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Ever Wonder Why Link's Hat Never Falls Off?


luke is my wife
Apr 9, 2010
Sometimes we will see Link without his hat. Pretty much all the time we won't. I guess we don't see Link without his hat is bcuz Shigeru Miyamoto didn't want to have problems drawing Link's hair like he has with Mario. He said he added a hat to Mario so that he wouldn't have to worry drawing the hair all the time. But I guess he did the same with Link. Link's hair can be difficult to draw. That's my guess for why we don't see Link without his hat off during gameplay.

We did see Link without a hat in WW and the beginning of TP. I don't think animating Link's hair would be all that difficult, but who knows. After all, the hat is "just for decoration." It's a video game; THAT'S why it doesn't fall off. This thread was a good idea, it's kind of funny to think about. :P His hat NEVER falls off, even when hanging upside down...

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