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Game Thread DW's Very Creatively Titled Mafia

Dec 13, 2019
I never said you were not contributing, Jamie.

I think what you've contributed is lackluster, thus why I'm focused on you (more so for the setup talk which, to me, serves as easy cover to appear like you're contributing when you're not).

As for the others not contributing, well, are you deflecting? Does it bother you that I'm focused on you as opposed to any of these people that haven't said anything or as much?

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I don't want JD to be lynched like this twice in a row.

Vote: KoD

I honestly don't mind his reasoning on Jamie, but the fact that he still will not explain mode bothers me. And not just because he's scum reading me for that for some reason? But because he seems like he's evading answering simple questions.
Nov 2, 2023
Does it bother you that I'm focused on you as opposed to any of these people that haven't said anything or as much?
It doesn’t bother me more than irritate me, because your logic is incredibly flawed. If you want my two cents fully you didn’t need to accuse me, just ask. Here’s a readslist:

Town Confident: Rag, Ex, Mido, KoD
Town Leaning: Ian, Min, HHH
Null (Fully): OGS, Storm
Scum Leaning: Darth, Killjoy

Sorry if me talking about roles and trying to teach new players how to play is CWACing to you, but trying telling me that more clearly than “talking too much about setup”. I play the game more mechanically, if that bothers you then I am more than willing to discuss it.
Dec 13, 2019
@ Cin Min:

I'm not avoiding answering simple questions. All I said was mode and you guys lost it. You, specifically though, drew my attention with your response. I just love it when you engage with me in a small way which forces me to have to approach you and engage more which leads to this. It's refreshing.

@ Jamie:

There's no thing mechanical to discuss, and I consider setup talk on D1 (without relevant information to allow for mechanical deduction) to not be related to mechanics. As I said, it's just something to hide behind.

You're free to approach the day how you want. I'm not sitting here trying to get a read list or anything out of you. You, notably to me, made your posts as you did which drew my attention. Now, with said attention, you're trying to dissuade me from going after you: if I wanted a list just ask, calling me town for my aggression, and ranking me as town in your list.

None of that is going to deter me from you as I see no point to rethink my perspective on you at this point in time. If anything, how you're approaching me just makes me all the more certain about you.
KingofDominaria (3) - ExLight, Minish, HangryHangryHippo
HangryHangryHippo (2) - Ragnarokio, Storm
JamieIsBored (1) - KingofDominaria

"Surely it must have been KoD!" one person spoke up. "I mean, he's... he's KoD!"

KoD sighed, mildly amused, initially. He was quite sure he'd identified the true killer, but the other townspeople weren't listening.

"Why, he even has a gun!" someone else said, pointing to the holster on KoD's belt. KoD shrugged; sure, he
did have a gun, but he didn't see that proving anything.

Regardless, the group approached him, confident in their accusations, and intent on arresting him (an arrest of questionable legality, of course, but none of the people quite had that aspect on their minds).

In the process of this questionably legal arrest, the gun fell from KoD's holster, and, apparently, the safety was not active. So, of course, the gun went off, and unfortunately, in spite of his innocence in the recent murder, KoD was killed.

KingofDominaria has died. He was the town-aligned vigilante.

kod role.png
Hi there KingofDominaria, and welcome to DW’s Very Creatively Titled Mafia. In this game, you will have the very creatively titled role of Vigilante. As a vigilante, you may, during one night in the game, target a player to kill them.

You are neighbors with [redacted], meaning you share a private chat where you may discuss the games occurrences.

You are aligned with town and win when no threats to the town remain.

It is now night one. Night one will end at 4 PM CDT on April 2.
Last edited:
Nov 2, 2023
Cool, well that was just a lose/lose situation for me then wasn’t it? I’m not scum, I thought you were town because you were at least trying to push a case forward even if it was wrong.

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