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Game Thread DW's Very Creatively Titled Mafia


Staff member
and how am I scum-leading when I've done absolutely nothing? I'm trying to watch and wait but because I "haven't moved the discussion forward" I'm scum?
to be fair watching and waiting is something that benefits mafia rather than town lol

have you observed anything interesting while watching? do you think anyone looks more or less suspicious?

town has urgency to bounce some ideas around to find mafia, otherwise we'll just be losing numbers for no reason lol

Well that was a mess. Could someone give me a real quick summary of what "Setup(Talk)" is please?
uuh setup talk is usually referred to speculation on the game balance like what roles it might have and what ratio in each team

it's the general idea on what to expect from the host, which is useful in a coordinating way but isn't as important as active scumhunting
May 30, 2023
sorry, thought he said something but looking back through it he didn't do anything. Still, I'll keep my eye on ALL of you lol
I said a lot of things. No need to walk this back. Don't be afraid to throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks. You might get backlash for it or it might be dismissed in the moment but could be a building block down the line. Another way to build interactions like Jaime was talking about is to throw out things as you see them. Then people have a paper trail on your mind set even if you aren't throwing a lot of votes. Of course mafs don't want this because they wanna stay flexible so walking stuff back too often, even if just because you're feeling insecure about it from a new player perspective, is likely to leave you seen as mafia.
Eleven people approached each other.

Wait... eleven? Did that mean...?

Everyone was still there. This struck many of the townsfolk as strange; somehow, they'd expected the murders to continue after the first one.

"Maybe... maybe it was just KoD after all?" one person said.

"No it wasn't!" someone argued. "The narrator said it wasn't KoD, and who can we trust if not the narrator?"

This baffled the other townsfolk; none of them recalled hearing of any such narrator. Regardless, somehow, they found this assertion quite credible. So, it wasn't KoD, but everyone was still alive.

Nobody has died.

It is now Day Two. Day Two will end at 4 PM CDT on April 4.
Nov 2, 2023
Sick, hopefully why that happened will become clear.

On another topic, I am of the belief that there are multiple neighbours this game, if not everyone being paired up with someone else. I am in a neighbourhood chat and it is not with KoD.
Nov 2, 2023
Do you guys not do miller D1 here?

Very stereotypical miller from Ex (Loud Compulsive Visitor Miller?). Similar to my own role and the flipped KoD slot. I’d trust Ex here honestly, he can always prove himself next night phase.

Mint Elv

Sep 1, 2017
Garreg Mach Monastery
Do you guys not do miller D1 here?

Very stereotypical miller from Ex (Loud Compulsive Visitor Miller?). Similar to my own role and the flipped KoD slot. I’d trust Ex here honestly, he can always prove himself next night phase.
No miller doesn’t come out immediately day 1 here.

@Morbid Minish Does Light trying to visit you seem plausible.

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