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Elf ears; hot or not?

Feb 23, 2011
I was rather happy that i was able to equip Milla Maxwell from Tales of Xillia with elf ears, she was already cute but with those ears she's now super attractive.
Yeah, Muzét has those weird elf-like ears, too. They're all right.

I neither like nor dislike elf ears on certain characters. They're just so-so. Then again I don't find very many fictional characters attractive 'in that sort of way'. I judge 'attractiveness' in fictional chars based on how much I'd like to draw them or whatever. So, like, the ears have never been a point of interest in that regard, unless there's something particularly uncanny or spectacular about them. Elf ears are so tired and commonplace, and there's not too many elf-like characters that I'm just dying to draw.
Sep 23, 2013
United States
What you call hot, I call adorable on both my favorite kid Links (Young Link & Toon Link). Sometimes I imagine their ears to be expressive hence why I said their elf ears look adorable on them. <3


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
I don't know if I have ever given that much attention to the ears to have a strong opinion on their being pointy or not.

I guess as long as they are normal-ish size it's okay. But when things get to ridiculous World of Warcraft, cannot walk through most doorways easily levels then it's hard to notice anything but the ears.

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