killed me n1. Lol. But I liked getting to try out all of the previous dead roles. Wish I had lived longer to try out more, but I'm glad I lived as long as I did!

5. I think it was mostly balanced. Maybe a few things favored scum and a few favored town so might even out there.

6. Maybe have the Socky role have another aspect. It felt tame compared to everything else. Having Socky have a vote, maybe even have Socky have their own wallet and be able to buy items as well (I guess this would have essentially been like the twin role, but a bit different which could have been interesting). Possibly change the marketeer. Seems like they're always likely to have the most money. And them being town seems to benefit town a good bit. Not sure exactly what changes I would make there, I think the overall idea is great but they could be reworked a bit. Also maybe some doctor shots in the market place?

7. Absolutely. Very on top of things. Made sure to clear up any mistakes. Loved the links to the vote counts and starts/ends of days.

8. Of course. :pikalove:


Jan 19, 2018
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1. 8
2.. Night talking rule was nice, although it perhaps made it harder to keep up with the game in combination with the high activity. No lynch priority is also a clean way of resolving ambiguity in parity.
3. don't think so
4. yes, necromancer looked like the most fun of the ones i saw, although perhaps I'm biased.
5. haven't analyzed it in depth enough to put in my 2 cents one way or another. It was a close game though, so that probably says something.
6. I don't think I'd do anything differently. Its probably true that DW's role is basically an auto-win for them (although they don't know that, so it still produces good gameplay, maybe just feels shallow in retrospect). The money system was good i think, even if not much interacted with it. It caused more tension when deciding whether or not to buy items and created an incentive to doubt each other. The setup being closed means that even the presence of it produces gameplay, regardless of the interaction behind the scenes.
7. You did exceptionally, I think. The hyperlinks on the first page were extremely helpful.
8. definitely

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Oh yeah meant to say this in the last post but thanks for hosting @ExLight! Was a fun game and you did great for your first time hosting! Especially building your own roles.

To celebrate their teamwork and victory, KingOfDominaria and SoulAdvent sealed the game with a firm handshake. And by making out and marrying each other. KoD's waifu was now dead, so why not?

Looks like Numbers and KoD both have new relationships from this game.
Sep 27, 2021
> 1. How much did you enjoy this experience? (0-10)

Y'all are fun, which helps a lot regardless of what else is going on

> 2. Were there any custom rules or pre-game setting up that you enjoyed? If so, which ones?
not anything in particular

> 3. Were there any custom rules or pre-game setting up that you hated? If so, which ones?
Town player into sub list seems super suboptimal?

Like I get it from a "if we need a sub it helps a lot" point of view

But in general I think that really seems liable to create some game integrity issues - imagine being scum and getting a mislynch off day 1 on somebody who has most of your team dead to rights, and then them subbing back in with priority

that would suck

at most they should be last priority subs

also the host being voteable seems to have mainly been a distraction rather than an addition which is meh

> 4. Did you enjoy your role? Which role you wish you had rolled?
Yeah, it was enjoyable. Can't say I would have greatly preferred any of the others.

> 5. In your opinion, was the game balanced?
So obviously I've only like, skimmed most of what went on

but the pinata tripling everything seems a bit crazy at a glance?

also JD's and Jinjo's roles were both counters to like, one or two town roles I think? so lol those guys, hope they weren't planning on being useful

also as soon as it was clear that Mint's ability also conferred her targets' alignments it was p obv just a scum role

rag probably would have had difficulty winning with no ability to kill people

but on the whole it was by no means awful outside of the host role, which as I said above I don't really think *added* anything in particular as far as I can tell

> 6. In retrospect, would you have done things differently?
Me personally? Probably not.

> 7. Did the host perform their responsibilities well?
idk wtf was goin on in that shoutbox but dang bro

> 8. Would you play another game by this host?
Dec 13, 2019
Oh nice, I didn't realize you were in G4, Fext.

Beware Caps and Ephemera. Go with your instincts. You've got amazing instincts that won't lead you astray.
Apr 11, 2022
> 1. How much did you enjoy this experience? (0-10)
> 2. Were there any custom rules or pre-game setting up that you enjoyed? If so, which ones?
> 3. Were there any custom rules or pre-game setting up that you hated? If so, which ones?
> 4. Did you enjoy your role? Which role you wish you had rolled?
> 5. In your opinion, was the game balanced?
> 6. In retrospect, would you have done things differently?
> 7. Did the host perform their responsibilities well?
> 8. Would you play another game by this host?

And again, I appreciate you all for making this game possible and a success! Thanks for Playing!

1. I would put it as 9 on the enjoyment scale. Regarding the difficulty, I would put it as 7 for Town. Strong Mafia roles, strong Independent, Mafia players were competent and had Independent confusion to rely on for any potential blunders, just like how Town has its own roles for potential blunders.

2. I enjoyed all of them. It definitely feels like the cumulative build-up of all your Mafia experiences to make a game with incredibly fun custom roles. There was always something new and exciting instead of the standard Doctor, Cop and Vigilante. Only rehashes were the Slowpoke basically being a reworded Beloved Princess. I would argue the Pupeeter is a rehashed Reporter. Would have been better if it could get money depending on the reactions it would get (counted from the beginning of Day to end of Day during that period only). The Synesthete feels useless? Would have made them inflict a post restriction where the player has to post their text with the color they are assigned, or otherwise, their vote will not count.

3. No, I don't. Not perfect but not worth being emotional hating over.

4. I enjoyed the Gambler. Fitting role for a player like me who gambles. Probably why I town read Numbers - I felt like he was planning a gamble to outsmart Mafia, but it was actually to outsmart us... I would have liked to be the Necromancer actually. Ragnarokio would have benefitted from being more pro-Town, and if she went against Jinjo she might have been able to live long enough before her secret of her Independence was out.

5. Yes. I don't have immediate issues with the game balance. The Tech Support and Medium feel a bit too strong, but nothing the Mafia or Independent can't counter.

6. Would have revealed I am HumanDawn if I knew the Mafia knew that I was experienced. Well, only Mint Elv knew, and she didn't tell the others because it would blow her own cover. I feel like she should have shared that information sooner. I don't regret my play much. Seanzie voting me activated the competitive part of my brain and got me to gamesolve very seriously in Day 1. It's surprising to me how I had suspicions on Storm, Ragnarokio and Numbers in Day 1 and only Storm was Town there who I ended up lynching in that Day. It means I let off Ragnarokio and Numbers too easily that day and should revise what I found suspicious of them in the first place to take note for future games with other players when I am scumhunting. I am pleased that I managed to connect Mint Elv and Numbers as the most likely team through Jinjo posting against the two specifically from my Town reads. I've seen other players get that far in their scum reading to deduce the team and I've always been impressed by it so I'm glad I've reached the point in my skills that I can manage to deduce that.

7. Yes, it looks like a lot of work with all the roles. I've read all the Role PMs and you had a lot of work cut out for you. It makes sense why the phases were so long. I can't complain about update times. I would suggest commenting and reacting less to what players say - also not outing to them that there is a player under a different name :P.

8. If I'm in the mood for Mafia, sure. Hopefully I don't make it to EoD with so few players again!

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