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Game Thread ExLight's Custom Role Mafia - ENDGAME [TOWN WINS]

Aug 21, 2019
Attack Helicopter
thinking about it more, its always equally in town and scum's interest to buy a given item, since the more an item is worth to town, the more money scum will be willing to spend to prevent town from getting it, and vice-versa. This might change depending on how the money mechanic develops though. There's a role called marketeer (potentially) in the game and i would guess this mechanic is centered around them.
I'm not too fond of the continuous mechanics talk, but this strikes my gut as townie for some reason.
Apr 11, 2022
ok, im gonna try making a reads list like Storm's (minus the rainbows lol)

I don't know anyone here so it will be harder to remember what everything did but right now this is what i think:

A. Laurentus - he just started posting, i am looking forward to what he has to say :)

2. KingOfDominaria - he announced that he took the flavor cop, but i dunno why he would do that? it's not a wise idea to out your powers unless you have something important you want to reveal, so i do not get this move at all and how it benefits us other than preventing say, a liar from saying he has it when it was KoD who really had it, but that would mean knowing that the player who bought it died so it's not something a liar would take risk in doing unless most players are dead? (sorry if i explained this really badly, i am not an english speaker)
3. Ragnarokio - Not much to say here, they voted the host.
4. DawningWinds - I am very wary of you because of the money thing, I feel like you won't really be very helpful to Town.
5. 15377 - Nothing noteworthy that I can remember.
6. Seanzie - I like the posts, he makes the game less boring lol.
7. SoulAdvent - I am good, you can trust me!
8. Storm - I don't remember much here.
9. EchoLight - Nope, nothing
10. Mint Elv - I don't think they did much other than defend themselves, but I am not feeling that they are a suspicious individual.
J. Jinjo - Sorry I don't remember what you did!!
Q. Morbid Minish - I feel ok, nothing bad, i guess a bit good?
K. Paranoid King - Very similar vibe from Seanzie, so good.

I really need to read the thread again but ngl I don't feel that motivated to do that for the energy I have ^^; but if someone has anything specific they want to ask me of what I think i will try my best to answer :3c.
Aug 21, 2019
Attack Helicopter
The discussion is good, but speculating plans is kinda scummy. Why give scum more info that they might not realize? I think KoD buying the item looks pretty townie at the moment, but I can see some scum motivation behind it.

Also, just want to tell whoever is mafia...please don't kill me n1. I will sub back in so it will be a waste. Ty.
Is it anti-town or scummy?
Apr 20, 2020
I've only played 1 game with Laurentus and don't know how he usually plays. Laurentus calling Dawning scum to then having another look at their posts changing his mind looked towny since I would expect scum to not reevaluate so quickly.
Dec 13, 2019
Town (Top Scale End)

Cin Min
Rag (True Neutral until D2)/Numbers (JD aka 15377 aka my beloved waifu)/Jinjo -- This is my neutral bin.

Scum (Bottom Scale End)


@ Lau

Botwolf is more par for the course in regards to me and mafia. The Hapi game on Wintreath was more of a mellow version of me that didn't devote as much time into making a presence. But, I have a job to do in two days. This is just a staging ground for me. I've conserved enough energy that I can expend a little to get into form for what will more than likely be a few grueling weeks.

All that being said, I have constructed an impromptu list. Placement was predicated upon observing how each player has posted thus far (though no in depth analysis has been constructed as of yet). Suffice to say, how each person is placed on the list is essentially how I generally feel about them.

Also, my dear waifu, I am not a lyncher at all. I am a simple person with a simple agenda -- to bring about the death and utter destruction of those who have rolled scum in this game so that they can feel the pain I feel every time I've suffered. I want nothing more than to track them down, expose them for their obvious sins, and hang them out to dry in this cold, uncaring world. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, would bring more joy to my calloused heart than that simple dream being made reality.

And reality it shall be.

I've determined who I am going to scope out. Once I've done so, I'm outing everything about you, then I'm going to push for a lynch.

Enjoy your time, scum. It is limited. I will see to it.


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Legend
Buying something does 2 things: give you an advantage, and stop the other team from gaining an advantage. One team might get more advantage out of an item than the other, which means the benefit in the other team stopping them is higher. It equalizes. I think mafia generally have a higher absolute advantage in buying items, because they know how to not hit their teammates, but that makes it more important for town to stop them from doing that.

All that said, I plan to buy every item from now on, and let people know what I bought, even if I don't have enough actions to use them.

This is because not using an item is is as much a comparative advantage for town as mafia using an item. Ideally, this will also make mafia act quickly to grab items before discussing them.

Are you actually doing this, and is everyone else ok with it?? I was rereading the thread, and nobody seemed to respond to this.

But I don't know if I like the idea of one person hoarding all the items. If you turn out to be scum, us townies would be in a big mess. You would have all the advantages, or at least keep us from having advantages.

But if you're town, it'll be a safeguard against mafia using them, which is great! Other townies could have roles better suited for the items though, and those advantages would be lost if you bought every item. But like you said, the mafia losing out on items would be enough of a plus to do that regardless of the advantage loss.

What you you guys think? Should King keep all the items? Is it worth it, even with the risk of King being scum?

Just thought this needed more attention.
Apr 11, 2022
Are you actually doing this, and is everyone else ok with it?? I was rereading the thread, and nobody seemed to respond to this.

