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Emulations and Roms

Hero of Pizza Time

Pizza Parker
Aug 22, 2018
Human Spider
How do you guys feel about them? Also about the current crackdown Nintendo is doing to prevent Roms from being distributed even though they aren't distributing it themselves even though people have made it clear they'll purchase them.

Ironically, I wouldn't have almost exclusively bought Nintendo games for the past 4 years had I not played Ocarina of Time with the Project64 emulator. So in a way, it kind of helps Nintendo if people are making some of the games freely available to PC gamers. It attracts a new demographic.

As for the legal stuff, I'm not an expert on copyright laws, but I'm pretty sure there is an argument to be made on either side. Either way, Nintendo really shouldn't be bothering people about downloading their decade old games when they have actually gotten into some grey areas regarding copyright themselves.


Disaster Master
Dec 26, 2017
Very fine with it. Not only is it a LOT of comfort for me to just boot up a rom on my computer thats always on as opposed to going to the attic to get my dusty old console, I have everything on one system, can use any controller that I like, and since I don't have a CRT anymore for the authentic experience anyway, emulating is the BEST and cleanest way to experience old games on a newer TV.

If Nintendo REALLY wants to oppose this, they should just make a program like switch nesflix or steam, only with a bigger library and available on PC. If they can make ****ty mobile games I don't see why they can't sell their real games on PC.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
honestly, the people who would want to do it are gonna do it anyway, its not like taking away the sites is all of sudden gonna make someone go "well, guess I'll have to drop 30 or so dollars on that game boy games on the eshop",there's gonna find another way
Jul 21, 2017
Clearly not all the games are available on their eShop. I just feel as if it's one of those things were they felt their didn't make enough and looking to where the money has possibly went. They see one place making a killing from ad revenue from offering the ROMs for free and it turns into mayhem.
Oct 31, 2018
Hyrule Castle
I already use an emulator for Android smartphones, so I can play games I haven't played in a long time (I barely ever use it though). I've always wanted to try playing on an N64 emulator, I've seen so many youtube videos of people messing around and playing Ocarina of Time on one. I've also always wanted to try rom hacks with some of my favorite older games out of curiosity.

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