But I don't know if I like the idea of one person hoarding all the items. If you turn out to be scum, us townies would be in a big mess. You would have all the advantages, or at least keep us from having advantages.

But if you're town, it'll be a safeguard against mafia using them, which is great! Other townies could have roles better suited for the items though, and those advantages would be lost if you bought every item. But like you said, the mafia losing out on items would be enough of a plus to do that regardless of the advantage loss.

What you you guys think? Should King keep all the items? Is it worth it, even with the risk of King being scum?

Just thought this needed more attention.

He said he plans to buy every item for when the opportunity rises. Nothing about hoarding them all for themselves. Ideally it’s not all in one player, but I get their point that it’s better to try just in case a Mafia member takes it. That’s the point I took from it, at least?


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Legend
When they said every item, I took it to mean every item. Like, as soon as another one is for sale, they'll grab it, and continue to do so until they run out of money, or until the end of the game. And not let anyone else buy anything, or at least try to. Technically, if they do buy every item, that is the same as hoarding.

If they do that and they're town, great!
If they're scum, ehhh no

But I was reading it wrong? Will they let others buy items too? Because the way they wrote it, it seemed they were going to try and buy every item to keep a potential scum player from taking it.

'When the opportunity rises' sounds very vague. Basically anytime there's an item and they have money is an opportunity lol
Apr 11, 2022
When they said every item, I took it to mean every item. Like, as soon as another one is for sale, they'll grab it, and continue to do so until they run out of money, or until the end of the game. And not let anyone else buy anything, or at least try to. Technically, if they do buy every item, that is the same as hoarding.

If they do that and they're town, great!
If they're scum, ehhh no

But I was reading it wrong? Will they let others buy items too? Because the way they wrote it, it seemed they were going to try and buy every item to keep a potential scum player from taking it.

'When the opportunity rises' sounds very vague. Basically anytime there's an item and they have money is an opportunity lol
You are right it’s not the best if he hoards them, but I get that he tries so Mafia doesn’t get them because they will probably get them all so we don’t get :u.
Apr 11, 2022
@Jinjo you are the lowest poster in the game right now. In Werewolves it is a good indicator that the less a person speaks up, the more likely that they are a wolf because they have to put in more effort to hide their furryness and look like a good villager.

Vote: Jinjo

You won’t sneak past me .
I'm pretty sure there isn't a stated means to do so.
The flavourcop he bought? He didn't say exactly how he intended to do so considering how roles might be but its pretty clear if he's to be taken seriously the flavourcop is the thing he planned to use to do so.

Realistic expectation of KoD delivering on his claim is almost zero. With no reasonable expectation of delivering on the promise KoD isn't risking much by not following through. Further he can still take a different approach and lower expectations of following through even more (like was mentioned with reaction testing) and never intend to follow through. I just don't see any reasonable reason to clear KoD based on hyped up risk.
This is all a good point.

i haven't been able to read anyone yet and i think mechanical discussion is usually NAI. We haven't had much else, but its not like i've done anything to break that status quo either so i can't really complain.

I guess anyone who would normally try to generate real discussion day 1 but hasn't is a decent scumlean

i think KoD might fit that bill?
Does KoD fit that bill? I've only played with him once before so I wouldn't have the strongest sense, but I feel like he only really entered the discussion last game once other people got it rolling (firmly refusing my requests to participate prior to that), and this game the flavourcop thing could be intended to start discusion, and regardless of its intention definitely did. So he's done more to get discussion started this game than last? Which assuming last game is a remotely accurate picture of how KoD generally is makes your reasoning for scumreading him really backwards.

What is stopping DawningWinds from siding with the Mafia if he will win anyway with the highest amount of money?
My money comes from other players in the game. I only get thirty percent of what people pay me. I have no way to prove that there isn't another player who takes all the rest, and would thus have more money than me. Paranoia of this is to stop me from siding with scum.

Town (Top Scale End)
I don't hate flipflopping, but I prefer it not be done without any explanation.

Re: PK buying everything. I think he should maybe only buy one a day at most? It'd be better their spread out across town, that way we don't just lose them if he gets shot, and are more likely to have a townie with items as well. He probably can't buy everything anyway since the post says there are auctions too, meaning he'd have to guess how much other people are paying to be more than them and possibly be wrong.
Werewolves it is a good indicator that the less a person speaks up, the more likely that they are a wolf because they have to put in more effort to hide their furryness and look like a good villager
Jinjo isn't usually a very loud player; she's often among the mid to lower posters on Bulba, and Bulba is less active than here I think so her being the lowest poster isn't exactly surprising to me. The points she's making in those posts should be what's used to read her, not the amount of posts. Town Jinjo, when not Oh-My-Gosh-You-Sucking (please don't scumread her more when she votes you back/calls you scum, I know it's scummy but she does that kinda thing basically every game), usually has a pretty clear train of thought, and even though most players often disagree with her, you can see where she's trying to come from most of the time (or at least I can), while scum Jinjo's posts tend to be much harder to follow and kinda inconsistent if I recall correctly? (It's been a while since the last game I played where she was scum.)
(That said. I can't recall any of the points she's made this game at all, so I'd have to go over her posts to decide where I think she sits.)

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